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I hope everyone has noticed that Kippers media 'career' is over ... whatever story Kipper throws at the media now ... however salacious ... no major press coverage, no-one wants to pay her for an excusive story, no TV interviews, no ghost written book deal ... Kipper will be even more furious because her phone still isn't ringing and no one is taking her calls ... the doors are shut
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I’m on a train, with bad signal, but just seen all this…gee that is the story that was being peddled on the KH thread. Yes she’s a liar, and no way should she be speaking publicly like this, but I think we may have to prepare ourselves that KH has really f*cked up. Hope it’s all BS, she’s finished if so, but I got bad vibes we may be looking at her having some sort of main custody of those poor kids.,..they in big trouble if so, Skank is incapable of looking after their welfare and education. Bloody Hell, I fear for them, all signs we see of her behaviour show she’s an addict, unstable, surely drug tests are required, not sure how that works, others on here know better, what a mess if this is even slightly true. Gotta pray she’s lying 🙏🏽
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SB is complicit in her lies, he’s gone back to her even though she admitted cheating on him. (Unless he’s gathering more evidence) Is he egging her on, or trying to tell her she’s wrong in what she’s doing
Either way, I have zero sympathy for him, his chance came and went for his popcorn, mic drop moment, I hope he’s bloody miserable holed up with her.
Turning off his comments, he knew what would be said.
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Carl, look and learn.

If you ever dare leave Kate, if you ever dare get a pretty young girlfriend and start building a future with her, if you ever dare have a baby with your prettier younger girlfriend you, that's right YOU, will be the next Keiran. You're nearly there already, emasculated and skivvying for her but just wait til all this venom is unleashed on YOU.
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I was told, by Kirsty that Michelle has literally been put through the wringer by KP goading the kids to be horrible to her.
Yes, Michelle lost her rag. She is caring for 4 kids, one of which is a baby.
She threw an apple pie into the room. Not AT Bunny, not AT Jett. She was at the end of her rope that week. The kids had been HORRIFIC to her that week - all at KP's bidding.
I will probably lose my communication with Kirsty now because I have disclosed but I don't care because I see a very real, and very human story here. Michelle is a FANTASTIC mum and step mum, but she is human. Bunny/Jett were not hurt. They were not and certainly are not, abused in any shape or form in the Hayler household.
You only have to look at Cunts history with it's ex's to see a pattern.
For it, Kieran is the weakest target. It wouldn't even dare challenge Peter or even Alex for that matter.
It does have to be said, taking on children from a partner's previous relationship is not easy or straightforward at the best of times. When that biological mother is Price, I can't even begin to imagine what fresh hell she unleashes every day.
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Who wrote the posts doesn't matter. She has people to do her dirty work, more fools them.
Putting them on social media is foolish but she won't give a fart. She's been to court many times and knows how to play the system. Any fine (that she won't pay) is more than worth the damage she's causing.

Using the word abuse is abhorrent but quite clever - the first thing people associate with 'children' and 'abuse' is sexual, but she hasn't said that. She's hardly even implied it.

If KH is in trouble then he's a fool and deserves what he gets. If he's guilty of anything to do with underage girls, well.
If he's innocent then it's up to him to fight her, legally. Nothing to do with Andre or anyone.
Personally I think anyone posting their life on social media is an attention seeking fool who should respect their child's safety and privacy, but maybe I'm just old and dull.
Remember that everything you know about their lives is controlled by them, completely. Saying he's a brilliant dad is purely based on the photos they release. Hopefully he is.

If she really does have the kids despite her custody history (and I'm not sure how much of that is definite fact) it isn't unheard of.
Plenty of parents who are proven addicts, alcoholics etc have full custody of their children. The lives some kids live are much worse than anything the majority of people could ever imagine.
On the face of it, Bunny and Jett's basic needs are met, and there's no immediate reason to remove them from her. And yes, that's despite her vileness, game playing , taking them out of school etc. The attendance thing will have legal implications, but I've worked with behaviour and attendance here for a long time and even Jett is nowhere near serious levels. Hopefully they are old enough to keep themselves physically safe. Emotionally, they're being pulled every way and have been for years. Poor things.

It's all horrible and wrong but that's how it is.
Let her keep posting, let her keep digging her pit. Some of it will hopefully trigger trouble for her.

