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Omg 😧 does she still have said stolen horse?
I don't know tbh. I believe there was more than one horse. I doubt the travellers would have reported it as they have no faith in police and knew the police wouldn't have followed it up. They generally tend to take matters into their own hands, which is why I believe Jodie upped security at Auschfripps.
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Marge’s Ghost

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Morning cunts! (sorry been watching The Boys) newsjacking is the technical term for what she's doing. Same as with those poor dogs that she caused an issue with, with the RSPCA. How much money did she rake in with that little stunt? Nasty cunt

Marketers know that negativity sells - check any Newspaper front page - so she's tapping into that to drive donations
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This is what baffles me when people throw around karma and stuff like this because who is this overseeing judge that is going to decide which karma befalls me for calling an influencer a bellend? Is it the same one who is repaying all the child molesters that definitely don’t get away with their crimes at all *coughJimmySavillecough* and killers. Like who gets to decide on someone’s karma? Because, if you were to speak to my friends and family, they’d say I deserve nothing but good things and amazing karma, but speak to someone who doesn’t like me much and they’ll say my karma should be bad. We would all say that Jodie deserves dreadful karma but Steph and her dad think the opposite.
I am a Panthiest. We believe the universe, the earth, and nature are divine and so they should be treated as sacred. Jodie’s treatment of animals as beings to be captured, hoarded and used as ‘babies’ and clickbait is committing a huge sin against nature and her immoral actions need to be answered to. Esentially, karma means conditioned existence. The word karma can be translated as doing. It’s the relationship between our actions and our happiness or suffering. Jodie is living the shitty life she lives (childless, failed friendships and relationships with her family) as a direct result of the bad energy she continues to put out into the universe.
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Clear signs that Ralph had mud fever over the winter from constantly being in the mud. The speckled dots are little scabs dropping off from where the skin has cleared up. It’s not dried mud. You can see he’s had it around his pasterns and up to his hocks. Steph says “we need to start putting suncream on his nose” he should have already had it on, we’ve had a few hot days already and it should have been on this morning!!


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Marge’s Ghost

Well-known member
So true

I’m working on getting fat arms and driving my brother away, was also thinking of slagging off the local charities and telling my customers to fuck off. But one step at a time, where can I buy shifty hair extensions? I’m assuming Temu?


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How did you find out this info?
One of Billy’s family has posted a photo of the baby publicly and the comments on the photo make it 100% clear that the baby is Billy’s.

I’m not going to post screenshots as I don’t want her sycophants (who may be lurking) dogpiling the family member.
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Chatty Member
Thread suggestion:
Don't give an opinion or offer a solution this she perceives as verbal pollution - Blocks & Dox
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Treating all these foxes like pets means they will never see the outside of Auschfripps. If they weren't imprinted with humans before they certainly are now...

With the exception of the blind fox. I see no signs that any of the foxes are being kept isolated with minimum human contact so they can be released back into the wild. They appear to be nothing but cute cash cows to elicit cash donations from her gullible social media followers.

The 2 fox compounds are next to each other. Jodie has filmed herself multiple times in both compounds playing with the foxes. It is a blatant lie she is keeping human contact to a minimum. She is a CUNT.

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Marmalade Atkins

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There's definitely a rodent problem when you have a kitchen covered in rodent shit, Jodie.

Reminder, as if we need one...

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She wants it for her ego and of course it would draw a lot of attention and donations because it’s ‘famous’. You see this all the time with dogs for example, when there’s a highly publicised case of abuse or neglect and thousands apply to rehome the dog/s involved. All the other ones just as deserving that don’t have a sob story? Nah.
As the best vegan evah, I’d have thought Jodie would be thinking of how many others could be saved for the amount she’s willing to pay for one animal. Nope, she wants the one that went viral. Luckily it looks like she’s not going to get her claws into this one.
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If it turns out to be a scam she'll be offering to buy that lad that's missing in Tenerife.

(as long as he's in his school uniform the old pweirdo)
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Chatty Member
I am his mummy end of matter .. ignore all the deaths and feceal matter

^^ View attachment 3008070
That was my attempt at a thread title but I got flustered lol 🤣 I'm enraged by all the oh jodie your such a good mummy I wanna punch something
The arrogance of this half baked, self obsessed fuckwit makes me sick. That video gives me the chills, smirking at the camera the whole time not even trying to hide how delighted she is with herself for making that fawn imprint on her.
Knew she would do this, Called it from the second she first posted it! Now that perfectly healthy fawn is destined to a life caged in her barren, shit heap of a cesspit - all because she can’t control herself not to over handle & slobber all over everything that comes her way.

More REAL animal rescues need to start calling her out for this! She doesn't listen to anyone but more of her worshippers might start to question what she’s upto & realise that she doesn’t give a fuck about what’s best for any of those animals!

Edit - Just seen the offer from a proper sanctuary. If she has a decent bone in her body she will take that fawn to them so he can at least have a chance in the hands of people with real knowledge & the desire to actually release wild animals back into the wild!
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