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She’s so deranged, the sleep thing is honestly mental. My little one is so poorly at the mo I’m letting her just sleep as and when. Last night it was 10pm bedtime (in with us) God forbid Kate ever needed to deviate from the routine

Is she thick though? Did she not think Noa would take a few days to get over jet lag?
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Agree with morphing into Leslie Ash. She looks a lot older than she actually is and looking high isn't a great look for a delusional yummy mummy.
Sick of hearing this spoilt fucking brat whinging about how tough it is parenting her placid, neurotypical child whilst having loads of help and money.
KL hasn't got a fucking clue.
Yeah poor old Boj couldn’t get his birthday post on Instagram earlier because Noa was being a “nightmare” all day. Hey Kate, if you’re that bothered do it the night before when Noa is asleep(you have 13 hours), save it and then press post the next day. It’s not Noa’s fault that you are manic.

Also I’m all for kids being quiet in a restaurant. People are paying money for a nice evening after all but why has the child got to watch the iPad while she is eating. Can she not eat and talk with her parents while they are all eating?

Same when they’re home, they never eat with the wee fairy just chuck her in front of the TV and give her her food. I just think it would be good for her socially.

Dont get me wrong my kids loooove tv but when we’re eating it’s phones(they’re much older) down and we talk. Always have done.
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I know the post is for his birthday so the pic wouldn’t be of Noa, but it’s the fact she’s stood taking his photo instead of Noa on the other side.
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Didn’t she quit virgin radio to spend more time with noa? Now she jets off for days at a time surely she is seeing her even less?
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Stop posting videos of your 2 year old in her bed on the internet!!

Quote of the day
“while I await for her next demand”
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Chatty Member
I hate it when people start saying stuff like 'how can we let our planet get so bad?' when everyone is complicit in the state its in. Or certainly the vast majority of people. Kate is a consumer of capitalism like millions of us. What does she actually do other than recycle? Again, like most people! But making a comment like that on a story. OK I am premenstrual and crabby but it's just empty words. How can we let it happen to our planet? Because most of us don't do nearly enough in reality, that's how. She's no environmental saint. Does she check the supply chain credentials of shops she buys at and so on? It's like when she latches onto a current news story without knowing anything about it and virtue signals. She's far from alone in that amongst the zedfluencers.
Yeah - it’s ok for her to fly to the Caribbean or wherever, to plug a poncy competition for This Morning but the rest of us have to step up
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Sometimes I think she puts way too much effort into 'entertaining'. It's like she's trying to pass the time until bed and it's making things a way harder than they need be. My 2 Yr old(1 week younger than Noa) is happy just following me around doing household stuff plus TV and playing etc. Also I used to think Noa was way ahead but she's pretty average at talking for her age now.
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Lates post about threenagers and how she found Noa when she was 2 was “a breeze”. Eh no you didn’t stop moaning about the terrible twos Kate, and terrible ones and terrible newborn. Suck it up buttercup.

She’s a gorgeous wee girl who is finding her personality more every day and asserting that personality I.e not doing what you want to do all the time.
Kate has never found it a breeze, what is she talking about?! I'm not saying it is a breeze but she moans all the time.
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Sadly I don’t think Baxter is long for this world. At his age with that condition.
I suspect she’ll majorly spiral. It's not OTT or unacceptable, it’s grief and not something I’d wish on anyone but I hope she can hold it together for Noa’s sake when the time comes.
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Taking the piss out of her kid now because she hasn’t adjusted to the different time zones .. what an absolute awful woman… she’s obsessed with that child’s sleep .. if she didn’t want to be a parent .. why have a baby 🙄
it actually breaks my heart that the child is expected to fit into some sort of military sleep schedule…😢
And that poor kid having a camera shoved in her face and plastered all over her mothers Instagram for likes .. Kate if you do read her you should be fucking ashamed .. seems like even your husbands had enough by his comments .. grow the fuck up and be a parent 🤬
She’s literally made a note of every time Noa called her last night. She’s obsessed. It’s weird.
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Yeah. And call it Dog Bullies. Those dogs have done nothing wrong, but some on here, clearly hate them. That to me is the same as hating an innocent child. Show's what you're really like....
Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I do not hate Baxter and Shirley as I absolutely love dogs. However, in my opinion (we are all entitled to one) they look like manky mutts, nothing more and nothing less. But don’t get me started when the dogs lick her hands so she can give them an ‘eye bath.’ 🤢 It’s absolutely vile. It does tick me off the way Kate fawns over the dogs in every way possible and poor Noa gets the complete opposite treatment. This is absolutely of no fault to the dogs and as I say, I love dogs but I don’t think Baxter and Shirley or photogenic and I would not wish to buy their colander. I’m more than happy with my 2024 calendar of dachshunds what my MIL bought me because she has two dachshunds herself who I absolutely adore. 🐶♥♥🐶
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Honestly this woman never ceases to amaze me. She really makes those who struggle with parenting but just need to fucking get on with it look like eejits. How can anyone relate to her ‘I’m struggling need a break posts’ when she is never in, has lots of child free time and a bloody good kid. I honestly think someone in her family needs to stage an intervention! Give her a bloody shake!
If you don’t want to be a mum, any time being one is too much and no amount of breaks will be enough. That’s why she’s so selfish. I know regretful parents and none of them talk about it where their children could hear it or see it, they put on an act in front of their child and do their best, because they know it was their choice to have children and it’s not the children’s fault. She was selfish to have noa knowing anhe didn’t actually want a child and she been even more selfish with the way she’s talked about noa/motherhood publicly using her own name on her social media and in national newspapers. There are so many accounts of children who knew and/or were told they weren’t wanted and are now grown ups and they talk about how it’s affected them and it’s awful. She needs to talk about her feelings but in therapy or anonymously, not where noa can see it just because she can make a bit of money off of it that way!
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Moaning Noa won’t stay in bed whilst filming her which is encouraging her to get up and play up for the camera. Its not rocket science!
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Chatty Member
The amount of balloon artists going off in the comments is pretty funny. A balloon arch has to be one of the most unnecessary, wasteful things of all time, and considering that, surely not a great career choice ... "wE uSe qUaLiTy BaLLooNs" okay, they're still balloons?

You don't see cake makers, nail artists, makeup artists, grazing platter companies etc coming in hot on people for doing it themselves. Seems very fucking weird to me to be honest. If you earn a certain amount of money or are in the public eye do you HAVE to outsource everything...? No.

Of all the problematic shit one might do, making one's own balloon arch is not up there - at least not for the DIY aspect.

Very weird comment section 😂 Who would've thought balloon artistry A) had so many people doing it, and B) would be such an easily butt hurt cohort? 🤣
Why do I think that a lot of these “artists” have a failed MLM in their past? 😂
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Does she have a proper job? I know she was doing radio before but she doesn’t do that now does she? I only ask cos I would understand moaning about being knackered all the time if she had to be at work in the morning everyday, but I don’t think she does… she could most likely afford to squeeze in a nap if she’s that’s frazzled!
Maybe if she ate properly she’d have a bit more energy 👀
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It's like she wants people to comment on how clever Noa is bc she thinks that makes her look like a good parent. My kid is 3 months older and didn't say a word when Kate was blasting about Noa talking constantly, and now mine is talking at 'slightly above average' for her age. They get there eventually, most of the time nothing to do with parenting. Why the rush for her to read? Oh right, bc you want her to grow up asap so you can lock her in her room earlier to read herself to sleep, gotcha
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