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Scandiborn reply.

So Scandiborn don’t work with her and have no intentions of working with a homophobic racist bully. Well in Scandiborn ✌🏻
I feel ashamed for her, this is absolutely pathetic isn’t it. The fact they have even said about her using AFF links.

These firms that haven’t got back to people are probably still trying to find her. The amount of companies saying they don’t work with her. I think she needs help. Truff, you’re Trolling yourself now.

Truff - I am Jackanory
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Quick Q after reading the colossal amount of wikis (can't believe one 'influenza' can generate so many wikis) - did she ever mention having COVID at any point?bIt seems she did a fuck-tonne of rule breaking and I just wondered if she ever ended up positive and isolated etc.
If you read between all the commas and bad spelling on page 2 I’m sure I added it there.
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Grace sounds very vulnerable, I hope this doesn’t open her up to more attacks. While I feel there are deffo some gaps in that story, I wouldn’t believe a word that came out of Kate’s mouth either.
Kate’s career is done, every time she does a collab there will be ten ‘trolls’ or more sending VALID concerns and complaints and they can back it up now. That echo article will forever be on Google too. Time to get back to painting faces Kate.
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When I’m dieting I get an unsweetened black cold brew from Starbucks. But Kate is one of these people who thinks they love coffee but really they just love dessert

Also who the fuck says “mega”??? Absolute wool
She’s fucking mega. Built like an Eddie stobart
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That gigantic pink foam fucking finger is not someone who’s been suicidal a mere week ago, couldn’t shower for 2 weeks.. fucking full of shite

Fuck me nearly fell in my glass of wine reading that post from graceyloo…

is truffle tits attacking the wiki?!
As far as I can see, 2 comma’s have been added to page 1 🤣
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VIP Member
Hi everyone,

My name is Grace aka Graceyloo and I am on your 'Wiki'.

Wasn’t going to post this but with everything going on I had to, I’m fed up of my name going through the mud.

I am the woman who Kate has been blaming everything on for ages now and I just wanted to come on and give the TRUTH. (Must warn u it is a like novel!) Ha

I had been a student of Kate’s many times over the years and I did use to go on her recommendations too.

So I was getting my hair done by Hollie and we did hire Delamere Group for a job (it wasn’t fake as Kate put it.) It was storage for a sensory room for our disabled son.

Anywho this started when I was getting my hair done, Katie came in to Hollies shop (Glam Girls) and we were all chatting away about Katies covid jab and she was showing us all Hollies flowers that she had bought for her (cause it was suppose to be hollies wedding day.)

Anyway I had a head full of foils but I noticed Katie looking me up and down a few times and giving me snotty looks which I thought was very odd but I chose to ignore it.

Next thing was I got a short message from Matt (Delamere Group) saying that my sons sensory playroom was cancelled immediately with no warning or proper explanation it was all very out of the blue.

It left us all let down and gutted.

My partner Craig, then mentioned to ask Matt, (from Delamere Group) to rebook it because we both really wanted them to do the work.
When I asked to rebook he basically said no, which again was very strange from a company because usually businesses do not want to lose custom and would like to rebook a job.
But still, a firm No.

They came back with odd excuse, They had no staff. Which confused us both.
Meanwhile Kate kept posting daily saying 'Delamere Group is working so hard' so the company had kept on working and doing jobs so we were very confused and a bit annoyed.

So I messaged Matt asking to purchase the blueprints that he had drawn for us off him as a surprise for my partner so we could build it together since they wouldn’t do it and Matt still said no, he couldn’t.

We all thought the whole situation was very suspicious and weird.

I couldn’t help but feel like myself had been personally attacked and I felt like me and my son were being discriminated.

Craig mentioned a theory to me that it was possibly because of Katie and her self esteem and she would of forced Matt to cancel my job because I am blonde and not bad looking woman(cringing at myself for that ha) and I don’t facetune or alter myself on pics. (Unless funny ones)

So because there was no explanation and Kates 'mean girl' behaviour towards me well it sort of made sense but it was just a theory.

Kate then went to London with Matt and her daughter and by what all her followers would of seen was an absolutely intoxicated Katie giving verbal abuse (bullying) to Matt on the train home. This was very sad to watch and we both felt so bad on Matt.

I was going to message Kate about it all but I believed that Katie would then send her legal team against me if I messaged her so I felt like an utter failure and very betrayed.

So unfortunately I felt defeated, humiliated and pathetic so I drank to numb myself and to drown my sorrows and so my mental health declined rapidly.

My sons mental health started to decline too.
He started self harming again, he would head butt so hard nearly knocking himself unconscious, he would head butt the floor and walls all these horrific incidents happened all because my son had no outlet for his sensory overloads.

Despite me trying everything to help and support him nothing was working.

