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Chatty Member
Begging the newspapers now to give her the cow or something, I can't bear to hear her voice tonight. I hope any sanctuary gets the cow but her. Bit like that shetland she accused P-Money of riding and how she was going to get him. Never did hear about that pony. She just loves to shoehorn herself into stories about animals.

Eta- Update animal rising group posted 8 hours ago they had secured a place for the cow. But Jodie trying to glory hunt again is still making posts about saving the cow which she would have known if she was involved in the animal rights movement.

So she wants to take on an injured large animal when she has a large outstanding vet bill. She has no quarantine and no grazing. This is not about what's best for the animal it's a fame hungry attention seeker hoping she has found her next Maximus.
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Miss Villanelle

Chatty Member
So she is now contacting people who know her so called trolls. Seriously how fucking old is she! I would love her to contact my husband, he would rip her a new one!
Grow up Jodes, unbelievably you are managing to make yourself look worse.
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It really is 🥲 that won’t ever get released now ‘it’s tame’ will be her excuse, we wonder why? The novelty of other animals soon wears off when she gets a new one doesn’t it

It really is sad. That baby deer has been condemned either way. Female deer can be away for upto 12-18 hours while she forages to replenish her milk supply. I think people don't realise sometimes it's best to let nature play out and take it's course and hope for the best.

British Deer Society even say
"Hand-rearing young deer is not usually successful. Those that have been successfully hand-reared often do not thrive after being released into the wild."

I assume that's why many are kindly pts. The effort, time and resources to try and rehabilitate for it to only fail...And these would be professionals with experience. Not a silly girl playing zoo tycoon in her backyard snogging wild baby animals.
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she was asked how her and Steph met and it goes Jodie had some sheep and put a message out about a shape sharer and steph said that she uses one for her own sheep so will pass him on. Also Steph brought her vegan cheese. But how the hell is Steph around Jodie's 24/7 if she has her own animal's???
Shows how needy and controlling Jodie is. She can’t just have friends that visit, she needs to have friends that are there 24/7 doing everything together. She can’t just have employees, she needs live in employees. She can’t just have a boyfriend, she needs one that moves in straight away, loves everything she does, drops their job to hang around the hellhole, changes their diet, wears her dad’s clothes etc. blah blah blah.
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She only pretends to be interested in sex in the first place because she figured out that it was a way to entrap men into being around her so that she feels less lonely. On Big Brother she talked about sex the way that Jay does in Inbetweeners.
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It's early doors but I'd like to put forward this thread suggestion by @sweeetcorn from the last thread.

I wish this had 'won' instead of mine because mine was too long and I should have known 'bitch' wouldn't have got past the mods.

This is a fucking corker 😂 🙌

Jodie Marsh #28 So much brains, so much vocabulary, she's only gone and opened an anal sanctuary
I didn't HAVE to make this, but here we are 🤷‍♀️

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Stolen from the ever growing fripps farce group. Which btw you are doing great!
I'd like to address a few of her points if I may..
That's insane. For the first 1/2 I thought that it was a spoof. But the reasons that she gives for people possibly being jellus reveals what she values in life :

Because :
* I'm single and independent (this girl don't need no man)
* I bought the biggest house in the village
* I went to Buckingham Palace
* I have so much support
* I have celebrity friends
Let's analyse :
* I'm single and independent (this girl don't need no man) - the lady doth protest too much, always desperate to portray herself as being desirable to men.
* I bought the biggest house in the village - True, we all like nice houses, but yours is no longer; you turned it into a shithole, and antagonised the neighbours.
* I went to Buckingham Palace - no cunt cares. You queued up with all the other losers and somehow thought that this makes you better than others.
* I have so much support - like flies around shit, they are.
* I have celebrity friends - no cunt cares. Celebs are people too; some of them are decent and some are arseholes. I'd have no issue if you were surrounded by competent / anonymous people, but you're not; you're swimming in a shit-infested pool of people who have no skills, who know that they have no skills, but somehow think that name recognition will make them feel better.

I missed out the brag about having massive boobs. Nothing to say really, anyone can buy sillytits.
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Why is she trying to buy the cow? It belongs to someone else. What can she offer it that its current owners can’t?
Sorry to quote myself but I genuinely don’t understand why she is so obsessed with this cow? Is it for attention? “We now have the cow that was on the news. Look how amazing we are, we’ve just removed it from somewhere where it was perfectly fine”
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The most recent concern from the public is her human imprintment on the fox cubs. Jodie insists this isn't true! As she sits in the enclosure cuddling them. They throw themselves at her and its not her fault and anyone who says otherwise is a vile troll and highly likely to have their face plastered on her instagram stories
She also appears to see herself as a lioness prptecting her cubs claiming she will fight for her babies as any mother would and that anyone 'coming' for them she will 'go for them'.
Seemingly completely missing the point that
• they are NOT her babies
• no one is coming for them, merely questioning her capability to ensure they are cared for.
• no mother could look after 600 'babies' , which is basically the whole point.
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Miss Villanelle

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Jodes I DON'T BUY ANY ANIMAL wants to buy the cow that was hit by police in a car. But she nevah EVAH buys animals.
I urge the owners to blank her. That cow won't have any grass, room or dignity as she uses it for attention!
Of course she had to get involved!
Deal with the ones you've got first ffs.
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