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Hey guys, I've got this idea for the wiki! So, you know how she's all sneaky with those different names? Well, I was thinking, why not add this image of her to the wiki? That way, when people stumble upon it, they'll be like, "Oh yeah, that's totally her!" Check it out:
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Hi @JellyJam, thanks and good job so far! I typed this yesterday before your message above, but wasn't finished yet. Her family is part of her bio, Jingjing has a YouTube channel and a public Instagram account, was part of Jasmine’s videos and her sister also has public social medias. What you mentioned is insignificant as it is a part of who Jasmine is - akin to any other public figure or celebrity who has a detailed section about their family on a wiki page. This also took me time, just as you painstakingly searched for screenshots of her soft p*rn era.

I have a checklist of items that need to be considered, and I appreciate your help in adding them to the wiki. Thank you.

1. Please also change her name in the "How to report" section and heading “Jasmine Mary Lipski aka Jasmine Lipska”.
2. Please put "Jasmine Lipska" in every heading.
3. I've already merged @Teslaka's and @Mamol1's texts and some other user fonts with a few changes that I know off the top of my head, ready to be copied and pasted into the wiki (bio). Please read it, it's basically a timeline of things, see below.

Please include this image before the first paragraph of her current bio:

Please include this text after the first paragraph in her current bio:

This was also unethical, so please include the bolded sentence:

Jasmine also got fillers and Botox herself as a teenager into her 20s, without ever disclosing it when promoting self-love and natural beauty on YouTube. Which in itself is unethical.
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I have to say she's looking a lot healthier these days
I'm not going to say much, but I think she looks the opposite of healthy. She reminds me of her eating disorder days.

Oh, and the whole scamming that people came to the forum for in the first place is still there, just in a different form now. :sick:
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100% see that happening. She has no friends or hobbies and by her own admission, has spent her whole life praying for this. She is in her own little bubble because she believes this is her life purpose and nothing else matters. I thought it was quite weird and sad how she said her life purpose is to submit to men aka her husband and Jesus.

Jasmine if you're reading this, since you no longer believe in astrology. Please try therapy.

I also don't mean to diagnose over the internet but she shows pretty clear signs of having depression. She seemed to be really adamant that it was just "depressed feelings", not "depression" like she's trying to convince herself. She seems to be a very neurotic person most of the time anyway so I really hope her mental health doesn't take too much of a hit postpartum as I mentioned before, reading all the books in the world will not help when you're in the thick of it. Really hope her family will be there to help. I genuinely feel so sad for her that she doesn't have any friends to support her as it takes a village to raise a child.

Josh also seems way more subdued and sombre these days. That crazy wacky exuberant persona that we all disliked and found cringe is long gone. Really hope he's got some sort of support network too as he doesn't have any friends or family in Australia.
For real! On the topic of friends, I wonder how dumb she feels for abandoning her former friends in Australia when she was scamming and traveling. Remember her former good friend Courtney, who had the soap biz? There were several others too who were nice and normal. Jasmine cut them all off when she was deep into scamming.

How awkward and lonely to be back in Australia and no longer being able to reach out to them again. Doubt Jasmine had a baby shower with any friends and probably had it with her immediate family.
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Jasmine Lipska consistently contradicts herself in many different ways. For example, she claims that she couldn't work during the first three months of her pregnancy, but if we look back at previous posts on this forum thread from August and September 2023 (which would fall into her first trimester) and October from memory, she was actually working as a life coach during that time. This is just one of the many contradictions she has made. It's not surprising, though, because her entire online career is filled with contradictions, and she has a history of lying. So when she talks about taking an indefinite pause on life coaching, it's probably best to question the truth behind her words. In fact, it's wise to be skeptical of everything she says, considering that both she and her husband have a tendency to lie.
Scammers often rebrand in order to avoid detection and continue their fraudulent activities. This involves changing their business name, website or even their strategies to deceive new victims and confuse those who may be unaware of their previous operations. These tactics allow fraudsters to stay one step ahead of law enforcement and public awareness. That's why it's important to report them:
Changing her profession to 'writer' seems suspicious considering the topic of scammers rebranding.
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I couldn't log in earlier to address this, but I want to point out something that hasn't been mentioned yet. Last week, on Monday, the fourth day of September, she shared a story promoting coaching services for an extremely high price of $888 AUD! This is a lot of money, equivalent to the cost of a plane ticket to the other side of the world. And even more than licensed therapists and counselors, who charge less and can assist with various issues, including relationships and more. Even if you have insurance, you can seek help from local professionals without having to spend large amounts of money.

