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BBC doing Harvey and will be mm3. Doing OFs which reminds me of old times. I pick and choose TV offers. No manager , do it all myself
Right, so completely competent in managing her business affairs then? This is the 2nd time she has said this on the record. No excuses for the bankruptcy court then!

The interview, Good god she’s still playing the same old schtick, the ultimate victim in everything! Very slowly this is working less and less and she is losing ‘fans’ but she literally has nothing else to offer.
She’s a victim of the nasty media? no Kipper they know you’re a liar, ever since you blamed them for you posing as a domestic violence victim.
And her advice ‘not to have fights’ as lawyers get the money. No they aren’t ‘fights’ Kipper, the other people you owe money are your victims and you haven't paid the lawyers 🤦‍♀️. If you lie and libel someone, harass them repeatedly or show revenge porn of them it isn’t a ‘fight’ they didn’t ask you to do it. You’ve broken restraining orders because you don’t stop contacting people. They’re not fighting, they want you to go away you stupid cow. She is a typical, victim-blaming abuser!
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She was asked to learn sign language, to help Harvey, but laughed it off, saying he was blind, so what was the point. Once he was old enough, he always knew what was in the fridge & could read an iPad, so she knew he could see, although his sight isn’t great. Too lazy to learn even Makaton. Well, let’s be honest, she was never with him. AFP, nannies, friends & housekeepers or anyone available, is how he’s been raised. She treats him like a baby. He hates loud noises, yet all she does is shout. Odd.
My Parents and both Brothers are profoundly deaf (heriditary) and communicate via sign language. I was brought up signing before I could speak. I abhor lazy parenting in this respect - this grinds my gears A LOT. And regardless of him being “blind” you can still sign - there are deaf and blind people who manage to communicate perfectly well via sign language.
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The only positive thing I can say about that tat is that at least she used a (highly filtered) picture of P with her natural curly hair rather than the poker straight hair that P always seems to end up with when in skanks company. And at least the curly hair gives you an indication of who the tat is meant to be, because facially it's nothing like P.

Talking of P, do you think the tat is a way of keeping her in skanks life. There have been a real lack of published interactions recently. The last I can remember is at the kids football game back in November when the current living arrangements began. Perhaps P is starting to take a step back and this is skanks way of demonstrating how they are forever intertwined just because the skank is Ps mother egg donor
Yep they call it 'hoovering' when a narcissist uses tactics to try and get noticed by someone that's been ignoring them. It often involved emotional blackmail or some other way of getting their attention that the person feels they can't ignore. I'm also wondering if the tattoos of the kids could be for the bankruptcy hearing too, a sort of 'proof' that she's a great mother and needs the house and no harsh punishment?

I read what Wilma said on the last thread, that she has been told Skank coached Jett and Bunny to be vile to Michelle. Would we expect any less from the woman that wished their baby dead and broke restraining orders calling Michelle vile things? I bet what we hear is it's just the tip of the
iceberg. I still think Kieran will be working to get the kids back, they may have needed a break for their sanity but I think Skank has exploited that if it happened.
Mums and dads both have parental responsibility and rights, so if one of them keeps the kids there is absolutely nothing police can do about it.....
apart from a 'welfare check'. Police were called to Skank's house to do a welfare check on 22nd Nov. , then 2 weeks later Kieran was accused of harassment by Skank and arrested. I do think he was trying to get J&B back.

Not one positive comment on this post, advertising her appearing on GB news later… surprise surprise.
View attachment 1896446
As if the 'world' would be watching GB news, as if the world would be watching Skank. It's a double whammy of desperation.
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Palace Tone

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So basically the interview wasn’t actually an interview, it was yet again just an advertising platform.
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So as everyone knows I comment a lot on the Mirror Katie Price comment section. This is my comment " i like the other article in which she said talked about suicide. Well, this is an important subject in that no one should LIE about it and it should be talked more about. I know this because I have tried lucky for me I know fudge all about medicine so when I tried it, it didn't affect me. But when someone lies they usually forget things. She said she tried to commit it after the car crash !!? Well, that was Sept 2021 so why did she say the exact same thing in Feb 2021. If she is lying that is a low and dirty thing to do. As there are thousands who do this every year and she is living off the pain and misery of those who suffer." and the image is from my personal email (not showing my email address or page). This is from someone who is either a member on here or reads the links/pages on here. This is how sick some people really are.


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£60k for Panto you say Skank, well the reviews weren’t great time were they, turning up late, not rehearsed, not knowing the lines or routines, the rest of the cast hating ya, and you’re 10x worse with your arrogant couldn’t care less attitude these days, pity the fools who would put you in any major production 🤦🏽‍♀️ Review from last time, ain’t happening is it you deluded narc….

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Here , forgot the best bit , Breaking her silence ! Wtf
First interview in two years ???? Nobody’s ever been able to shut the fucker up , what a crock 🤣🤣🤣

Wonder if sink boys woken up yet to get the kids breakfast, dressed and do the school run,, bunny let slip last night old sink boy was asleep when someone asked were he was. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Been saying from day one they haven't split just another scam from these two clowns. 😎
Yeah Stan, too quiet , every time she splits , full bunny boiler mode , you know the conniving double dealer pair of chancers are up to something 👍
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its not about what Harvey wants,its what skanky wants. what nightclub is going to risk their licence and incur extra insurance for little to no profit,just to buff up her ego ? there would be a grave risk to Harvey, an autistic man ,who does not like loud noises in a disco, that would most certainly set him off, mixing with unknown (drunk?) adults ( with unknown agendas for going there) in a venue where alcohol is available.she could be setting him up for ridicule and violent clashes. innocent people could be injured and since Harvey is on medication and used to going to bed and having his medication at certain times, she is NOT putting his interest first. she could throw him a party at mm (if she still got it) but then again,she would have to pay for it wouldnt she,it wouldnt make her any money and she couldnt pick up anyone to shag !
He's been in college so he'll have made friends, why not give him a party with them? She knows she wouldn't get the other parents agreeing to their kids being in a nightclub or being at an event where she sells photos. So it has to be a Nightclub full of strangers where she can be photographed, none of it is for Harvey.
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I am worried about BH
KP seems very confident about keeping house and being discharged from bankruptcy
I feel she has got a plan
The house won’t be up the the BH it will be the people she’s borrowed money for it . Eviction takes time and court orders. The BH - up til now she’s not engaged so unless she suddenly finds almost 4 million there will be fall out for her. However I wouldn’t put it past her to try to hide money so that although she gets an allowance etc she will have extra spends. I think she will try to say she needs weekly manicures and acrylic nails, hair appointments and holidays for work , and she will try to hold on to her assists by saying it’s work too. She’s as slippery as an otters pocket. I hope though the judge looks at previous behaviour and puts his foot down. But even when she is eventually discharged from it. She’s just going to do the same as Katina and repeat the behaviour again. Why wouldn’t you-if there are no consequences- they wrote off all the Jordan trading debt - given she had given herself personal loans from the company of £150000 but didn’t Perdue as there was no realistic chance of getting it back, given her personal debt . So I’m hoping the this BH for the personal debt is chased with the fullest consequences. If it were you or I it def would be
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If I was PA, I’d be very concerned and upset that my minor daughter’s face is tattooed on her feckless mother’s leg and displayed for all the creepos who subscribe to her OF.
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