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These are the kind of girls that still listen to Chris Brown and when questioned start screaming cancel culture
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The thing is… Home and Bargains is one of those shops you go into for toilet rolls… and end up spending £75 on stuff you didn’t even knew you needed! I’ll happily take that £75 a week and go to B&M… it might be a drop in the ocean to Home & Bargain but if enough of us do it, it might have an impact. Cos B&M stock pretty much exactly the same stuff at very similar prices! And as far as I know aren’t affiliated with racist, homophobic, fat fuckers!
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Well done to @Moodymargi for the stupendous thread title.

The saga continues..

The past is the past is the past is the past…

After continuing to dox any poor fucker who had dared to ask why she can’t stick false lashes on properly or why she thinks it’s ok to admit to having shit under your nails whilst driving to a bridal trial, Racist of the Year 2020, decided the best course of action would be to completely ignore everything, pretend it wasn’t happening, and pretty much deny it all, despite the evidence, in a manner similar to a toddler covered in piss and shit saying ‘no’ every time you ask them have they been playing in the toilet.

Liverpool Echo had other ideas though and ran with the story. Miss Makeup was given the chance to comment, but instead of issuing an apology as most people in control of their faculties and with an ounce of decency would do, she took a chance, and with all the cockiness of Matty Delo pretending he was flying in ‘Bizo’ class, she announced that she would address it in her own time, in her own way and on her own platform. Carry on like this and her own ‘time, way and platform’ will be 3 in the morning, through a megaphone, to the pigeons on platform 9 at Lime Street.

She was of course backed up by her ‘literally thousands’ of supporters in the comments.. Oh, wait, sorry, that’s wrong. She was backed up by a PT who’s somehow managing to train her from 4000 miles away and has never met her, and someone else who made it a zillion times worse for her by mentioning the racist stuff she’d done too. With friends like those, eh?

‘Heswall’s’ most famous homophobe finally surfaced from the black shed today, again with no apology (or shower), still blaming everyone else, claiming she had people turning up at her house, and a proud declaration of ‘I am Mother’ to add to her previous declarations of ‘I am Correct Person’ and ‘I am Human Being’. Here’s an idea, Kate, seeing as how your PR seems to be about as effective as a crocheted condom, try declaring, ‘I AM SORRY’, and maybe, just maybe, you might show that you’re not actually the arrogant, cocky, smugweasel that you’re currently coming across as and maybe, just maybe, you’ll still be able to get a few more free Sunday dinners.

As always, Read the Wiki..
🍿Racist of the year
🍿PT 4000 miles away
🍿Heswalls most famous homophobe

I am fuckin dead 🤣🤣🤣
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She’s gone private because she thinks we can’t talk about her then 😂
And rightly so, why should what she shares (privately) between her closest 180,000 friends and family be discussed here. It's private.

Trolls I think it's time we knocked this on the head, let her keep her private life private between her and her select private friends, she clearly wants privacy, which is why she only has 180,000 on her private page.


(Fucking dipshit!)
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I can't get over her Instagram post.

She thought her career was over, hasn't left the house 'woe is me' first jolly out and Kate's out on a photo shoot. There has been no terrible week. Kate doesn't care. She's had a good old time today getting her hair and make up done.

She appears to have conveniently forgotten she once rocked up at that girls house, with Delo in tow and that girl hadn't threatened Kate, she'd sent a message to a company saying she didn't agree with them using khm to promote their products. Kate actually went to someone's house. No one has ever been to Kate's house.

As for I am mother. Does not excuse vile racist and homophobic language. Nor shall it ever.

