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Someone needs to take ye’s phone away from him. He has hot twitter fingers just like his boy Trump. And his whole “slaves had a choice” statement was disgusting & sad
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Chatty Member
She wants her mitts on his money and control of his finances - I’m sure Pimp Mama Kardasian is calling the shots.

if she divorces him and he spirals, someone else will he put in charge of his money
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Then she's selling out her family for nothing? She's doing it (months before the election), out of the goodness of her heart, for no money or publicity? I can't see that. She has a personal vendetta against Trump because of what happened to her Dad.

The sub-title says something about him being the world's most dangerous man. That just completely reveals her motives right there! So in her eyes he's worse than Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden, Kim Jong Il, and Assad to name a few?! It's laughable.

She'll have been paid by someone like Soros to write this, so no worries about possible litigation, as he'll foot the bill. Just like he does with any smear campaign or something he doesn't want, such as Brexit.

The Deep State are in total panic. They will stop at nothing until they get their puppet, Biden in power.
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I am massively disturbed by KW anyway but his latest behaviour is disgusting even by his low standarsds...he's shared video of himself urinating on his Grammy award.

He's also supposedly told his campaign staff to stop "fornicating" (his word) outside of marriage.

This man is so ill. How can he be allowed to run for president of the usa with no intervention from anybody? I find that utterly terrifying.
No wonder there is talk of a Divorce, Kanye is a total Fruit and Nut.
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Mrs Stan

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Unfortunately, and I’m repeating myself here, when you live your life in the public eye, and you have risen to fame on controversy and drama like the Kardashian’s have, when the shit hits the fan so publicly, and it’s flying around your monochrome Mansion, you’re gonna get hit and people are going to question how it got to the point where you’re cleaning poop from your Versace.

the Kar-jenners have been through a very public “story line” with Bruce Jenner/Kaitlynn Jenner.
Didn’t she say negative shit about Kris and her reaction and acceptance of her decisions.

there has been a very public breakdown in the relationship between her and the family, for me, that’s another mental health issue within the family that wasn’t handled well.

There have been sex tapes, 72 day weddings, whatever is happening with Khloe and her asshat of a “baby daddy”
All made them a fucking fortune.

their online presence isn’t without drama. so I think people are gonna go hard when, based on history, a breakdown or drama of this nature is like gold to kris.

I don’t actually mind Kim 🤣 I don’t personally know any of them so I’m not going to bat for anyone here or get into arguments about them. Happy to disagree or be proven wrong 😐
Exactly this. I am not a Kardashian fan, in fact I wish I'd never heard of them, but as yet I've never seen them do **anything** that they haven't somehow monetized. I'm sure they'll work out a way to swing this to their financial advantage, even if they do genuinely care about Kanye.
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VIP Member
Its completely a distraction tactic but Trump has nothing to do with it lol - Kanye and Elon are the most narcissistic and egotistical duo you could find. I also dont think Musk will really back him, they're all talk. Kim will never leave it down if Kanye goes down in flames.
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Iconic Member
Like he’s pass the psych assessment though 🤐
An insufferable narcissistic asshole in the White House.... excellent idea.

(I’m talking about Kim btw, not Donald or Kanye 😬)

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Chatty Member
Interesting how Kim initially jumped in so quickly to support Kanyes initial tweet that he was running for President.
So she didn’t suspect it was weird, manic, out of the ordinary? She must live with this crap all the time.

And now it’s ‘other’ people questionning his MH.
She is so self serving, and grabby, bet all she could think about is the fab PR pics, she’s just as delusional.
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VIP Member
Suffering with mental health does not automatically make somebody a danger to themselves and others

People can be disgusted without being disgusting themselves
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Chatty Member
It's so odd, isn't it? What on earth is driving her to act like this? Money? I couldn't walk about like that for all the money in the world
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VIP Member
Why do people think he’s gay?
It's been rumoured for years that he and Riccardo Tisci have been in a relationship and the marriage with Kim was a business transaction - she got to raise her profile and enter the serious fashion world and he got to continue his 'real' relationship behind closed doors. Kanye did seem really besotted with Kim in the early days but don't forget the narrative we see is dictated by PMK!
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VIP Member
View attachment 188204View attachment 188203View attachment 188205

I feel that Jenner has met her match, being publicly called out for what she is but sadly at the expense of someone’s mania.

References to his kids (not going to be) doing Playboy, the television network setup... he’s definitely attacking Kris and her handling of her own children.

Something that one didn’t think about whilst undertaking operation fame, but having kids down the line, a widely circulated video of mum being penetrated and urinated on, is going to affect them one day.
He is obviously off meds, meds that usually keep him pliant and docile. As someone who has been through mania more times than I can count, I can *sort* of follow what he means. Kris Jenner has sold her kids. All the men who get sucked in- suffer in some way. He doesn't want it for his kids.
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