Jasmine Lipska college dropout 888 AUD

Speaking of spirituality and angel numbers that someone mentioned on the last page, upon checking, it's indeed evident that her spiritual numbers shine through in the prices she charges.

888 is an angel number:
Jasmine Lipska spiritual angel numbers

10000 is an angel number:

This one is ironic because she has done that.

20000 is an angel number:
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Completely unrelated, I expect Jasmine Lipska to have another full body orgasm around this time of year, remember when she posted this last year.
Haha! That's the great thing about this forum, she will never live it down!! She can rebrand to the soft, gentle "mama" influencer all she wants, but her porn star scamming ways will live on!

Her new hyperfixation is not being sexual anymore. It's being a "mUmMa". She's literally obsessed. Painting ugly pictures, sticking out her non existent bump every chance she gets. I get she's excited but bloody hell lol. Tbh I expected nothing less from her and she'll be even more insufferable about it once the kid is born. I bet all her stuff about keeping the kid "private" will go completely out the window when her and her narcissistic husband see that sweet sweet engagement and likes flood in whenever baby content is posted online.

Also something weird I noticed. She absolutely prides herself on being so "in tune" with her body and femininity yet the pregnancy was a "surprise"?? Not to get tmi and invasive but after so many years of not being on birth control by her own admission, she should've known her "safe days" to an exact science since she's so obsessed with charting her temperature etc? Something weird is up with that LOL. Also, has Josh posted anything about the baby/pregnancy since the initial announcement?
Oh my, I hope her Christmas tree is ready for another wild ride this year! 🌲😂
LOL! the tree will be covered in baby themed ornaments with a "star seed" angel topping the tree 😂
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I think it's all a PR stunt. She also mentioned that she has no regrets about her journey, which basically means that she has no remorse for her scamming actions. I lost my respect for her a long time ago. She has always displayed a sense of entitlement and narcissism that occasionally surfaces and is unappealing. Although she claims to have turned over a new leaf, God did not stop her from scamming for years.

She's hypocritical, by the way, given her past use of religious references (God) while involved in scams. She's just trying to salvage her reputation with this whole charade. And now she's already breaking her promise not to exploit her child for money. Classic move on her part. It seems like she's using religion to cover up her shady actions. My PR friend thinks it's just a PR stunt, and I agree. We're not fooled by her fake act, considering all the lies and scams she's pulled.

Spot on! You have to distinguish between true intelligence and simply being well-read. And it's also true that social skills are equally important in many fields. Scammers like Jasmine definitely don't fall into the "book smart" category!
Preach. I also think it's hypocritical that as soon as she gave birth, she quickly includes her child as content after saying she wouldn't include them in it. She also actively wears "giving birth unmedicated" as a braggy badge of honor. Like girl, stfu giving birth is not a competitive sport, it's part of life. I think she keeps mentioning it because she was badly traumatized by it.

I also cringe at the thought that she probably did so many photo and video outtakes shifting, carrying her baby to get a "good shot". Be careful Jas, let's not drop the baby while you get a good selfie angle trying to carry her for content on socials. She clearly knows what's she's doing and pandering to the motherhood/babyhood content. Gotta get those brands to #sponsor her.

That's why I actively try not to view her content but sometimes the damn algorithm just serves it up on my feed lol. She still sucks and still blowing up smoke in people's faces on social. It's like that saying, "Same dog, but new tricks!"
I thought this post was quite refreshing! The old Jasmine would've been bragging left right and center about how perfect and amazing her birth and postpartum is and how everyone should learn from her, being self righteous and condescending trying teach people her ways. Don't want to get ahead of myself but it seems motherhood might finally be humbling her?

(She has been mildly humble bragging about her unmedicated birth but one step at a time, she hasn't been completely insufferable about it tbf)
Nah. Humbling would be getting her ass off of socials and not using her baby as content. This is just Angel the dog 2.0 content.

Also with her new bible loving persona, do we know if she's actively going to church and fostering a community with people IRL? I feel like she wouldn't be into it because she's an isolating hermit that hates building relationships IRL with people.
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$20 to attend
Here's the thing: don't be fooled by this tactic. It's actually a sneaky way for them to sell you even more or charge you big bucks in the long run.

I feel it's important to warn you all about getting involved in any of their offerings. Even if the price seems reasonable at first, once you get sucked into their life coaching sales funnels or similar schemes, it can be incredibly tricky to untangle yourself. Trust me, you might find yourself stuck and end up shelling out a significant amount of your hard-earned money.

