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Don’t think she will ever have someone real. Because of the way she behaves. She won’t ever have a genuine adult relationship, she’s damaged goods. I just don’t think she’s capable of it??
It depends what she wants from a relationship.There will never be a shortage of morons who want to be with her for the perks, or some one who wants to join the “ I’ve shagged Kipper” club.
I could have a great deal of sympathy for her,if she actually treated people with some kindness.
To be honest, she would just be better remaining single.No one is suggesting she becomes a nun, but perhaps do some casual dating.Be a little more circumspect, a little more discreet.
By that I mean don’t introduce him to your kids as Daddy number infinity plus 1,or tell people about his knob size.
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Thought might see some reports of her misbehaving this morning, but it’s tumbleweed on SM searches, my fellow Brighton people can’t be bothered mentioning her if spotted out and about, or most people don’t know who she is anymore, especially the younger crowds.

Oh dear Skank, with the words of that famous Oscar Wilde quote, “There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about”….your star has waned, the people no longer talk about you, the fall cometh Skank 😁
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Wonder why she's not posted the new Sharpie eyebrow pics yet?
Has she been to Lakeside with the kids yet?
Have the Police charged her with harassment yet?
These and more questions will be answered on the the next episode of 'Stash'
Even Loretta Swit at 84 looked better than the Skank...

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I don’t get her being so blasé about her spending and the BH in this new interview.
She owes Alex Reid money from 2021 (? I think)
Peter Andrew from earlier (2020?) so surely both should now take legal advice about her instead spending £3k a month heating a home when they are current court ordered creditors? It’s excessive
Alex Reid sadly went bankrupt (and has been discharged) so he won’t he won’t see a penny, it will all go to his creditors. I should think his legal team who are owed the money from her, will go after her.
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It suggests Carol has a Kipper & him sex tape ... No one would be interested if he has though 🤣
I hate to put a dampener on things but if he releases a sex tape without KPs permission- that’s revenge porn and a criminal offence.
No one would be shocked or probably much interested in any tape with her anyway.
If carls got something on KP (and I think he has) it’ll be to do with hiding money , drugs, neglect of her children.
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Ah now, South Africa..

Well sadly Skanky has told us various versions on what happened in SA, none of which
anyone believes.
Reading between the lines here it looks to me that the door to This Morning interviews has already been slammed shut in Kippers face & she is pissed off
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Was her relationship with Carl Woods real, or just a transaction and cash grab? How sad. When there could be someone real.
Don’t think she will ever have someone real. Because of the way she behaves. She won’t ever have a genuine adult relationship, she’s damaged goods. I just don’t think she’s capable of it??
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Oh please…..🙄 can you imagine this pair doing fillers….

In January she intends to enrol in a course to learn how to administer injectable cosmetic treatments — “Botox, fillers, all that. I’ve had enough of them in my life to know what’s good and what’s not.” The plan is to open her own beauty salon in the annexe of her farmhouse. “Well, I’ve got the car parking, and I pay council tax on the bloody thing, so I might as well use it.”

This doesn’t sound like a thoroughly well thought-out plan, but she has already come up with a name for the clinic. “Carl was going to do it with me, so it’s ‘Barbie and Ken’. Why not?” Well, trademark regulations, for one. “Yeah, I might have to change a letter or something to make it look different. But that’s genius. Why not?”

Thank you @MuckyDucker for that 😘
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She has got a lot to answer for when it comes to Harvey - the drugs and drinking during pregnancy aside - she’s failed him time and time again, exaggerated his disabilities and has added to his issues by her own neglect (scalding himself) she has made no effort whatsoever to encourage him to reach his full potential, it’s bloody hard work raising a disabled child and she’s done fuck all other than pass him around to whoever will have him and over feed him to keep him quiet.
If Katie was a decent Mother to Harvey, he would slimmer, better behaved and more in control with his issues.
But Katie hasn't been a decent Mother to Harvey and there is plenty of evidence to prove this, she's milked him
for years. Harvey is heading for an early grave IMO, all down to Skanky's lack of care and attention. I'm sure he
would be in far better shape had Skanky not ruined her marriage with Peter Andre. Pete was good for Harvey
from what I remember.
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The interview was done on 21st November when the weather wasn't quite so bad but yes, no excuse. No wonder those dogs get out on the road if she leaves them roaming outside, even after she's lost other dogs to the A24 (and the horse...) She never seems to learn, stupid cunt.

She really doesn't care. The bad press she has had over the past few years regarding all the animal's death's and she hasn't changed a thing. If you live next to a fucking dual carriageway you do not let your dogs roam around. I am paranoid about the safety of my 3, probably totally over the top but they rely on me to keep them safe and I would do anything for them.
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Had a quick skim though the Scum online today ....... Couldn't bring myself to read the Skank articles but I did look at the Coketona turkey teef piece ..... shes crying as usual , she pleads to be knocked out (plenty of volunteers to do that for you luv ) also, in some of the heavily filtered pics she vaguely resembles Amanda Holden or Cheryl Cole , unfiltered its more like a cross between the Giant Cunt and Dick Waller , where are the trading standards people ? these people are fraudsters . Speaking of the Giant Cunt , she wonders why the top fashion brands said she was too fat to represent them ........ well , you wouldn't ask Larry Grayson to advertise a mixed martial arts event would you , you daft cunt !
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They really are going to use the “Christmas Miracle” angle with this story release, it’s coming either this weekend, or in the days leading up to Christmas Day.

Prepare yourselves Krusties, we will not be amused, it will be extremely stomach-churning, Skank is going to rinse this for all it‘s worth, additionally using it in some capacity at the BH, and to keep hold of the MM. Sadly I think she will earn much coin for all her ‘exclusives’, complete with all the family photos and “family is everything to me“ bs she loves to peddle, it’s gonna be grim watching the family grift cranking up to maximum….yuck 🤦🏽‍♀️

I still think the split with SB has been engineered as AFP won’t have him around. The relationship is fake but Skank needs SB until a new egg is found, chauffeur etc. So split for now, he can still chauffeur her in secret, what he’s doing now if you ask me. No questions asked about why he’s not in the family photos with AFP, when she sells the story, as they are no longer together. Skank gets as much money in as she can, deals are done, he is then welcomed back sometime in the New Year. SB given a tidy sum of the story money to keep quiet and play along.
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