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Original SoulMate Kyle

Well-known member
Oh Jodie, that whole thing about trolls wanting to crawl inside your skin? And the eleventy million skulls around your house?

...Sounds a bit necro to me, luv.
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Sharron Needles

Chatty Member
she’s crying over the support she’s received, the videos been edited to make her look bad & it’s not true at all, she will be making her own videos to prove it!

Jodie, no one edited a dead emu you’ve refused to acknowledge, no one edited a meerkat running wild that you denied escaped

I’d respect her much more if she stopped the blatant lies & just was honest about things. animals can die & accidents can happen, just own up to it instead of lying
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I suspect he’s doing/done a runner! It’s a bit suss how Steph has been promoted to Jodie’s top arse licker & bestest friend ever recently….
I may have said this before but Fripps Farm now feels like a TV show that should've ended four seasons ago, only a handful of the original cast remain, and it's being made on a fraction of the budget. It's just got that vibe about it.
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Miss Villanelle

Chatty Member
I urge any lurker to click the link if they are ready to see the truth of Aushfripps. No matter how loud she shouts the truth is documented.


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Unprofessional reply? Whatever do you mean?

I always write hahahahahahahahaha in my letters to the police. Especially when I am talking about a Mumma cat and her kittens.
(Dear god 🤦‍♀️)
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Active member
I'm new to this thread, and to Fripps Farm in general. Just watching the videos of that poor mare and her foal show that Jodie is clueless and uncaring. She's no rescuer just a hoarder. 🤬
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Can someone check on Jodie Marsh and her hoarding, hatred, narcissistic behaviour, Messiah Complex, unhinged behaviour, etc etc. her animals need rescuing and she needs imprisoning!

The irony.

Also who would want to stop people who have concerns over animal welfare?!? That all the ‘Trolls’ have.

Take a good long look in one of those hundreds of sequin hats and expensive mirrors Jodie.
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Marge’s Ghost

Well-known member
I’m just a VJB though, homeowner no mortgage, self-employed, well-known in the Middle East, and not a stranger to the occasional TV show over here as an expert guest. Been on more prestigious shows that you Jodie, including a flagship BBC One show. Oh and happily married for 25 years with 2 amazing sons and a number of animals. Oh and I got First Class Honours - fuck your eleventy GCSEs
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It’s the “hahahahahahaha” and the “lots of love” that finished me off. This reads like an angry teenager wrote it.

What an absolute fuckwit.

Interesting that they want to speak to her about OTHER animal welfare too.

Her ranting the RSPCA have no power. Pretty sure they do have the power to bring prosecutions. If I ran an animal rescue I’d probably try and keep the RSPCA on side.

She’s radio fucking rentals!
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Marge’s Ghost

Well-known member
Could you imagine how amazing Fripps could have been if she was capable of accepting constructive criticism.

With her money she could have had a proper farm, and then the TV stations WOULD have picked it up, and with proper management she could have done incredible things.

But that’s not Jodie.
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Tell me you’re about to do a smug, sarcastic video aimed at your neighbours and a council hearing, without telling me you’re about to be a smug, sarcastic, unfunny arsehole.
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Does anyone have the video of Manic snapping at the snout of the pig?

She is a piece of shit, she really is. I know fuck all about horses but even I can tell those feet need looked at. Steph you're another cunt for the way you were handling that foal.

I'm a bit triggered tonight by everything I've seen over this weekend on here. The rescue I volunteer with lost one of their long term fosters because idiot adopters didn't listen to the rescue and follow the guidelines that were put in place.

I'm hoping the application for the DWA licence will be her downfall as it seems more people are seeing the light. I just hope it's sooner rather than later. 💔
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Chatty Member
This is all getting incredibly toxic , the utter hate and bile toward those that wrote very good and considered objections with proof or dared to have an opinion is just mind blowing. While you can't blame anyone for fighting back..the utter childish and bullish way it is being done is making me want to step away. 😢 but this is want she wants.
She obviously doesn't realise how stupid this is making her look. She is publicly shaming someone, naming them and saying they have never been to her properteee and they had the audacity to write an objection for a licence application. In the next breath she is asking her followers who have never been to her properteeee to write support comments! Pot calling kettle springs to mind!
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Well-known member
That story is so sad. Amongst the bigger stories the little failures get forgotten. Its hard to give up pets but at least if you know they are safe and happy you can take comfort in that. To come across your dead pet like that must be so awful 😪.
The neglect is appalling at the best of time but with her and Steph on their crazy internet expose god only knows what's going on.
But Jodie will take is a win cos she made a good few quid today 🤬
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- Someone tried to spread awareness and sent Jodie’s followers a link to read the full legal case for themselves. Jodie then told them all it was a virus and not to click on the link trying to stop people from reading the documents.

- Jodie kept a mare and foal in a stable for 3 weeks without even walking them out to stretch their legs. The same mare has had no foot care, no dental care, no vaccinations, no handling or brushing since her arrival at Fripps in November 2023.
Just heartbreaking tonight, the "release" of Clover and Foal into the paddock all filmed for the benefit of social media..very very obviously reading the comments on here regarding Clover. That grim stable is all that baby has known apart from a short time in the paddock when he was born, Clover was stressed and the foal was stressed, and with all the cackling going on all the background, there's hardly any grass and it's June. Clover's feet and tail..this mare has been there for months..she needs some attention and some TLC. Kaos is a gorgeous boy..I just feel for them both.
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Only just noticed there's another slew of doxxing on her Insta stories, six more people posted about an hour ago.

Everyone she's doxxed so far looks gorgeous and happy, unlike the unwashed pig herself.

AND HELLO DAN HOW :love: He's gorgeous, looks like a viking!
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VIP Member
Thread title suggestion (this is the best I could rhyme):

True colours shown in late night posts:
Homophobia, bullying, cash paid for goats
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VIP Member
Looking at the FB profile of one of the people Jodie doxxed, to find the photo Jodie used she would have had to scroll through a lot of other photos to find it. That's deranged stalker behaviour and she clearly has too much time on her hands. I'm wondering how many animals her and Steph are letting suffer and/or die so they can behave like internet weirdos.
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