So, please think twice before diving into anything they're selling. It's always better to be cautious and protect your wallet from potential traps.
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all done and added! Really great rundown and I can see you put a lot of work into it.
Thank you! Also, about the deleted links: It would be helpful to bring back a few links on Josh’s section on the wiki, such as the BBC article photo of Josh with his apron on half naked while he was working, along with pictures of him mocking other cultures and doing the highly offensive Hitler/Nazi salute.

If you could also include these exact links about Jasmine and Josh not following Indonesia's COVID rules on the wiki that would be helpful.

and this comment about Jasmine and Josh; to find it, just scroll downward:

I remember seeing pictures of them breaking COVID rules, which were likely shared online on forums. If anyone remembers where they were shared, please reshare them.

Them attending a huge gathering and breaking Indonesian strict COVID rules:
Maybe we can make that a completely new section on the wiki "Jasmine Lipska and Josh Campbell, disrespecting other cultures and not following their host country’s rules"?
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Guys Jasmine's eventually planning on quitting social media!!! We won!!! 🎉🎉🎉

I haven't looked at her stuff in detail for ages but the podcast title with the word "quit" piqued my interest. Still seems like she hasn't got any friends to talk to so she's using the podcast as a way to voice her stream of consciousness.

Summary (typing as I listen so sorry if it's not coherent, I'm trying to cut through her projection and translating it into what she's actually saying about herself lol)

She's apparently in a season where she doesn't want to put her face out there as much anymore and doesn't want to be addicted to the ego massage and dopamine kick SM brings. She generally seems very disillusioned and finally admitting that a lot of what she posts is a lie. The lines are blurred between her life and business.

She as usual, comes across very high horse and condescending with no self awareness when talking about much she hates when people overshare on the internet and how people should keep things sacred with their partners not realising her entire sex life, pornographic photoshoots, birth control methods, domestic fights are plastered on these forums. I genuinely laughed out loud when she talked about how she hates "fake vulnerability for likes and attention" but admits she's played into it in the past.

Seems she really regrets sharing so much of her life as it lives "all over the internet" (aka on the forums). She worries about her children seeing what she has posted.

Talks about having increased engagement recently and how she's gone viral with certain reels. Sounds like she's upset that people with opposing views are now finding her rather than her insanity being confined to her right wing wacko bubble. Felt pressure to post everyday to capitalise off this newfound virality.

How real life connections are more important than social media connections because what would happen if you lost all your followings? (Sounds like a worry for her lol) Seems like she's feeling like she doesn't matter on social media. Says she doesn't get her phone out with friends and doesn't need to prove she's got friends (ok that one really made me genuinely laugh!)

She says she doesn't share anything unless she has processed it fully because she doesn't want to be upset if people judge it or scrutinize her. (Like wtf how about just keep shit to yourself in the first place like surely that's the main solution here?!)

Starts talking about hateful and abusive comments and how she blocks. Ok this one made me really laugh. She starts talking about "people" (note reader, she means herself) naively post something on reels and it goes viral and then you get mean comments so you need to be ok with whatever you post getting judgements.

her and Josh have had conversations about sharing couples stuff. They have strict boundaries and that they'll never sell out (😭😂😭😂😭😂) talks about how people make their whole personality their relationship and film themselves doing everything together. Her belief is that your relationship is better when it isn't monetised (in the same sentence she says they have a YouTube channel and podcast but stresses that they aren't active on it as if that doesn't make it worse. All I can say it WTFFFF

She says other streams of income outside of social media now sounds "luxurious" to her and that she doesn't want to depend on using her life for money.

Now thinking about motherhood and doesn't want her kids seeing her being self obsessed (lol) and being in front of a camera. Wants to focus on skills and what she can contribute to the world.

My notes

I'm taking it all with a pinch of salt and wondering if someone/something has scared her off? She's a massive narc and her "breaks" have only ever lasted 2-3 weeks at most".

I just hate how she tries to turn it into a lesson for all about how "everyone" should practice "sacred privacy" like no dumbass, most sane minded people keep their shit private. it's YOU who is such a narcissist you have no self preservation and now trapped in your own actions of whoring yourself online.

Sounds like she has SERIOUS social media addictions. Like the problems she describes having are unfathomable to me. For example she would get anxiety about wanting to show everyone where she's going, what she's doing etc...

Idk it feels like this is all tied into her wanting to please Josh and become a proper submissive trad wife for him.

