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Chatty Member
I’m with u mavis. I can’t bare to see her claim all that sympathy, plus I’ve a feeling she’s seeing where her negative publicity is going so is gonna try her hardest to spin it. I’m struggling to watch her vids atm, as she is really pissing me off. Crawls me how she has to make any man watch her horse ride aswell 😡, she is a proper show off and I don’t know y as she’s shit. I think I’ve said before, when she PAYED her way into the horse of the year show, she was a laughing stock around here. Funny how when her money was in decline that she never appeared in any of the big shows again! Don’t get me wrong, the horses are fab and that’s the reason she may of got the odd rosette but other than that she should keep her horsey interest as a hobby as that’s all she’s good for!
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Anyone else think Jett looks so sad and almost uncomfortable in her company? It would break my heart if that was my relationship with my son...
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Hope Carl enjoys his free gym. Katie did not even pretend the gym is for Harvey once she got it as she could not even be bothered to fool the public by taking pics of Harvey just sitting on the equipment. I am flabbergasted that so many people in the media are still taken in by her lies when she trips herself up so often. She is a disgrace!😡
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I just read up on those trading scams, people are losing ££££s and these influencers are being paid to promote them. Yet another thing that needs regulating on SM.
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liar liar

VIP Member
I just don’t get any of it though, in regards to the Kieran cheating all those times yet has managed to stay faithful to Michelle. I mean what did she have over him to embarrass and belittle him like she did after the story broke ? Why did he not just walk out and tell his side ? Why have none of the women he supposedly cheated with ever come out and given their story? It can’t be to do with any loyalty to KP cos she literally trashed these women and vowed to ruin their lives. It’s just weird, the whole thing sets off my spidey senses.
I think she knows some very unpleasant people.
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So when all you lucky Tattlers have bought her outfits from Depop, call this number and you can book Carl... what do we reckon 🤣 📱 💰
Might do, my car could do with a wash.

Just had a shufty my word that agency or whatever it is really has got some top talent on its books. I'm struggling to choose between car wash Cole, Skanky, katona, Nicola McLean, Jessica Alves to book to come and open my envelopes.
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Thought this might be in today.
The predictable cow thinks she’s clever as she knows how to ‘play the media’ she couldn’t even play 3 blind mice on a recorder! She needs to just fuck off and when she gets there, fuck off some more..
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
Oh I'll not be able to watch Harvey and me, nope!
Maybe it'll turn everything around for her but I doubt it'll do much for Harvey.
I'm going to have to watch it. But I already know I'll be in a rage about it. I reckon they'll have to tread very carefully with this. Because the backlash from this has the potential for it's own sonic boom. There's a lot of already struggling carers who are further impacted by lockdown & Covid. I don't see how they can spin this without upsetting a lot of people 🤷
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not to sleep around with randoms...she admitted she slept about because she felt lonely could have caught STD and that’s not safe during pregnancy it can lead to blindness
Nor is it safe to stuff thousands of pounds worth of the white stuff up your nose or drink yourself into oblivion whilst preggers...
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Sorry, but I don’t believe Harvey damaged the walls, I think they were done deliberately for when the documentary was filmed so ‘she’ can gain sympathy for his challenging behaviour. Why does she keep banging on about an ‘unbreakable bond’ ???? Don’t we all have an ‘unbreakable bond’ with all our kids? 😡
When she had the show with Pete, they did sometimes show Harvey's behaviour, he would throw his head and body back, could easily have hurt himself. In subsequent shows she had talked about this behaviour and shown how destructive he can become and the damage as a result. I think the reason they stopped showing this was no 1 his dignity and no 2 it would upset and disturb viewers.
I honestly believe that Harvey did cause the damage to the rental, possibly because its typical behaviour or possibly because he is stressed and unsettled in his environment.
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Active member
And none of them mention the poor boys condition can be linked directly to illegal drugs, alcohol etc during is this always missed!
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Cloud Chaser