It has been terrifying and I hadn’t slept properly from worry and stress and my weight declined to 7 stone and I developed an eating disorder.

I was in an awful place and I had even though that I had already eaten and drank but I hadn’t and then that affected my mental state more and my breast milk had dried up too from dehydration and that sent me over the edge.

All this stress made me not look after myself properly and it then made me lose my special breast feeding bond with my daughter.

This also had a massive negative effect on mine and Craig’s relationship.

My mental health spiralled a lot and out of control.

The depression kept getting worse so I went around to my friends house to have a few drinks and blow off steam from all the stress and to try and have a laugh.

My friend (who will not be named) was also depressed because her daughter had been struggling with her mental Heath too due to her daughter starving herself and self harming herself because she wants to be thin like the influencers she follows on Instagram.

So both very depressed and drunk helpless mothers spiralling and we believed at the time that it was all down to Katie Hayes and her behaviour then things got stupidly out of hand when it was suggested to make a fake account and message her. (I have now permanently deleted all my social media accounts)

It was very Idiotic and awful and I felt utterly disgusting and remorseful for all the hurt and pain that had been caused.

Even though at the time I thought I had justified reasons behind it, but it was wrong of me, I regret it and I am truly sorry.

I am not a hateful horrible person nor a bully but I was a very sad, desperate mother who was going through alot and going through a mental break down, which is no joke and I would never use my mental health for an excuse or make it up.

My partner Craig, had to take time off work because I was having suicidal thoughts and he had to watch me and take me to see professionals and help look after the kids because I was in a really bad way.

On the 15th September I plucked up the courage and apologised to Katie Hayes for my awful behaviour, many times.

I explained to her that her actions had bad consequences on my life and my family and it caused me to have a mental breakdown.

I explained that Katies behaviour had broken me and she didn’t care at all or show any empathy and called me a Troll.

I explained again that I was reacting to her awful actions towards my family and I was acting on stupid drunk retaliation and that I was sorry but she carried on repeating herself saying I needed professional mental help and even after me asking to meet up to talk to her face to face (with or without the police present to help her feel more comfortable around me) but again she kept just ignoring me and threatening me again, nothing was good enough and she still wouldn’t accept my apology.

Katie then messaged me on the 26th October 2021 saying she hasn’t forgotten and threatened me yet again.
I told her that I will contact the police if she carries on threatening me and my family and home but then she blocked me.

**So….I thought I would come on here and set the record straight I HAVE NOT been trolling Katie for years.

Me and my friend did it in retaliation for her spiteful behaviour towards me/us, we wouldn’t maliciously go out of our way to hurt someone and we both regret it and couldn’t be more sorry

*Also I have not been talking bad about her to her mother (if anything her mum was lovely and wished that I worked at Oh Darlin because she really liked me) we even went out for a ciggy together and chatted about our families, not one ill word was said, she’s lovely Meryl.

*Matt was hired by me and my partner Craig and we had a laugh when he was measuring up for our Autistic sons sensory room.

Matt was a lovely lad and booked us in for 14th June2021, me and Craig believed at the time that he was a decent lad.

*I also didn’t contact restaurants or brands she works with, these actions were not made by me or my friend.

*I have not been making multiple accounts and still messaging her because I’m over it now, I have healed and I’m getting alot stronger mentally and physically and I’m off all social media now because it was ruining my mind.

Months had passed and I hadn’t had any threats off Katie so I thought Katie had possibly forgiven me and moved on, however one of my friends called me 5th January 2022 and told me in a panic that Katie has plastered my face all over social media and the kids but blocked them out.

Craig and I were so shocked at this action towards us by Katie and there has been no need to put me up on her 180000 katie army page for her army to come harm us.

I have not been on social media since last year since I deleted my accounts due to my mental breakdown.

Katie is lashing out because she is still getting trolled by many people online and I can imagine she is blaming this all on me because she has been reported as being racist and a homophobe on Twitter and is looking for a scapegoat to distract her followers from her selfish 'entitled' behaviour.

I have been in contact with the police because even before then many of 'Katie's Army' have been threatening my home and family and the police have been investigating it further and luckily protecting us, we are still in contact with them and getting updates.

Anywho No matter how many times I tried to apologise to Katie I just kept getting abuse and threats back.

I am not a horrible person, I made a stupid mistake and I did own up to my actions and wanted to make things right.

I just wanted the truth to be put out there and do ask for people to know how truly sorry I am. It has taken a lot for me to post this because it is extremely personal so please no hate x

Thankyou for taking the time to read this and have a lovely weekend.

