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The lack of the freebie trips must be killing her. I must admit I wish things would go back to normal as well so I could go on holiday (I have to pay for mine though). I don't expext free handouts. Totally agree about all the ad's its a tough time for people but kate isnt alone in all this nonstop ad ad ad nonsense . All the bloggers are at it maybe the conpanies need to realise that consumers are starting to find the influencers market unpalatable.

I see still not mention of the house sale. I suppose she's saving that sweet sweet content for next year (especially if the free holidays don't start rolling in again). Just to add she got over her fear of flying pretty fast, more like fear of having to spend her own money on holidays.
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Chatty Member
She’s just as bad. They just want the maximum amount of free stuff, gifted holidays, ad money etc to fund their bland lifestyle whilst putting in the minimum amount of effort.
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If I'm brutally honest I don't think a video even needed to be made about it, let alone such a long video. I know she's donating money raised from it to charity etc etc etc but I don't think a video about a chemical pregnancy is necessary. Lots of people probably wouldn't even have mentioned it to their followers.
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Nooo I actually really like Kate. But why has she bought lots of hair clips from eBay and is now flogging them for 2x 3x the price and as her own?!
Just checked and she’s buying them for 99p- £2ish and selling for £7 - £8. I wouldn’t mind so much if she was buying from a supplier and they weren’t available to her audience at the low price but this is ridiculous!
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Considering she doesn't know the difference between your and you're I think it's safe to assume she has written this book, theres some poor uncredited ghost writer trawling pinterest for the content.

Sorry to say but the book sounds crap, contrived, patronising and valueless.
I'd much rather read Anna Mathurs book on motherhood.
Wow, her grammar is shocking. Baby's/Mum's/you're. Author, my arse. What a flop.
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I really dislike her, mainly because of her accent (? sorry if you have the same). I think she’s always been really AD heavy though, even pre kids. They eat really unhealthy as well, she herself seems to eat like a child.

Also Liza Prideaux is similar, beauty blogger turned mummy vlogger. I remember going through her blog when her eldest son was like 2/3, not joking every single blogpost was an ad or gift with a tiny *sponsored at the very end of the page.
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Confused with her new video - she talks about changes they might make to the house. The house she's just sold! Whats going on?
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Chatty Member
Nothing has any value because they don’t graft for anything- just post a photo or a video and when you get bored of it in a few months you can replace it with another #ad. It’s a shallow life.
This is a brilliant point. I think you are spot on.

Everything comes to them very easily. Theres no graft from either of them. They get free stuff thrown at them, and her dad does all the actual renovating.

Their whole life is based on shopping, materialistic things and what to throw out and replace it with next because it all comes so easily to them.

This sort of work ethic will become a huge problem for those boys as they get older. Living a life where they see adults doing nothing but sitting at home, getting free toys all year round and free trips to bloody Dubai. They are going to be bloody disappointed when they become an adult and they realise free things don't just fall on your lap.
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My favourite ring from a well known company snapped in two just after a year. My husband saved up and bought it me after we lost a child, as sentimental memory gift. The company didn't want to know.

This clown gets sent mountains of stuff for free, loses it, and then they just ship her out another. It makes me so mad how well these companies treat 'influencers'... But when you've actually spent your hard earned they don't give two hoots.

I'm so sorry for your loss. But what a lovely gesture your husband did.

She can casually drop hundreds on bags yet couldn't pay for a new set of earrings..... it makes me furious
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Chatty Member
I havent watched her in ages but came up you tube suggestions veiwing houses.
Surely they wouldn't move so soon.
Her poor carpenter dad.
Wonder if planning permission o extension turned down.
They only had mortgage for 2 years.
I agree, I couldn't believe they're looking to buy again so soon.

It left a bad taste in my mouth to be honest after the amount of work (by her dad) and money (and gifted items) that they've put into that house is a lot more than a lot of people are able to!
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Chatty Member
I agree with every word of this... no doubt daddy will be on hand to help with renovations. Also did she not long ago do her kitchen and now it's not to her taste. no doubt she will do a dark kitchen a la every other blogger out there. All of this is for content because she literally has nothing else to talk about or make videos on.
I wonder how it makes other people feel. People who aren't utterly wasteful and shallow and spoilt. People who live in the real world. A single mum trying to make do with some awful 80s kitchen that she can never afford to replace.

Her 'cheap and temporary' kitchen, is actually top spec dream kitchen to SOOOOO many people. To watch her just RIP it out after a year because to her it was 'cheap' is barbaric.

This was her kitchen when she moved in. There was nothing wrong with it. She said right from the start they were extending... she could have easily lived with this for a year or 2. But her shallow, vacuous ego is just next level now.


Maybe if she could adjust to reality and get out of this ridiculous Instagram bubble l, she could have made a few compromises like the rest of us have to. A few less designer bags, a few less holidays, buying A LOT less crap, not wasting all that money, she could have renovated much sooner. But she's too shallow to allow that to happen.
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Yes I agree.. If it were me and my husband I think he’d want to use the freedom time and finances wise to set up his own business doing something he’s always wanted to... or at least invest, maybe in property. Having him home all day during lockdown has been bad enough 🙈🤣 I think it’s important for couples to have a bit of their lives away from one another!
Theyre all joined at the hip aren't they - the prideauxs, michalaks, meldrums until recently - why can't the men go out and get a fecking job instead of hanging round on their wives channels.
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I don’t even regard them as proper adults. To me they just seem like they’re playing at being grown up and their lifestyle is completely unrepresentative of the people who follow them.
Don’t even get me started of the levels of consumption. Completely vacuous!
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Yayyy you provided just enough extra detail i needed to find it on rightmove too 🤣 i can see its not at all to their taste but its a lovely looking family home.
Certainly not the bloody project she made it out to be.
I can't understand how she bought her first home for £400k 2 years ago, made pretty much nothing on it, and has now spent nearly £600k on a house that she's talking about massively extending.

They're both lazy shits who wander around the garden centre all day and call a primark haul a busy day. She churns out almost nothing but naff low budget ads.
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Shocking that someone who never produces any decent content can earn the level of income to spend over half a million on a house!
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