I'd be VERY interested if she manages to find a job outside of social media given she has no skills, no education, no personality or people skills. her hateful, homophobic, right wing racist views are plastered on the internet alongside her scamming, porn photoshoots, sex life etc.

I guess time will tell what she does but hopefully we'll be saying goodbye and good riddance to this scamming bozo soon🖕🖕🖕
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Looking at her daily follower graph for September, it appears that there has been minimal growth. The numbers have been fluctuating, possibly due to Instagram's efforts in tackling some fake accounts and bots.


On a completely different topic, Insta randomly suggested her sister's profile to me haha, Jade Lenkowskii @Lenkijade, and it turns out she's in an indie rock/pop band called 7 Pound Halo.

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I just watched Anna's analysis again, there's more than one video, and I noticed that Anna had a gut feeling that something was wrong with Jasmine Lipska, even though she didn't know much about her. She went ahead and made a video about life coaches and a little bit about Jasmine based solely on her website and Instagram without any knowledge of her scams. Jasmine had a meltdown and a tantrum when Anna made the video about life coaches. Jasmine threw a pity party as if she hadn't done anything wrong. Anna stated that she was able to defend herself when Jasmine threatened her, and Anna confidently claimed that she could provide evidence to prove otherwise. However, the wiki does not state that Jasmine's intention was to intimidate Anna. I also came across a comment on R eddit discussing this issue and expressing support for Anna, which needs to be mentioned in the wiki under Anna's analysis @Jellyjam_ ... to make it crystal clear what happened, it's now vague. Jasmine Lipska's unprofessional behavior is a recurring theme.

For anyone who didn’t get it, Jasmine Lipska didn’t take legal action; Anna made that clear. Jasmine Lipska only said that as a scare tactic and was basically unprofessional in her emails to Anna.

Also, Anna’s Analysis is doing something else now; she's studying
Jasmine Lipska really revealed her true nature! I clicked on Anna's analysis YouTube community tab and she, in fact, has a regular job and is studying.
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I'm laughing so hard at this. It must be hard for her to praise Josh for doing mundane things so he feels a sense of worth but girl, thanking men for scrubbing a pot? Reaching for the heavens here 😂

Tradwife Jasmine is this close to giving a course in basic cleaning. One of the tips is asking your man to scrub a pot instead of - I don't know - boiling it with water and dishsoap?
I guess you could say she's... Scraping the pot for the bare basics to praise Josh 😂 lord knows that man does literally nothing else apart from go to the gym and try not to look at other women. Must be so exhausting having to pretend that useless idiot is a respectful, perfect husband king. It's like polishing a turd.
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The way he worded the post sounded as if he was talking about an hourly or daily rate and not a salary.

Josh's website mentions how he was a top creator on Upwork, which I doubted - but apparently it's pretty easy to be one as there are tons of inactive accounts. So that gave me a clue.

When I searched him surprisingly Jas came up as well in the same search. I laughed when I saw she was on the same rate. Yet she hardly gets any jobs 🤣 It's because she's got no skills!

From the amount or jobs Josh does and has on the go you can tell this is his main job. I don't know how they can survive in a city as expensive as Melbourne on just his salary. They must live way out in the outskirts. If they had the money he pretends he makes they would get a nice house but in central(ish) Melbourne or even in a nice area in the outskirts houses are quite expensive.

Amusingly, they moved to Aus because it was cheaper for them to have a baby there as Jas would have health insurance being Australian. He won't get it even if they are married as he's just moved there. A reasonable person would be paying some salary towards private health insurance but I'm not sure he is reasonable overall.

Bali is quite hard to bring up small children in. The healthcare isn't always the best and hospitals are far and few. Accomodation can be cheap but a villa for a family of 3 in a good area isn't as Bali rental prices have been driven up by the tourist industry. Good schools are also quite expensive and you need a vehicle for everything. So they'll need two cars or to car share. I can't see them moving back until he is rolling in dough... 🤣
We've got some super sleuths here! Well done guys 😂

I thought it was weird that he was a top creator given his account seems relatively new but thanks for clarifying that. I think since the baby was unplanned, Jasmine probably forced Josh to get a job and stop living off her. So embarrassing! Plus they shit on the term influencer so much when they were high and mighty scammers, but now they're no longer coaches since they've been caught out and had to get proper jobs, they've come crawling back to claim their lowly rank as "influencers". Pathetic!

