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At 9.31 into this video ... Bunny is playing with a pink crutch ` before ` they left .... this was them packing for the turkey trip, where she later jumped over a 25ft wall :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ` allegedly breaking her manky trotters ... 🤷‍♀️ ` .... anyone with eyes can see the child clearly playing with a PINK CRUTCH, which would suggest she was preparing for some type of foot surgery otherwise, why take crutches on holiday .... she really is a sneaky slippery CUNT .... her whole existence is MANIPULATION AND LIES 👊🤬🤬🤬
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Nothing sexier than yer man standing in a lavvie with his undercrackers round his knees 🤢🤢

View attachment 1076093
Have to say, this is the kind of photo your best mate( after a 20 minute rambling conversation) sends you at 2.30 in the morning.IThe first sentence starts with “ do you think this is normal”, and ends with you saying “ don’t worry love, it’s probably fine, I’m coming round and we’ll get it checked at the clinic to be on the safe side”
At no point is a photo of a penis near a toilet thrilling.
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🤔 Sorry where did you get the idea I was ’triggered’? And I could say the same about your original question to me 👇🏼 😉🥴
If you didn’t want a response to your question, you should have just said.
However as a mother I do feel strongly about a child being caught up, used as a go between for two adults.
Enjoy your day 😊
Come on Krusties we are here to shit on Pwice not eachother! We all have the common enemy :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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Ok, So using info from @thetrooth and @Gx2018 I have compiled a complete timeline of what we know. Remember this is all allegedly what happened for legal reasons. I've left footgate info in at the start for newbies, then slap/punchgate:

Katie broke her feet because Carl had accused her of cheating on him and said he was going to kill her. She jumped off the wall trying to kill herself after trying to jump off a balcony where he had caught her.
He describes her as shit in bed and a thick stupid whore. He also has videos of her taking drugs in front of the kids which he threatens her with. He has been filming her since the day they met and has evidence of her treatment of Harvey and her hiding money from her bankruptcy, hates her children and describes them as feral and that he doesn’t want any with her.
At photo shoots he demands to be involved and paid the same as Katie. He controls every aspect of her life including what she eats and what films she can watch. He also is a massive coke head. If he doesn’t want her to do a certain job he refuses to take her. Her career may have been on a downward spiral before but he’s certainly seeing that it gets worse.

On the night of slapgate they had been drinking and Cole went to the toilet. When he came back he saw Katie deleting something on her phone which he tried to grab but she threw it to Bunny. He attacked her in a jealous rage. She tried to run up the stairs but he pulled her down and that’s when the slap/punch happened. She was described as having a psychotic break and asking everyone she was with if they had any coke or any numbers for dealers.

Katie has parted ways with her manager since slapgate because Katie was asking her for things she wasn’t comfortable with.

For those wondering what Kris has, I have heard that he has a recording of a phone conversation between him and Carl where Carl tells him he has been recording Katie since the day they met and will bring her down. The ex-manager has a recording of this and I believe the police are also interested.

ALLEGEDLY the CPS have enough to charge Cole for slapgate but they need the children to testify and Kieran doesn’t want to put them through a court case, it’s not just Kieran who won’t let the children be around Cole. It’s also social services. They are really up her arse about it. Allegedly they were not in bed and witnessed the whole thing.

Another alleged thing that happened was Kirsty giving Katie a sleeping pill in a drink after she begged her to get her some drugs. Katie told the police about that

Kirsty took her and the kids in on the night of slapgate and helped her out even when she was being psychotic trying to throw herself down Kirsty’s stairs.

ALLEGEDLY Kirsty’s husband who also runs her business sent Katie a letter saying they would not be representing her anymore after her behaviour on the night of slapgate

Allegedly the police have photos of the actual injuries caused, I don’t know how Katie is trying to blame Kirsty for all of this seeing as she went to her house AFTER the punch

She was interviewed under caution I believe. When slapgate happened I think things were good between them. It’s the way Katie acted on the night because she was pissed/high and her behaviour towards Kirsty after the event which has made them part ways. The issue with the sleeping pill is that it is a prescription medication, prescribed to Kirsty not Katie and it is illegal to give other people your prescribed medication.

Allegedly on the night of slapgate, Kris was messaging princess for some reason but Katie was logged into Princesses account replying to him. This is why Carl flew into his rage. He allegedly was calling princess repeatedly after this to try and get information until Junior intervened and told Carl to stop calling. The police want Princess to make a statement as Katie told her that Carl had assaulted her but they aren’t sure if Princess will want to go against her mum. I think Kris was messaging about meeting up with a mutual friend of his and KP. I’d expect that’s exactly why they were doing it through Princess’s account. To be sneaky.

Also, allegedly Kirsty has reported a common assault to the police by Carl on her last year when he squared up to her aggressively.

Allegedly the supplying drugs offence against Kirsty has been NFA’d

Allegedly Kieran and Peter have given permission for the children to give statements regarding slapgate. Allegedly Cole’s dad, AFP AND Edna have refused to provide statements though

Cole is in court on 10/03, it’s for using threatening words and behaviour I think towards Katie.

Anyway allegedly Cole told Bunny and Jett that if they lied to the police and told them that he didn’t hit Katie then he would buy them a PlayStation. But later on they told Kieran what actually happened which I assume is what they told the police too.

And yes there is a separate offence for assaulting an emergency worker so this was definitely aimed at Katie.

Re the charge- from what I know after their fight (where he may or may not have hit her), she ran out of the house with the two children and I think Sid got out which delayed Cole chasing after them. When they were inside Harvey’s house Cole came and was banging on the front door and shouting telling them to open it. I’d say that’s probably the threatening words or behaviour. Once he had gone she fled again to Kirsty’s.

