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VIP Member
I can’t deal with this, this is a person who has admitted they never wash 🤢 “pictures you can smell” did the instructor pass out?
Also why am I still a new member? I’ve been here ages! I don’t comment much though 🤔
Yeah, I think it goes by the number of comments you post. After 20, you become a member. Then it's active, chatty, well known and when you hit 1000, you become a VIP.

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Claire was outed for nicking the saaand for a paaand funds to fill her own coffers, now she's trying to crawl round her old friends (who she was vile to and dropped like a hot potato when she was love-bombed by jodie) - too late, Claire, too late.
How do you know this?
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Have I missed the announcement of the “huge, I mean it’s massive” rescued animal involved in a Police investigation that was mentioned a few weeks ago on her stories?
Or is that what the pouring of concrete was about…
I'm talking about this concrete for the dog run apparently. Those lucky dogs. All those acres and they get a tiny patch of concrete.

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Active member
Wow! I've just finished reading through all of the threads and I'm honestly stunned. I admit I was totally taken in by Jodie. I've always felt a bit sorry for her, wondering what went wrong in her life to make her act the way she did and I was pleased to see her finding something that genuinely seemed to make her happy. Now the scales have well and truly fallen from my eyes.

Those poor animals 😪 Its the reptiles that concern me the most. I'm a snake keeper and reptiles need more specialist care than most animals. Whoever gave her that monitor lizard should be ashamed of themselves. Large and cousin to komodo dragons, they can give a nasty bite in the wrong hands and inadequate housing means it will be at a high risk of death like poor Vernon.

For those asking about the chameleon, I'm guessing it's already dead. Chameleons are quite difficult to keep because they aren't very hardy when it comes to bad husbandry
Is the enclosure for the monitor totally unsuitable ? She only shows a tiny bit but I would assume the poor thing needs a lot more room and stimulation
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sorry I’m still stuck on the farrier train😂

doesn’t Steph have a horse as well & forgotten badger one tit wonder? I’ve got in my head that’s how Jodie became bezzie mates with them. wonder why Stephs farrier isn’t offering his services or recommending someone else🤔
oh i bet steph will bring her horse to fripps if they find somebody to do it for free and get her horse a freebie to
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What? Stop. Wait a minute. Six weeks ago would presumably be the previous house. Where all her neighbours HATED animals and didn’t even have any animals and HATED her.

Latest story in the poultry run. There’s far too many birds in there imo. I’ve seen less in a caged hen egg factory. She’s adding even more too. The Chickens don’t use the sheds to roost but the Peacocks do. THATS why the chickens don’t use them!!
And the wire she’s fox proofed it with is cheap and thin. It’ll rust and weaken. Any hungry fox won’t think twice about chewing through that I’m certain.

It’s only been a few weeks and the place is starting to look tired and worn. Muddy grassless ‘fields’ over cramped with more and more livestock.

The ponds will soon be swamps with the surrounds covered in muck. Almost 40 ducks! Plus Geese.

I wonder how close any new neighbour is? And what they think of the Donkey honking and all those Cockerels.
I think she meant her new neighbour because like her she rescues animals too but with her she lies so much I never know.

And I was just thinking that she'll be giving Bernard Matthews a run for his money all those birds cramped in together.

I thought the pond looked really dirty to when she flung them in the other day too. How will she even be able to keep track of the turtles.
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Helen Lee

Well-known member
Definitely agree about the NDA, there is no way Billy didn’t want to clear his name but if he did he would be in breach of the NDA. That’s awful!
I thought she was trying to say Claire was taking money, when she said the money is for the animals or something like that. Implies she was stealing
How long do NDAs last ?? A few years or life 🤔
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Helen Lee

Well-known member
Latest stories sticking the boot into Claire. "Steph and Jack are amazing without them I couldn't do it. Anything they have going on in their lives they will drop everything and come here and help out."

So Claire who was the boss, like a mum, without her we couldn't do it, the only person who could tell Jodie what to do. Now Steph and Jack are the backbone 🤔.

Did Claire not drop everything for one of Jodie's "emergencies"
Is Jack Claire's husband??
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