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VIP Member
You guys believe anything, on sub Reddit, worse assumptions than TMZ ! 😆
not gonna listen to someone who doesn't know what reddit is called, thx. this isn't a rave thread, go make one if you like. if not, I'm sure the conspiracy theory thread would have you.
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Won't his trainers and other merch just trade for even more money now that they're out of Adidas/Gap shops and so that bit harder to get?

What's happening to all the stuff that has been pictured being stuffed into sacks in Gap, is it all getting burnt / buried in landfill / stored in warehouses until he's less toxic again / sent off to Africa to sell there for buttons / returned to Bangladesh to have someone else's labels sewn in instead?
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Chatty Member
I wouldn’t be surprised if Kim finally files for divorce after this. Poor North.
She did tweet her endorsement originally after he announced his presidential run. She’s complicit in all of this, so is her idiot mother Kris who was goofily smiling whilst filming the whole Kanye Speech.
They’re just the worst.
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Chatty Member
Then she's selling out her family for nothing? She's doing it (months before the election), out of the goodness of her heart, for no money or publicity? I can't see that. She has a personal vendetta against Trump because of what happened to her Dad.

The sub-title says something about him being the world's most dangerous man. That just completely reveals her motives right there! So in her eyes he's worse than Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden, Kim Jong Il, and Assad to name a few?! It's laughable.

She'll have been paid by someone like Soros to write this, so no worries about possible litigation, as he'll foot the bill. Just like he does with any smear campaign or something he doesn't want, such as Brexit.

The Deep State are in total panic. They will stop at nothing until they get their puppet, Biden in power.
paid by George Soros. That says it all. the convenient bogeyman for all the right wing crazies !

To be pedantic - she didn’t say the worlds most dangerous man ever - so perhaps she’s talking about living dangerous men 😄
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She has enough money and fame without him. I can't see any reason other than genuine feelings of love for staying with someone like Kanye.
IMO he has served his purpose, gave Kim 4 kids, she doesn't need him anymore, it's the Kardashian way.
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VIP Member
An interesting observation. Anyone think there’s some truth in this or is his behaviour beyond actable?
I keep seeing people saying two things:
- he's doing this to split the votes so that Trump gets re-elected, and
- he always acts manic before a product launch or album release

I can't tell if either of those is true.
But if these rants happen consistently before a release, perhaps it is the pressure of the album/clothing/shoe release that triggers his mania? He has a huge reputation for being a 'genius' (sorry, not sure why he is considered one but I don't follow him closely), so the risk of a failed album or clothing collection must get to him...
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Suffering with mental health does not automatically make somebody a danger to themselves and others

People can be disgusted without being disgusting themselves
I do think he does present a danger to himself/others as he’s got a god complex and his views are becoming more and more extreme and hateful in nature. Kanye has proven he has no consideration for putting his own family in danger (posting the address of his childrens school for instance - bad enough in itself but in the context of this happening after Kim had been robbed at gunpoint) so the erratic and risky behaviour is present so for that reason I think this could quite easily escalate to physical violence.

That being said I do agree that having issues with mental health doesn’t automatically equate to self harm or harming others.
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I think perhaps she fears that if she divorces him and he spirals further or ends up committing suicide she will take flak for not ‘helping him’ somehow.
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Chatty Member
I’d agree that his mum’s death sent him on a downward spiral. It was from there onwards he did the “Imma let you finish” speech to Taylor, with each public appearance afterwards becoming more and more chaotic.

Kardashian’s aside, whom has he for support?

Does he have any friends, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles?

If so, where are they?
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VIP Member

What the Actual Fuck?

Tearful Kanye West says he stopped Kim from aborting their first child North because he got a 'message from God', calls for $1m for every baby and rants about George Soros and Harriet Tubman in wild first presidential rally
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Beverley Macker

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Have you noticed it was only really north he spoke about none of the rest of the kids. I do think Kim loves him but a manic episode like this would be very hard to manage and to live with. Even in lock down there was stories coming out that he left all the parenting to Kim because he had he's own stuff to do. That's incredibly selfish especially when the kids are so young and demanding. I'm sure she resents him in some way for being so selfish I know I felt like that towards me ex when they put themselves before our children all the time
She went on to have a further 3 children with him as she wanted a big family - quickly. She did this knowing he was absent and uninterested in North, so highly unlikely to be interested in the others. To this end she was pretty damn selfish herself.
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Sacked his team and distanced himself from friends probably because they don't agree with him.
Things he's saying publicly are conspiracy related and contrary. Don't think Floyds family have a case, the man had fentanyl in his system and his reputation hasn't been damaged. What Kanye said has already been said and published by various sources.
Settlement- money grab maybe.

Not a fan of Ye but I'm concerned he'll harm himself or someone else will.
thank you, I didn't know about the fentanyl being in his system.

Sacked his team and distanced himself from friends probably because they don't agree with him.
Things he's saying publicly are conspiracy related and contrary. Don't think Floyds family have a case, the man had fentanyl in his system and his reputation hasn't been damaged. What Kanye said has already been said and published by various sources.
Settlement- money grab maybe.
Not a fan of Ye but I'm concerned he'll harm himself or someone else will.
I just did a google search and I saw that he did have fentanyl in his system but that's not what killed him and Kanye claimed that is what killed him and not that police officer that put his knee on George's neck. just crazy on Kanye's part.
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