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Pom Bear

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In a few days she will go missing again, then pop back three days later with even more tattoos🤔😀 x


Back later I'm on page 1 🥰 x
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I post in good faith but only when the dead bird flies east @Gem74
Oh my days 😂😂😂😂😂

Aww sorry @Binfest I feel mean. I hope you see the funny side too? I expect your’re lovely and a real laugh in real life

Thank you.... that's a lovely comment.

I give genuine info but you can't please everyone all of the time.

The crow and the vulture fly west now.

Big up the girls tonight at the Amex ... 👍
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Thanks Cloud Chaser lovely to see you here,if she has got ‘money hidden offshore or under the matress’ will they find it as such?
I am limited at what I can disclose. But, that said, I can say that the case being repeatedly delayed has been positive in terms of sources of income coming to light.
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I am getting so much abuse on my local news site after they posted an article on her cancelling the plasterclasses. They have even started on my children 🤬🤬🤬

Apparently I'm a terrible women as I'm not bigging up other women. Ffs. They have pissed me right off. They don't want to hear the truth and when you tell them it's all "be kind" and all that bollocks.
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Among a few others on this forum, Cloud Chaser’s posts have been absolutely proven to be true.
Absolutely @kourtneykool. Cloud chaser T is 100% genuine. No one is going to risk the BH after all this time by putting info out there that may harm it. I honestly don't know why people can't understand that side.
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Katie Price #190 - The story has dropped, her OnlyFans has flopped, all over for Skanky, has she ate Wanky?

(first thread suggestion, yikes!)
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michelle is properbly NOT scared of her, just playing her at her own game. she seams a very strong, beautiful woman (inside and out) and thats why skanky is soo jealous of her
I disagree with your view that Michelle isn't scared of KP. Michelle is absolutely strong and beautiful but that doesn't mean she doesnt feel fear. A narc like KP is capable of anything. She has attacked women in the past and as her behaviour gets more and more unhinged I completely believe that Michelle is scared. KP turned up at KB's house and tried to climb in the window. Has attacked Jane Pountney. She is capable of anything imho, and more than that it's not knowing. Never being able to fully relax. Always being on edge. My heart goes out to Michelle and I don't think we should say she's playing KP at any sort of "game". She's told her truth and she has every right to do so.
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
@Pom Bear you are on fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🤣🤣 I'm absolutely howling at Edna's new balloon business.... I'll have UM 2 please 🤣🤣

My suggestion for a Krustie's identifying "uniform" is a bright pink Jaywhywhy t-shirt with Woo Hoo, I LOVE IT on the front & cunt on the back 🤣
Thanks you 😄🥰💖❤🤗😘 xx
Loooooool two UM balloons for you ...there you go...that be UM 2 pound and UM 20 pence please 😁😊😄 xx.

Seeing this pic at first glance with Katie at the front and that shop thing at the side in the red circle I put round it... it gave me an idea that at a glance Katie is posing like the Terminator with the gun 😄😄😄 x


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What a nasty piece of work KP is. Wishing an innocent baby to be dead or disabled. Finding out where you live and turning up at the door. Trying to get hold of your phone number. Poor Michelle. She is living under a sentence, not KFP. Notice she said that if she goes out for the day, she doesn’t post a photo until afterwards, as she is scared who might turn up and what they will do. She doesn’t even go outside to her own car after dark. And yet KP only got more CS? This is a horrible way for Michelle to be living, why should she have to be scared to go out or answer her own front door. All because Katie fucking Price is a number one bitch.
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I said I was gonna buy champagne to celebrate Skanky’s comeuppance when the story eventually broke, whatever the story might be, but I feel too sad and angry for what the vile bitch has put Michelle & Kieran through, to feel in any celebratory mood, but I’m so glad the truth has finally been put out there, The Red Tops have done their job in reporting of the true facts for once.

This had better be the beginning of Skanky’s disappearance from public life now, no more pandering newspaper/magazine articles, TV shows, freebies from companies etc. Be gone Skank, how can any decent person want an association with her now, take down your social media and just go.
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I don’t blame Michelle really, I am sure she’s had enough. She tried to get legal retribution and that didn’t work. What does she have left. It’s hard to turn the other cheek when you have been left with your abusers little kids to raise, (with no child support I’m sure) who have been traumatised. I hope The Sun paid them for the interview. And they go on a nice holiday with the money!
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Do you think the kids are actually bothered if they see her or not
I think they love her.Totally love her.And that is the most awful thing of all.If it’s true that she only sees the wee ones for 2 hrs a week( it is), then she actively chose to eff off on holiday on a freebie rather than keep up with those 2 hrs of contact.
Her world my arse.She chose Mr Teef over them.At least they have a loving father, and a stepmother who tries to give them stability.MP deserves nothing but praise.
Imagine trying to explain why Mummy i has cancelled again.
The elder two love her also.I suspect that Junior is torn, because he recognises that her behaviour is off the scale.But my pity is for Princess.She has been practically forced to be her mother’s confidant, when she is only a child.
No 14 year old should be placed in that position.It is a mother’s job to protect and nurture.
Rant over.
Actually, no it isn’t.Kudos to Emily as well.She has tried to be a decent stepmother/ role model without trying to usurp the skank.
And no matter what we think of Peter, good, bad or indifferent, he has done his best by his children.
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OMG, this Is it, the story has arrived, now the public know what she is, absolute vile trash, this should be the end of her TV career now. F*ck you Lorraine Kelly, GMB, This Morning, bloody C4 and that mental health programme (she is an abuser FGS) the BBC, and other channels that pander to her. End it now with her, she’s gutter-trash, we do not want any more excuses saying poor Katie, read the room, here is a woman who has suffered serious sustained abuse from Price, Michelle deserves your support, no more defence of Price, stop enabling the witch.

No wonder Skanky’s hiding, and off SM, how you going to explain this then Skanky, public can see and read what you are now, those few hundred fans you have left can’t support you any longer, they’ll try but the #bekind brigade are as idiotic and vile as their idol if they still stand by Skank now. Let’s see what unfolds next, surely this a massive turning–point. Know she gets away with it all as a rule, but Ms Teflon is in big big trouble with this story. The baby comment, FFS, Lorraine Kelly you bloody dare have Price on your show being all sympathetic to her, we are done with that crap from you and your ilk now. Priory on her return anyone, but where then 🤦🏽‍♀️
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