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I’m out today, but just heard that these absolute thunderc*nts are taking the piss yet again, with two fingers to all the people they (and I include him now, as he’s on the grift as well) have and are still ripping off.

I share the anger, seeing some recent posts on here, will be back for a big rant later, also saw another puff piece about H, f*ck the media, report on the damage she’s caused to others, you useless complicit idiots.

I presume he’s pleading guilty, if it’s true that they away for 3 weeks, or don’t tell me that has also mysteriously disappeared 🤦🏽‍♀️

Anyway hold firm Tattlers, no mater how they portray it, that relationship is dead, drinking in the hot sun on hols…. hohoho expect fireworks 😁 I’m confident they can f*ck up badly in someway, they are not a happy couple, could be this trip brings her down. Despite it all, she’s in decline, something will stick soon 👍🏼
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Hahahaha the irrelevant, melted, face like my hubby's big toe (I promise folk they're grim af), smelly, dead end, faking DV, narcissistic, still thinks she has clout twat is proper shitting it. How to kill KP.
Ignore her!!!
To her there is no greater punishment!!!!


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How's the spreadsheet looking now? :ROFLMAO:
I posted it yesterday, the latest entry is just me basically ranting now 😜 Lorraine Kelly annoyed me as much as Skanky this week, can’t stand Kelly anyway, fake as anything that woman, and is a tax avoider whilst making out she supports the NHS, hypocrisy much 🤦🏽‍♀️Was a new low from her this week. Argh these people 👊🏼😁

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Arse licking at its finest .... we can only hope, you have gone too far ` pwiccceee ` with the .... ` hand that feeds you ` .... and they come out all guns blazing to fucking destroy you ... ONCE AND FOR ALL .... you nasty leeching PARASITE ..... maybe its finally hit home, that your behaviour ... LIES ... WILL HAVE consequences ... you can only go so far with the media before they turn on you ... hopefully the scum deliver on this occasion .... with all this deadly silence, Im living in hope whatever they have planned, causes an almighty CRASH in this old, clapped out, drunk .... crack whores life .... their silence is killing her right now ... hence this cringeworthy crawly bumlick post :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: .... DV IS NO JOKE .... for us who have been there 🤬🤬 ... how sad and utterly embarrassing .... keep LICKING .... ( she's shitting herself ) .... you dim THICK skank .... BRING IT ON!! 👌👌


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Well, one good thing to take from it fucking off abroad. Clearer than ever that she isn’t allowed around the kids full stop 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Any other separated parent would be all over their kids coming back from holiday as, you know, you’d miss them wouldn’t you 🥴 I hope she gets hold of a batch of dodgy drugs, upsets the wrong person(s) and goes missing or at least gets caught in possession and gets slung in a Thai prison to rot out the rest of its existence. One can only dream.
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Chatty Member
Maybe advise the local police when we know where it is so that they can keep an eye on the scumbags and hopefully catch them doing sleazy photos or drugs :)
Don't you remember when Stephen bear was posting x rated content from the Maldives? Tattlers reported it to the local police as its a very strict Muslim country. He ended up fleeing very quickly lol
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Morning Krusties,

Another day another thread. What will the weekend excitement bring for us!!??

I’m off to see mini tattler 3 today in 4d for first time which is exciting as never done it before, so I hope the drama can wait til later today or I’ll be asking for a recap half way through haha.

Hope you all have a good day! Sun is shining.

Wonder if Krusty and Crawl are waking up with hangovers or sun shining for them two reprobates. Christ I bet the kids will be with her later seen as they’ve been away.
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She hasn’t seen her kids in weeks and now she’s fucking off on holiday for three weeks just as they come home?? I just can’t understand it.
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Frontways on she has a weirdly big neck - it’s almost as wide as her head. And from the side her top lip looks like she has a muzzle. She looks a bit ‘Planet of the Apes’.
There’s a comment in the fail saying her neck is as wide as her head and you can’t unsee it! 🤣
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If it’s true they are going to Thailand then I could guarantee that it will be a riot over there
She will get absolutely legless and cause it and it will be Turkey/slapgate all over again!
Except this time thousands of miles away
Katie and Carl Banged up Abroad and I don’t mean the OF version 😂😂😂
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He will plead guilty on condition he doesn't serve time and then moan his innocence when they get back along the line of having no choice because court wouldn't wait for them to get back from their 'business trip'!
It boils my p**s the way they make a mockery out of the justice system. If I had a court date coming up I would be an anxious wreck but they don’t give a crap. Sick of hearing about their mental health and anxiety because it’s only a factor when it suits them….. It’s never an issue regarding matters when it should be…. Like a court appearance.
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Darling, I’ve just returned from a walk to sainsburys (for my stupid mental health🙄😂), made myself walk in the sunshine, appreciating just how lucky I am…and then bought a load of cheese and bread and iced coffee and 2 desserts and some pate 😂😂😂
I can’t lie, I’m struggling today. We lost a group friend this week to addiction, and that’s enough to turn anyone to the darker side of things.

i figure snacks are far better than what I could be doing. If dessert gets you though, then dessert it is lol whatever it takes!
Oh I am so so so sorry to hear that 😔 my husband's best friend fell off the wagon a few weeks ago and sadly ended his life as a result. 😔 My heart goes out to you, well done for going out for a walk, and enjoy your treats, well deserved. Pate is a new addition to my life recently and I can't get enough of it.

To keep it all KP related, I wonder if she will ever have an epiphany and seek genuine help and feel genuine remorse. Surely even the worst people experience that? I remember watching a doc about Elton, he was VILE and proud of it, happy(ish) in his drug and alcohol habits. He managed to get clean and realise what an arse he was so it is possible. It just seems so unlikely with KP doesn’t it.
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I will eventually say more, but I can say 💯she uses Harvey for paid publicity. All her kids are accessories, but Harvey is the sympathy card. Jett means nothing to her. Princess is in her mind mini me, who she will try and manipulate and turn into herself. Junior is wise to her games. Bunny hopefully will only have supervised access without CRAWL around. I am angry about what’s happening because I know so much more, as do others I know. They have to be careful because legal are involved. Not in my case though.. I can open a huge can of worms and I will. The more she takes the P with the bankruptcies and criminal activities the angrier I am. Sick of her disrespectful attitude towards her kids and the law. I’ll leave it at that as 1st time I’ve had a real proper drink for weeks and I’m really P’d off. Nighty night. Also hope POM rethinks and doesn’t quite the site 💖💕💋.
I appeciate your honesty, but this is the part I can never get my head around. People say they know this and that but why over all the years and the damage she has caused various people. Why do so few come forward. What the hell hold does she have over people that we only ever hear her "version"
As for the kids, if peiple have actually been there when she has mistreated them mistreated them, they really need to speak out.
The BBC have filmed her with Harvey and borh the BbC and katie price are making her sound like Mother Teresa. While others know differently and do or say nothing.
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Philimena cunk

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Utter prick 🥴 if his OF is sooooooo successful why is he begging desperados to sign up for a discount?? And can't they take crap porno pics in this country? Must they be done abroad? If they're skint where the hell is the money coming from for this latest holiday? It cannot all be begged for freebies?
They are both boring lying cunts. Reduced to naff porn shots on OF to make a quid. We've seen the proof 🥴
Because nothing make you as horny as watching two ugly fat has beens rutting like a couple of feral dogs in the sunshine...
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