Sorry, long missive with not much positivity!
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Just had this from my mate who saw it driving

"Lights on at the house. Tesco delivery van driving out"
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Still laughing about the TIKKY TOKKY ban 😂

Sorry, nah not sorry, I’m deploying THE gif again for a new thread, Kylie’s had some wine, c’mon celebrate good times, c’mon…

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I really used to love it on here , had the greatest laughs, us krusties to piss ourselves at Skanky and sink boys antics , Now when I think about the old trollop it’s not funny anymore, feel like I’m walking neck High through sewage, I saw a few comments from people on twitter about KH doing this and that yesterday, not going to repeat them because that would make me as bad as them, But only if I was the fella I would be totally mortified, disgusting really, and one person started the rumours ,and Put them out there, I haven’t a clue of the ins and outs ,
But he hasn’t be convicted of anything and the sorts of things being said could be life ruining ,
Disgrace really
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There's no way she's wrote this herself
I have spoken to a number of the women ... Kipper is in big trouble ... she is stalking and and looking for ways to harrass Keiran and Michelle & split them up - their relationship and his life are nothing to do with her ... none of what she is saying are things that put the children at risk ... unlike her shagging a bloke in a hotel room when Princess was with her ... I am not surprised she is going to be questioned by the police ... whoever wrote and posted this for her is as thick as she is
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Its confusing how, she can plaster all this information on IG, when there is an ` active ` investigation going on, that makes no sense at all ( police and social services ) ... Also did Keiron tell his children the names of ` all ` the women he has ` allegedly ` been shagging? ... FOR WHAT REASON 🤷‍♀️ ..... again I call BS on this story .... it all sounds like incoherent nonsense, from a ` sick ` mind .... SHE has carefully orchestrated this whole thing, used the children to make recordings on phones she has given them, ordered them to record any little argument in the home ( they would find this fun being children, not understanding, what she is up to ) and she has got someone to manipulate videos ( with todays technology, this can be easily done ) .... hope she is arrested immediately on return to the UK, she does NOT have sole custody, that's complete bollocks, the children would be placed with a blood relative, not back to someone with her LOOONG history of neglect, where a ` judge ` ordered them to be removed ( she lives in cloud cuckoo land ) ..... what is more worrying, is how far she will go for revenge, as mentioned this is the work of a VERY SICK mind, not ill .... SICK ( big difference )
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Well-known member
Still laughing about the TIKKY TOKKY ban 😂

Sorry, nah not sorry, I’m deploying THE gif again for a new thread, Kylie’s had some wine, c’mon celebrate good times, c’mon…

View attachment 1793200
Excuse me miss, may I have this dance?
I'm celebrating my promotion to "Active Member"... (It's only taken me since March 2021 😂)

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Pretty sure 99% of that info should not be in the public domain, especially if any official investigation is ongoing...🤔

Always having to be in the right & holier than thou is a deeply flawed narc character trait & can get you into serious trouble! 🤫

Threatening video evidence being next thing to be released will go down well 😳🤯
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I see SFP has been flexing her English GCSE again on Skanks behalf - conveniently forgetting that those two small children spent most of their growing up years in the care of a drug addict, drunk driver, abuser, animal killer with a revolving door of new man coming in and out, and that’s before we get to Slapgate etc.
I have no idea what the hell is going on but until I see the video I am giving both MP and KH the benefit of doubt.
Sophie Price - I know you read here. You are not as clever as you think you are, you are little more than a grubby enabler and you are no better than that waste of skin you call a sister.
Ahhhhh - that’s better - dog walk time!!
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Chatty Member
I am not doubting that something has clearly happened here. BUT - Skank is literally in NO POSITION to EVER speak on the safety and well being of her children. Her multiple men ( Including violent Crawl ) Drug fulled binges, apparent attempted suicides, Drug fulled altercations while the kids are home, leaving her children in hotel rooms while she shags people etc. the list goes on and on. The fact is she is all about herself and doesn't actually care for those children, shes just happy that SHE can now rub it in the faces of MP and KH. Blasting this shit on Social media for them too see in the future is truly disturbing. This crow is no fit mother. The kids need to be with someone responsible. These poor kids, they are the only victims.
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It's still up this morning, can't be having too much fun if she's posting that from her ski holiday..... or is SFP posting it on her behalf? I thought she would have been more careful? Hmmmmm the plot thickens.
Oh and reported her for hate, harrament, mis information and violence speech.
Unfortunately Facebook don't have report option for being a massive cunt option yet. Hopefully its on its way.
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