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I really dislike Jim, I think there is something so off about him. He definitely hated that Tanya left him, hated she had more followers. If you look at some of Zoe Suggs videos, especially Christmas ones, Jim is vile to Tanya. Purposely trying to belittle her and is just genuinely horrible to her. You see it with Sarah as well now, he undermines her role as a mother, makes our Margot likes him more, looks like him more, he’s always having to carry her. Honestly I could go on for days but I’ll stop there 🤣
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I can't understand why a married father of one is so obsessed with posting topless pictures of himself on Instagram. Pathetic.
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Once they literally posted a photo of Margot with tubes in her nose on a hospital bed, they lost any kind of upper hand in this conversation. Both Sarah and Jim are thoroughly pointless individuals, so they mine their baby daughter for content. This article is a straight up blatant lie.
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How does he manage to sound so creepy when talking to Margot? Latest story about her hair and it just doesn't sound like a normal dad talking to his toddler. Weird guy
No he doesn’t. It is strange. The way he says “My darling” is just so patronizing. Hey Jim, why not just grab a brush and brush your daughters hair after she obviously just woke up ? Instead of making a video, talking to her in a condescending way and posting it for the world to see. She was obviously pointing to her nappy at the same time because the child just woke up and needs it changed and her hair brushed. She is not there as your social media content or for you to speak meanly to online. Just like he used go to do Tanya !
Then today she pokes her head in to look and the camera and he says laughing “this isn’t about you” also when he was trying to do the ad about the tv or whatever it was a few days ago he says to her “daddy is speaking”. Yes daddy is speaking to a camera that most of the time he has pointed at her. How is she supposed to know when she is the content and when she is not. It is not a normal situation, he speaks to her in a very strange way and most of the time she is working by being on camera and doesn’t even know it. The other times he is scolding her with his strange tone of voice for her looking at the camera. She must be confused by it all.
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What the hell is he doing!? How CREEPY is he!? I don’t even have the words to describe him he makes me feel a bit sick. Why are they SO obsessed with Tanya?! There’s no way it’s a coincidence.
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He only got to see that comment because the person accidentally said Marta. 'Martha' is presumably still blocked.

Strange for Jim to only now start mentioning Martha at the same time as Tanya is having her baby. Trying to stir that up again at the time she's becoming a mother. Bit shady eh?
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Didn't Sarah post a few months back that it annoys her when people post their child's progress online because it's not fair or sensitive to other people? That screams insecurity to me. There's no shame if it's taking Margot a little longer to do things, but she's the one choosing to expose her child to the internet. Of course she had no problem posing for Jim right after giving birth when he praised her for bouncing back so quickly. That was totally fine!
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Hopefully in real life she’s babbling away, trying to communicate with them but if not I would hope they have spoken to the health visitor and had her hearing checked just to rule out any issues.
I quite like to think she is striking due to being monetised without consent and therefore any labour she can withdraw she does.
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Sarah dancing around, pretending to have a personality instantly shut down by her loving husband Jim "you're far from a free spirit" aka "you're a twat, I hate you, I wish you were Tanya"

Sarah darling; RUN
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To Jim, if you read here… you are thirty-four years old. You are married. You have a small child. You own a house. For the love of god, I implore you to see reason and start wearing clothes. Nobody wants to see you topless, you might think you look good, but in actual fact you have an unnerving face and you’re very scrawny. It’s currently tea time and I didn’t need to see that image when opening my instagram for a little evening browse. Sincerely, a woman who is now rather distressed.
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I’m sorry I’m not shaming small boobs in the slightest as I would love to have smaller boobs but the teeny tiny cups on the dress are just awful 🙈
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The dress looks awful. The breast part looks too small and the lower part of the corset looks baggy?! The weird lace peplum has no structure so looks like scrap material or that the dress has torn!
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I think the thing that's really getting to them is that Tanya is not showing Sage's face. That immediately gives Tan the upper hand because they know they get criticism for showing so much of Margot, and Tan is not doing that with Sage (so far anyway).

For a narcissist like Jim he will see that like Tan is 'winning' and its making him bitter.
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I’m hoping Zoe and Alfie picked up on Jim’s Sage story and turn their back on him. To be honest they’ve always seemed closer to Tanya and I found the picture of Jim and Alfie with their babies quite awkward? I bet it was Jim who arranged it all. Whatever Tanya did whether she cheated or not it doesn’t look like her friends abandoned her for it- it looks like they’re fully supportive and it’s Jim they ignore nowadays. I’m betting we’re not the only ones who’ve always found Jim creepy.
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Sarah is starting to piss me off constantly posting expensive clothes. Margot's cardigan would have cost £40+

So you were blessed with good looks so could do some modelling and have married a man who doesn't love you? What have you actually achieved Sarah? You've absolutely no personality or substance at all. Boring as hell. Read the room, nobody cares about your expensive clothes. We may be slightly impressed if you'd worked hard for them but you've probably never done a hard day's work in your entire life.

Sorry, bit Harsh, but she's pissing me off.
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Chatty Member
Sarah needs to wake up and run a mile. It’s clear as day he doesn’t love her. He only loves himself. He publicly reminisces about the good old days - I wonder which year he’ll stop at? Maybe the one with his divorce? He’s literally told everyone his life now is no where near as good as it was then even though he’s got a new wife and a daughter. Mental!! He seems to enjoy Sarah essentially fan girling over him everyday- it boosts his ego. He’s the star not her. And he is desperate to overshadow Tanya’s announcement and make everything a competition. I wouldn’t put it past him to be jealous that Tanya had a boy as he seems to absolutely hate women and view them as weak and less able but there you go.

I knew the dynamic between them was seriously fucked up when Sarah would publicly shit talk Tanya, (a woman she has not met and ultimately knows nothing about) fighting Jim’s battles for him. I just know the two of them bonded over how awfulllll Tanya is and how hard done by poor Jimmy boy was! Sarah has resigned herself to a life of being second best and constantly having to massage and flatter Jim’s bruised ego. Tanya clear still looms large over their relationship.
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Sorry I'm gonna rant.....

So they've been given a fucking footmuff for a pram have they? Why? Is the pram gifted? It's a sorry fucking state of affairs when these tossers post a kitchen reveal in their luscious home yet follow it by sharing a gifted item for a baby. Donate the fucking pram. Donate the fuckinv footmuff. They can afford their own. THIS is broken Britain. Foodbanks. Children dying in mould-infested homes not fit for purchase. Pensioners unable to turn their heating on. Yet these well-off twats get things gifted.

Jim, you selfish twat.
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Sarah realising what a mistake she has just made.... 😂
But seriously, she looks miserable here
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