Edit: Harvey’s house has CCTV which the police must have seized which is obviously enough evidence to charge him with that.

Kirsty’s children and husband we’re also there when Katie came to her house. They have all given statements to the police about how erratic she was acting that night. Allegedly at one point they tried to put her to bed in one of Kirsty’s kid’s beds and she wet herself.

Proper trained doctors noted head and facial injuries the same night this all went down, as well as her jaw not fully closing. She was brought in by ambulance at police request, who were present at Carl’s.

Hospital report verified that there was bruising on the cheek and jaw issues as result, Katie spent 4 hours in hospital.
WOW very comprehensive account DC16. Thank you for all your hard work. DC16, you're a genius. Things in there I had not know until now. Given all that information, it would appear even odder that the police can still maintain there was no assault by Crawl. Also the fact KP has admitted to putting make up on to accentuate the eye injury does not bode well. Clearly Crawl is a control freak like Price. However she seems to have met her match. Clearly she can't just walk away from him now. He has too much dirt on her and presumably photographic/video evidence of the drugs etc. Knows all her scams regarding hiding/spending money. The fact that Kieran's children were involved in this disgusting slapgate spectacle is shocking. There is no way she will ever be able to have the kids unsupervised I suspect, quite rightly so. What a terrible way to live. I really don't see how this will all play out with the police/court. If she tried to throw herself down the stairs recently, jumped from a balcony in Turkey to get away from him, it's not going to end well for her, is the only scenario I can see. She won't want anything about the extent of drug use to come out, plus all the constant lie's & deceit regarding cash etc. Although I believe it will all come out eventually, but will she be jailed, probably not. What a toxic, vile relationship they have. He probably controls her with drugs, if she is an addict. Make's me sick AFP, EDNA & Mr PP Fencing dishing out statements about her MH and needing privacy, they know what's going on I'm sure. PLUS they won't want the shame of her reckless drug use, fraudulent cash misuse, etc coming out. She must be so coked up, that's the only way she can function. How she can remember all the lie's though, amazes me. Too many people involved in this, for the truth not to get leaked soon.
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Private messages/conversation shouldn't be published without permission in general, it's a breach of privacy.. so I wouldn't really go that way.. I'm sure he will read it here or some deluded fans will and let them know lol
He seems more and more unstable so I agree.
I don't think it's a good idea to carry on prodding him at all.
Hopefully Kirsty will already be in touch with the police (or at least the press) to tell her side of the story.
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God love you. @Ethel's little Willy . I think we do what we can to help and that's why I love coming here. Love MrsC xxxx
Same @MrsCranky I love coming on here, I just hate that we can't let each other know who we really are in times like these.
I'm a sensitive daft bat and just want to help people or give someone a big hug when they're having a rubbish time of things.
Everyone is so supportive of each other and it warms my heart ❤ xxxx
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If Edna wants to 'protect' her junkie sister, then why post a dm calling her a disgrace publicly? They are all mad as hatters I tell ya! Total attention whores good or bad
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I am a very long time lurker. For those that get angry with the press not reporting, I get it.

There is a Code of Conduct that all accredited reporters have to adhere to. Think of all the stuff that happened because of Milly Dowler and the phone hacking.

Part of that code relates to crimes, and cases that have not been tried and sentenced. If there is a court order that details cannot be published, they are often forbidden from even saying they can’t publish.

They very well may have proof, they just can’t say.

Now ppl can speculate and gossip as much as they like and ppl in the public gallery of a trial can (unless specifically forbidden by the judge) tell what happened in court.

What you cannot do in the Uk is out someone as being guilty when there is a trial on and names have been forbidden to be shared - think the Bulger case. The defendants have lifelong anonymity. People have had a criminal conviction for breaking that rule on SM.

These 2 are sailing very very close to the wind on revealing things defined as sub judici i.e.

Keep your gobs shut. The case has not gone to trial. You are not allowed to talk.
🤔 Yet Katie publicly declared Kieran was guilty of sexually assaulting and grooming an underage teenager without it even being investigated by the Police. Let alone it going to trial and him being found guilty. It was also published along with his name in some of the papers.
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I don't know about anyone else but all this "Who dunnit" is seriously taking over my life 😂 I was just making the tea and I'm finding myself wracking my brains trying to find something that trips one of them up! I'll be hoovering and my head will be like "Hmm that doesn't add up either"

I need to get out more 😂😂😂😂
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@PTMe might know if there will be any charges on slapper over slapgate fakery and lies to the sun
I wish I had the biggest teapot to share but unfortunately I know nothing. It all happened after my time with skanky and wanky.

Just my personal opinion is that he thumped her.
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I think this is gonna be one big money spinning wind up after all this blows over with Carl. She'll play the mental health card and the fact she has Harvey too look after and will win everyone's heart back. Also will play the drug addiction card too as a way of being down to earth and not perfect like the rest of us. She's too defensive all the time and has been since Pete left. Even Alan sugar said she was too defensive. It's boring. That has become her personality.
I think even she has exhausted the whole MH defence card now. Her recent behaviour has been totally manipulative and exploitative, so this won’t wash anymore as she is fully aware and in control of her actions.
Her near miss with a prison sentence meant she needed to live a squeeky clean existence after. She could have played ( and got away with ) the MH card then, but not any longer . This year, her bad behaviour has exploded into almost a daily feed of unbelievably outrageous and vile behaviour. Just when you think she can’t sink any lower, she does. She will not be able to keep this type of behaviour up indefinitely as she is skating on very thin ice atm.
At the rate she is going, I would put money on something BIG happening by the end of this year to her. By big, I mean death, prison or murder. Her life is so much in the fast lane, it’s impossible to avoid.
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