Grace X
I don’t know why Kate/Matt decided to cancel the job, but as you say it was out of order for you to message her abuse. I don’t think you can expect her to forgive you, hopefully you can move on from this now. I assume you are getting professional help for your own mental health, I think there’s a lot more going on than a job being cancelled.
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lol you know you can talk directly to me as opposed to 'her'! Happy to take the criticism - I've not taken anything away from the Wiki, just tidied up because I was having a hard time making sense of some of it!
I haven’t called you “her” I fucking tagged your name in my post and called you “girl” ya sarcastic dickhead 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Don’t bother tidying up, odd ball 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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You know delo.. I did think he was good looking and the little vids she would upload he did come across polite etc. Obviously he dresses a show now and looks like he’s about 17 dressing in boohoo man.

Does anyone know or hazard a guess to what actually does he like about Kate? Like when she is on her videos etc the things she says are just vile “have I got a camel toe” Like she just comes across like miss trunchball.

Then the weird vids of him passing her a drink, calling him daddy diy and takes all weird snide pics of him doing the dishes etc to upload to insta, shite like that surely he must cringe??? Would love to know what it is that keeps him with her.. unless it purely is olive
I genuinely think he thought he was going to be a kept man, that she was an up and coming celeb make up artist… he probs still believes she’ll blow up massively as a influencer. I bet he still to this day doesn’t know she put his “deepest darkest corner of Marrakesh” hair transplant on a credit card
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Ah that pic of Delo and watch my eyebrows has made me go into early menopause - ovaries have shrivelled up into walnuts, vag like the Sahara 🌵
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Haha she's letting us know Arg is in.
That corridor WOW - little legs feet are climbing the walls 😱😱😱

I can't believe she's got them all lashed out of the big living room it's fucking shocking like.
Fucking helllllllll, imagine not being able to sit on the floor and play with your child without your legs being bent up the walls 😑
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Chatty Member
Hi everyone,

My name is Grace aka Graceyloo and I am on your 'Wiki'.

Wasn’t going to post this but with everything going on I had to, I’m fed up of my name going through the mud.

I am the woman who Kate has been blaming everything on for ages now and I just wanted to come on and give the TRUTH. (Must warn u it is a like novel!) Ha

I had been a student of Kate’s many times over the years and I did use to go on her recommendations too.

So I was getting my hair done by Hollie and we did hire Delamere Group for a job (it wasn’t fake as Kate put it.) It was storage for a sensory room for our disabled son.

Anywho this started when I was getting my hair done, Katie came in to Hollies shop (Glam Girls) and we were all chatting away about Katies covid jab and she was showing us all Hollies flowers that she had bought for her (cause it was suppose to be hollies wedding day.)

Anyway I had a head full of foils but I noticed Katie looking me up and down a few times and giving me snotty looks which I thought was very odd but I chose to ignore it.

Next thing was I got a short message from Matt (Delamere Group) saying that my sons sensory playroom was cancelled immediately with no warning or proper explanation it was all very out of the blue.

It left us all let down and gutted.

My partner Craig, then mentioned to ask Matt, (from Delamere Group) to rebook it because we both really wanted them to do the work.
When I asked to rebook he basically said no, which again was very strange from a company because usually businesses do not want to lose custom and would like to rebook a job.
But still, a firm No.

They came back with odd excuse, They had no staff. Which confused us both.
Meanwhile Kate kept posting daily saying 'Delamere Group is working so hard' so the company had kept on working and doing jobs so we were very confused and a bit annoyed.

So I messaged Matt asking to purchase the blueprints that he had drawn for us off him as a surprise for my partner so we could build it together since they wouldn’t do it and Matt still said no, he couldn’t.

We all thought the whole situation was very suspicious and weird.

I couldn’t help but feel like myself had been personally attacked and I felt like me and my son were being discriminated.

Craig mentioned a theory to me that it was possibly because of Katie and her self esteem and she would of forced Matt to cancel my job because I am blonde and not bad looking woman(cringing at myself for that ha) and I don’t facetune or alter myself on pics. (Unless funny ones)

So because there was no explanation and Kates 'mean girl' behaviour towards me well it sort of made sense but it was just a theory.

Kate then went to London with Matt and her daughter and by what all her followers would of seen was an absolutely intoxicated Katie giving verbal abuse (bullying) to Matt on the train home. This was very sad to watch and we both felt so bad on Matt.

I was going to message Kate about it all but I believed that Katie would then send her legal team against me if I messaged her so I felt like an utter failure and very betrayed.

So unfortunately I felt defeated, humiliated and pathetic so I drank to numb myself and to drown my sorrows and so my mental health declined rapidly.

My sons mental health started to decline too.
He started self harming again, he would head butt so hard nearly knocking himself unconscious, he would head butt the floor and walls all these horrific incidents happened all because my son had no outlet for his sensory overloads.

Despite me trying everything to help and support him nothing was working.

It has been terrifying and I hadn’t slept properly from worry and stress and my weight declined to 7 stone and I developed an eating disorder.

