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With all these newbies lurking feel like we need a remember when to lighten this tense atmosphere…
I feel all newbies/lurkers need to follow this process before they start engaging with us 😂
1) Read the Wiki - all four pages of it
2) Tap ‘Most Liked Threads’ and read the top 20
3) Then try telling us we are Trolls - good luck trying to justify that though 😂
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Listen I'm going to make a prediction - I think she will have been sitting with simple Matty making a couple of fake accounts on Insta and will have sent herself some vile DMs - threatening and mentioning the kid and going to the house now that she's mentioned that tonight.

Be like the card saga all over again.

Shes always got to try and deflect and make herself the victim. She's going to try anything she can to come out of this unscathed and blame the trolls.
That's why she's saying to the Echo il comment on my platform cos she can lie and tell all her little minions aload of shit as she always does.

She's desperate this time she will be up to all kinds !!! Wouldn't even like to think what stunt she will pull this time yano
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Well-known member
Hope you have been ok chick x
I have been thanks love, when she first put me up and after reading the lies she told about me, I gave myself a terrible migraine I sent my blood pressure threw the roof 🤣 she’s fucked with the wrong person 100% xx
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That Kirsty is a pure scummy mummy isn’t she? Definitely has live laugh love wall transfers and a grey crushed velvet sofa.

Funny how she has a BLM post on her grid. It’s all Black Lives Matter until her mate Kate wants to sing the N word and then it’s fuck a black life. Scumbag.
Imagine her facebook posts 😂😂😂

*full time yummy mummy*
* kids are my world, I dont need anyone's help*
* inbox me hun*
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Amazing thread title!

I genuinely think she doesn’t know HOW to say sorry. It’s probably never something she’s had to do as she just bulldozes her narc self over any situation.

I read this about why people struggle to apologise and I think all points are relevant to Kate.

1. Admissions of wrongdoing are incredibly threatening for non-apologists because they have trouble separating their actions from their character. If they did something bad, they must be bad people; if they were neglectful, they must be fundamentally selfish and uncaring; if they were wrong, they must be ignorant or stupid, etc. Therefore, apologies represent a major threat to their basic sense of identity and self-esteem. (Hence all the ‘I know who I am guff)

2. Apologizing might open the door to guilt for most of us, but for non-apologists, it can instead open the door to shame. While guilt makes us feel bad about our actions, shame makes non-apologists feel bad about their selves—who they are—which is what makes shame a far more toxic emotion than guilt.

3. While most of us consider apologies as opportunities to resolve interpersonal conflict, non-apologists may fear their apology will only open the floodgates to further accusations and conflict. Once they admit to one wrongdoing, surely the other person will pounce on the opportunity to pile on all the previous offenses for which they refused to apologize as well.
Non-apologists fear that by apologizing, they would assume full responsibility and relieve the other party of any culpability.

By refusing to apologize, non-apologists are trying to manage their emotions. They are often comfortable with anger, irritability, and emotional distance, and experience emotional closeness and vulnerability to be extremely threatening. They fear that lowering their guard even slightly will make their psychological defenses crumble and open the floodgates to a well of sadness and despair that will pour out of them, leaving them powerless to stop it. They might be correct. However, they are incorrect in assuming that exhibiting these deep and pent-up emotions (as long as they get support, love, and caring when they do—which, fortunately, is often the case) will be traumatic and damaging. Opening up in such a way is often incredibly therapeutic and empowering, and it can lead them to experience far deeper emotional closeness and trust toward the other person, significantly deepening their relationship satisfaction.

So Kate, if all those words are too big and complicated for you, let me put it in simple terms. Say sorry, it’ll probably make you feel better.
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With all due respect, I don't for a second believe the death and rape threats. Influencers make up the same thing to hoover up attention because it's pretty much the worst thing someone could say and no one would disagree.
Fucking DO ONE you !!!
Go and tell your mate Kate to sort her apology out !!
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Yes Sharky 👏🏻👏🏻 hope you're ok girl !!
We've all been absolutely fuming at those messages off that horrors little minions.❤

@SharkyShark did one of the companies give that unit your details ?
Thanks goss, she gave her minions the ammo for them to do her dirty work the shit bag, ye it defo has been, it’s been either that omg or the company that done the first birthday party the rats, but they will be aware in due course 😉 xx
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Is that pic of Kirsty’s fella? What’s the story with the Pringles up the chuff please? 😳
Kirsty was in a relationship with Danielle Lloyd’s brother and has a child with him.

Danielle Lloyd was having “an Intimate encounter” with her partner at the time (dunno if they’re still together now) where he inserted some Pringles into her fandango like a duck’s beak and took pics of them. Her phone got hacked and the pics got leaked.
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Hi All, new to this thread but usually comment on lots of other Tattle threads and have been known to dip into these threads occasionally and nosy at what Kate is up to. Have been following this saga with interest (and I must say some of the regular posters here are hilarious).

When I do come on to read these threads I often think 'ouch! That was a bit harsh!' Some people can be quite brutal and I can see why it upsets her. It must be hard not to look at it and not to let it get to you.


Unfortunately there are no qualifications or experience required in order to become an influencer. And that means you end up with people totally unsuited to the job. Like Kate Hayes. This girl is like a bloody caricature of an influencer! If David Walliams dressed up in drag and made a comedy sketch about an influencer, it would be exactly like her!

The edited photos are absolutely hysterical, the use of someone else's baby scan because her own wasn't aesthetically pleasing enough, the pretending to fly business class, the fake designer gear, and now the ridiculous woe is me reaction to these tweets. It's like a comedy show, but it's real life! That's why she gets so much attention, you literally couldn't make it up!

I do feel for her, she gets a lot of criticism and it clearly gets to her. But I don't think this job is for her. It sounds like she was a good make up artist in the past. Perhaps she should go back to what she's good at 🤦🏼‍♀️
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How can this cheeky twat sleep at night knowing your child will read the disgraceful things you’ve said and there is no record of an apology. Shocking parenting. I bet olive is a little shit in ‘nursey’
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Active member
Has the Police been in touch with anyone? I’ve waited in the last three days and every time a car comes down the Cul-de-Sac I think it’s the Police coming to arrest me because I am Troll.

I’ve even told I am Mum and I am Dad not to make a Roast for me tomorrow because I might be having it courtesy of her Majesty.

Fancy scooping as low as using the Child that saved you as a prop and for you to test the water. Got the cutest picture to use didn’t you, but I don’t think she will save you this time because you’re in it up to your eyeballs.

I also see you’re no better than anyone that you call a Troll, the shit you are in and you still carry on being a Troll. Will you have another Child to save you? You are past saving, the only person that needs saving, is I am Child before she becomes as toxic as you Truff.
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She will never apologise. She’s not emotionally intelligent enough. She has no self awareness and no social skills. Clearly doesn’t recognise that she has done anything wrong and therefore will never admit it. She will always be the victim and blame everyone else around her.
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