Well-known member
Can you add anymore to the list @Cloud Chaser ?
I’ll look at the list in the morning. There’s no debt to Peter listed but nearly £1 mill in solicitorsfees is on there. Yes, she owes nearly 10k in private school fees and some to the Blind school Harvey went to.
There’s a 20k credit card debt. Nearly 2k is owed to TFL 🤷🏻‍♀️
She claimed in court that Kieron stole off her.
I remember seeing a business advice and support company is owed nearly 70k by her.
That article is out of date but I’ll compare tomorrow - it’s been a long day
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liar liar

VIP Member
More 'essential travel' She's going to milk this for all it's worth and tell more lies and no one can say different due to data protection and she knows it!
OK I'm gonna scam all of ya with my miraculous exocet missile bricks - hit the target every time - aim is true. I've never used one myself but they make my bust firm, my eyelashes like those of bambi, my teef is Dulux I white, my sex life is just 🐅 ish, my cooking skills have never been better, my dogs have lived longer than 6 months and my men are hung like the Incubus. So who wants one? Swipe back to front < :poop: > and input this discount code: IAMAFUCKINGCUNTINGLIAR for me to gain instant access to your bank a/c to invest in my FOREX scam which I think involves Aussie beer.

And none of them mention the poor boys condition can be linked directly to illegal drugs, alcohol etc during is this always missed!
Yup it has never been proven that he has Prader-Willi and she doesn't support the charities only Autism charities.

I appologise in advance if this has been mentioned before but... what is the crack with dwighty boy. Do ppl genuinely believe hes never bothered or paid for harvey
It is a lie she keeps spinning. She keeps trying to involve someone who wants nothing to do with her. He was denied access to Harvey unless he married her - everyone knows this but she keeps on banging the same old drum. The day this dirty cow invents a new story I'll eat my feet.
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liar liar

VIP Member
It's utterly disgusting. I don't know why she hasn't been banged up 🤔. Especially owing HMRC 🤷. People CAN literally get away with murder but if you owe HMRC £1 that's it, jail time. Why not her?? The sad reality is the small businesses she's owes to will never see a penny 😢
Last year my husband got a rebate of over £2k. He bought me something rather nice with it. Three weeks later HMRC said they had wrongly paid him and they wanted the money back within 7 days from the date of the letter (which meant the money was already overdue because of how these letters are sent). We then got a letter saying that we would be taken to court. You couldn't make it up. We ended up £2k worse off. Never mind though; he is not Katie Price.
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
I remember one in 2002, I was pregnant and on the toilet in the middle of the night and everything shook. No one else was awake and didn’t believe me 😂
At the time I lived in a 3 storey house on a quiet estate. I woke up & honestly thought an hgv was crashing into my house 😳. My 10 year old ran upstairs yelling. My 5 month old slept through. I remember rushing to look out the bedroom window & seeing loads of neighbours rushing out into the street. Many, many men in just their boxers 😂😂.

I will have a glass for you!! Wasted half a glass after seeing that multi coloured monstrosity!! Why oh why did I join Tattle? I love it too much and to the point I was checking posts whilst on a video training session today!!! 🤭 🥂:love:
Welcome.....there is no escape 😁. I have on several occasions woken my other half & kids from snorting with laughter reading this late at night 😂

@Pom Bear Pom can you work your magic on this please? 🙏🤣🤣🤣
Is that a hint to her next surgery.....a glass eye? 😳

So yesterday she was told to wear the boots, so gets on a horse today 🙄 essential travel?
And seems to be having trouble with her fake lashes on her stories.
She rides very well. Oh, wait, no, she looks like a sack of spuds strapped on 🙈. Bloody well done to the horse though. Clearly an accomplished human carrier 🐎
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liar liar

VIP Member
Of course the kids are in their fathers’ homes! Who does she think she is fooling? Can you imagine her having the kids and then homeschooling them?🤣🤣. She will be worse than Jacqueline Jossa and that says a hell of a lot!😂
So I nicked this comment from The Sun story about Katie and her poor old sore feet...

"I reckon she was having her favourite meal, 'Toed in the hole' and Coal left his boots on."

Badger88 is banging on about how Katie has BUPA so she can see anyone she wants whenever with her partner.
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