I was in an awful place and I had even though that I had already eaten and drank but I hadn’t and then that affected my mental state more and my breast milk had dried up too from dehydration and that sent me over the edge.

All this stress made me not look after myself properly and it then made me lose my special breast feeding bond with my daughter.

This also had a massive negative effect on mine and Craig’s relationship.

My mental health spiralled a lot and out of control.

The depression kept getting worse so I went around to my friends house to have a few drinks and blow off steam from all the stress and to try and have a laugh.

My friend (who will not be named) was also depressed because her daughter had been struggling with her mental Heath too due to her daughter starving herself and self harming herself because she wants to be thin like the influencers she follows on Instagram.

So both very depressed and drunk helpless mothers spiralling and we believed at the time that it was all down to Katie Hayes and her behaviour then things got stupidly out of hand when it was suggested to make a fake account and message her. (I have now permanently deleted all my social media accounts)

It was very Idiotic and awful and I felt utterly disgusting and remorseful for all the hurt and pain that had been caused.

Even though at the time I thought I had justified reasons behind it, but it was wrong of me, I regret it and I am truly sorry.

I am not a hateful horrible person nor a bully but I was a very sad, desperate mother who was going through alot and going through a mental break down, which is no joke and I would never use my mental health for an excuse or make it up.

My partner Craig, had to take time off work because I was having suicidal thoughts and he had to watch me and take me to see professionals and help look after the kids because I was in a really bad way.

On the 15th September I plucked up the courage and apologised to Katie Hayes for my awful behaviour, many times.

I explained to her that her actions had bad consequences on my life and my family and it caused me to have a mental breakdown.

I explained that Katies behaviour had broken me and she didn’t care at all or show any empathy and called me a Troll.

I explained again that I was reacting to her awful actions towards my family and I was acting on stupid drunk retaliation and that I was sorry but she carried on repeating herself saying I needed professional mental help and even after me asking to meet up to talk to her face to face (with or without the police present to help her feel more comfortable around me) but again she kept just ignoring me and threatening me again, nothing was good enough and she still wouldn’t accept my apology.

Katie then messaged me on the 26th October 2021 saying she hasn’t forgotten and threatened me yet again.
I told her that I will contact the police if she carries on threatening me and my family and home but then she blocked me.

**So….I thought I would come on here and set the record straight I HAVE NOT been trolling Katie for years.

Me and my friend did it in retaliation for her spiteful behaviour towards me/us, we wouldn’t maliciously go out of our way to hurt someone and we both regret it and couldn’t be more sorry

*Also I have not been talking bad about her to her mother (if anything her mum was lovely and wished that I worked at Oh Darlin because she really liked me) we even went out for a ciggy together and chatted about our families, not one ill word was said, she’s lovely Meryl.

*Matt was hired by me and my partner Craig and we had a laugh when he was measuring up for our Autistic sons sensory room.

Matt was a lovely lad and booked us in for 14th June2021, me and Craig believed at the time that he was a decent lad.

*I also didn’t contact restaurants or brands she works with, these actions were not made by me or my friend.

*I have not been making multiple accounts and still messaging her because I’m over it now, I have healed and I’m getting alot stronger mentally and physically and I’m off all social media now because it was ruining my mind.

Months had passed and I hadn’t had any threats off Katie so I thought Katie had possibly forgiven me and moved on, however one of my friends called me 5th January 2022 and told me in a panic that Katie has plastered my face all over social media and the kids but blocked them out.

Craig and I were so shocked at this action towards us by Katie and there has been no need to put me up on her 180000 katie army page for her army to come harm us.

I have not been on social media since last year since I deleted my accounts due to my mental breakdown.

Katie is lashing out because she is still getting trolled by many people online and I can imagine she is blaming this all on me because she has been reported as being racist and a homophobe on Twitter and is looking for a scapegoat to distract her followers from her selfish 'entitled' behaviour.

I have been in contact with the police because even before then many of 'Katie's Army' have been threatening my home and family and the police have been investigating it further and luckily protecting us, we are still in contact with them and getting updates.

Anywho No matter how many times I tried to apologise to Katie I just kept getting abuse and threats back.

I am not a horrible person, I made a stupid mistake and I did own up to my actions and wanted to make things right.

I just wanted the truth to be put out there and do ask for people to know how truly sorry I am. It has taken a lot for me to post this because it is extremely personal so please no hate x

Thankyou for taking the time to read this and have a lovely weekend.

Grace X
Hi Grace, I can't help but feel that creating an account and telling us your story has opened you up to further abuse from Kate and her mates. Hope that's not the case, but just wanted to share my thoughts.

No judgement here, you have no reason to apologise or explain to us.

Glad you're getting the help you need, sending love to you and yours. Take care.
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