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Good morning, ladies. ❤ How are you all doing? What have I missed?

I basically went from work straight to bed, I was exhausted beyond words and not in any way able to be sociable, or actually form words. I'm just happy I have a registrar on night shift this weekend, so I don't get called and/or called in. I'll probably have to go into work later today, but I'll watch the match first.
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View attachment 1581404

He's been waiting for you
Oh my God, that look. I'm... 🥵

I just want to snuggle up and koala hug him and not let go right now.


Slept 3 and a half hours. From 5 - 8:30.

Breakfast, smoothie in a carton and a slice of bread. No time or energy or motivation to toast or butter.

Rush to work, running late, hurry hurry.

Do my job. Train the new girl. Go to a meeting about some upcoming work

I am the most junior person in this meeting.

A: Do we think we should do it way 1 or way 2?

Me: I think way 2 is the most straightforward and efficient

B: But we have more existing resources for way 1

C: Yeah I get what @Gossgossgoss9888 is saying but B is right, way 1 would be easier

*I nod and smile because I genuinely don't feel very strongly about this and will do whatever these people tell me to do, am certainly not going to start conflict over it*

A: Yeah that's what I thought to start with, way 1 seems like the best solution

*much logistical discussions. Like, an hour* way 1 would quickly become unsustainable. I think we need to do the work to implement way 2

C: I agree, that's much better


Skip lunch. Don't even notice. Keep trying to do my work.

Go to meeting to post mortem some other work I did. It's all very "no-one's pointing any fingers but..." I feel like shit but brave it out, pretend I am gracious and learning and engaged. My brain is both people in this picture:

View attachment 1580873

Keep trying to do my work. Questions flying in from all directions. Constantly having to drop things because if I don't help people it holds everything up.

Go home. Start crying while walking down my street. No reason really.

Now lying on the sofa and haven't eaten since breakfast and certainly haven't drunk enough and I'm very conscious that I'm Not Taking Care of Myself, I'm doing my trying to live on air thing but I just can't find the energy or desire to do anything whatsoever but I know if I go to bed I won't sleep.

And that is the story of my day.
Much love, lovely. ❤❤❤ I hope you can find some rest and relaxation. It sounds like you had a real day...
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Oh no. What an absolute day! :( I hope you can watch the match and just forget the terrible day. Tomorrow has to be better. ❤ I had a banana and coffee for breakfast and will probably have lasagne for lunch.

Those look beautiful. But RLF going to McD’s after hitting the gym is 🤣

Fantastic news. ❤
I just want to watch the match and do nothing. But I'm on-call on top of it, and ended up working through most of the Bayern match last night... so I just hope that they'll leave me alone tonight. Or there might ver well be a surgeon/internal med registrar/resident shaped dent in the corridor wall tomorrow morning.

Is there a pep rule that John can’t be on the field with too many boyfriends at once?
He gets distracted too much, I suppose?
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The German commentators and also the BVB coach have been heaping praise on Bae, same with Mats Hummels. ❤
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Just Drive

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aw I’m very glad to be part of this lovely thread 💖

my day was stressy, work manic and I am being tortured by spiders as I’ve mentioned loads of times but it’s taking over my life. 5 BIG spider encounters in the last couple of weeks is enough to last me a lifetime 🥹 I’m all settled watching the crown now though. did you have a good day bab?
We love you!
Spiders noooooooooo. Hate them. I’m glad you’re having a nice evening overall. My work day is over in 3 more hours thank goodness.

Here's me thinking 'there can't possibly be any good content I'll miss after yesterday'.

He fucking hates me.
Bae will never, ever let you forget you changing your profile pic. He is such a petty shit.
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You are definitely under his spell if you cancelled breakfast at the Grand Flo it looks gorgeous
I've rebooked for later this morning just for you 😘 it does look amazing, I've wanted to try the vanilla bean French toast for years!


Look at the little wolf 🥺
Please can he come hold in me those arms whilst he fucks me!? Thanks for sorting.

@mimimithis I have missed you this week. Hoping for a peaceful weekend for you x

oh your outfit 🥰😍 and phone case💙
you’re making me want to go back so badddd
glad you’re having an amazing time cute stuff
I am feeling a bit frustrated because things have been much more sedate than usual! Having to cater for mum not really being a Disney person. Should step up a gear when she leaves and actually get on some rides!

I love this man more than anything in the world.
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