I'm disgusted to the point I could cry at how hollow, insincere and unremorseful she can be.
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I’m astounded at the amount of people posting online about how they are disgusted about this so called “cancel culture”. How can people turn a blind eye and say oh they didn’t mean it, or oh it was years ago. I’m ashamed to be British at this point. I thought the days of homophobia and racism were long gone (save for a few dick heads that will never change) but it doesn’t look like it when muppets still think it’s ok. It disgusts me.
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She reminds me of one of those ‘JuSt Me And mY KiDs FrOm NoW oN’
“Some people” * insert a really cryptic message about how someone has wronged you * bla bla bla.
commenter: “u ok hun?”
poster: “ill msg you” or “ye am fine. Need a catch up soon” or or “dis status isn’t aimed at any1, but if the shoe fits”
We all have aleast one on our fb 😂
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Kirsty defo makes the manager go and do a price check on a tin of beans when there's a massive queue behind her at the till in the Supermarket !! #lovesakickoff
I saw Kirsty in the Aldi just before Xmas but there was no carry on of this sort I’m afraid to have to report back. I can confirm Kirsty’s face and body shape are not a true representation of her Social media postings either - just like ZSM. (I was nosey enough to lurk at Kirsty’s Insta when she was posting the murder she was having with her in-laws from her living room and front door). Hiya Kirsty love, how much do you charge for a mobile spray tan? 💋
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I hate all these quotes that everyone puts on their Instagram stories,Sallie Axl likes her quotes as well so that says it all.
I work with a lass who puts quotes up just about every hour,it does my head in. I always wanna roll my eyes that hard that they fall out!
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NO… her kids have 2 different dads…. Wait for it…. Her first dad was brothers or cousins with that nan singer off ex factor 😂😂 CHRISTOPHER MALONEY 😂 she loves the thought of being in the limelight probably the reason she is begging for Kate to be her mate!
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Hi All, new to this thread but usually comment on lots of other Tattle threads and have been known to dip into these threads occasionally and nosy at what Kate is up to. Have been following this saga with interest (and I must say some of the regular posters here are hilarious).

When I do come on to read these threads I often think 'ouch! That was a bit harsh!' Some people can be quite brutal and I can see why it upsets her. It must be hard not to look at it and not to let it get to you.


Unfortunately there are no qualifications or experience required in order to become an influencer. And that means you end up with people totally unsuited to the job. Like Kate Hayes. This girl is like a bloody caricature of an influencer! If David Walliams dressed up in drag and made a comedy sketch about an influencer, it would be exactly like her!

The edited photos are absolutely hysterical, the use of someone else's baby scan because her own wasn't aesthetically pleasing enough, the pretending to fly business class, the fake designer gear, and now the ridiculous woe is me reaction to these tweets. It's like a comedy show, but it's real life! That's why she gets so much attention, you literally couldn't make it up!

I do feel for her, she gets a lot of criticism and it clearly gets to her. But I don't think this job is for her. It sounds like she was a good make up artist in the past. Perhaps she should go back to what she's good at 🤦🏼‍♀️
If she didn’t annoy me so much I’d say maybe we are too harsh on her but it’s no less than she would and has been proven to do to others. An eye for an eye is not the way, I know this, I am mother too at the end of the day, but I would say that ultimately we are taking the piss out of the ridiculousness of her and the content she puts out to try and make it look like she lives a certain life but it’s all based on lies. As you say, she’s a textbook caricature of an influencer. Would we be as mean if she had ever been even slightly truthful about any aspect of her life? I genuinely don’t think so. Because there would be nothing to joke about.
You refer to the scan pic, I mean fucking hell, have you ever heard anything so bonkers and telling of someone’s character in your life? A Baby scan not being insta worthy enough 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Also, and this is the biggest point everyone misses when defending her (and one of kate & co.s favourite comebacks) SHE DOESNT NEED TO READ HERE! Opinion site. Not trolling her directly site. No one is messaging her directly. It’s essentially a group chat
I can’t actually justify being mean, and yeah, maybe it is from a place of venting other frustrations if we really wanna break it down.but I am confident that as a rule I live my life to be as nice as possible although I will be honest and say I don’t consider her worthy of much compassion. And I don’t think there’s many other people I can say that about, and I’ve come across some creatures in my time.
She has proven time and time again she is self centred and incapable of self reflection. As far as I’m concerned she needs to see the truth about herself because no one in her life is telling her

ETA: out of context we do look mean as fuck but it’s a bit more nuanced than that is what I’m getting at. Why didn’t I just say that in the first place 😩
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Well Trolls, private or not I am expecting some sort of troll rant from Truff tonight at 7pm (peak insta time)

On the pic with Trollive, Truff is already dressed for it with her comedy glasses and greased back hair.

It’s the insta ‘Feel sorry for me’ uniform
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If someone was threatening my child, I’d had death threats through the post and anyone could find my address online in the click of about 3 buttons id leave social media faster than you could say boo to a goose but Kate hasn’t and she’s continued to share pics out running alone and of Olive .,. How can people not see that?
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