To be fair to Josh, he seems to have quite a few jobs completed and ongoing. Plus he gets 5 stars with testimonials from his clients so he's definitely putting in the work. However I find it sad Jasmine is also having to grind out even though she's just had a baby and should be on maternity leave. First with the endless promos and sponsored posts, the Upwork stuff and continued Instagram posting. Goes to show they aren't doing as well as they appear if they are relying on both incomes, rather than the "my husband provides for me" fake shit she's currently spouting.

Also they live in Oakleigh which is where Jasmine originates from. I think rent is roughly $AUD 500-800 a week from the 30 seconds of research I did. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Either way, that's waaaay more expensive than what they ever spent in SEA. I think they'd probably move back to Thailand as they said it's more family friendly.

Also Jasmine says she has a degree in primary education is a bare faced lie as she famously dropped out to pursue social media full time. These guys lie about their credentials so much. Idk how you could be so comfortable faking your life. The language stuff however, is true as she's proven to be fluent in mandarin and Indonesian.

I have more T and I'm dyyyyyinnggg laughing at this one.

Someone has posted a comment on Josh's instagram. I'll show the snapshot and then the full text for ease. If it's someone from here THANK YOU - you're my HERO!! 😂 😂 Typing all the things we all want to say to them both :D The interesting thing is he's not deleted it!

Full text:

"Have you maintained six figures on average over at least a year? You shouldn’t really be tooting this and providing “coaching” when you’ve not maintained this level of income for a sustained period of time. Just like how you shouldn’t be “life coaching” others when you’ve had so many failed businesses and are careless enough to have an unplanned pregnancy. You and Jasmine always do something for two seconds and all of a sudden think you’re an expert who can “coach” others. Both of you are never consistent or persist in anything you do career-wise and always change course within 12 months. How can you ever gain enough knowledge in anything to then start to charge others for your “mentorship”? You’re both just narcissists who can’t acknowledge how under-qualified you are in anything you do and have no issue charging exorbitant fees for advice you’re not equipped to provide."

View attachment 2941214

Separately, in her Upwork profile Jasmine claims:

  • English: Native or Bilingual
  • Chinese: Native or Bilingual
  • Indonesian: Conversational
  • Korean: Conversational

  • Monash University
    Bachelor of Arts (BA), Languages & Primary Education
Looove that comment! Shout-out to whoever sent that 😂

I’d be so disappointed if they were my kids, but I’d be equally disappointed if I was their kid too. Random, but I thought they’d give the baby a “J” name to keep up with their J&J brand.
Haha I thought the same. Although Alaya is a pretty name, it's fairly unconventional. I thought they'd go with something Biblical given Jasmine's apparent new love for Christ
I only watched the intro on Yewtube as the rest was a load of shite.

All I have to say is wow. I watched that first part with my jaw open. So when Josh found out he was having a baby, he said he thought his life was over and went into grieving. Googling things about regret and abortion. Kept going on and on about how upset he was and referred to the baby as a mistake... Ouch 😬

Honestly he seems like such a weird guy. He never once talked about his love for the baby. More so, what the baby has done for him. How he can show up for his clients better. How he is more mature. Just seemed super cold about the baby.

Imagine your father saying that about you being born, your husband saying that about your future child, let alone putting that on the internet. Some things should be kept private honestly! I remember him saying something similar about when he got engaged/married. Jasmine and Josh seem sooo misaligned about nearly everything. Recipe for disaster and I'm truly shocked they've made it this far. That poor baby 😔

He mentioned that he wanted to have a kid in his 30s because he wanted to be "financially stable". Ummm I thought you and the Mrs were on six figures mate? Lies lies and more lies 😂

Also off topic but why does Josh keep acting like he deserves an award for being an unplanned father? Plus why does he keep referring to himself as a young dad? I'd say 22 and below would be considered a "young parent". 28 is a perfectly reasonable age to have a baby, it's only 2 years off from his magic number 30. He acts like he's a teen dad the way he acts so shocked about it being unplanned like bro you know how a baby is made lmao.

I honestly think their shock stems from a lack of finances on Josh's part tbh. If they were truly what they claim, a wealthy married couple. Then yes it might be a surprise but having a baby would ultimately be no problem for them. Yet they were so shocked and scared and even considered aborting. Coupled with Jas feeling "useless" about not making money and contributing, it gives even more legs to the idea these guys aren't rolling in cash like they apparently claim.

They immediately started scrambling and retreated back to Australia and quit their shitty scamming knowing that's no way to raise a child. So much for "thriving business" lol


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Randomly came across this very old Jasmine video which I don't think I've seen before. She was such a sweet talented girl. Whyyyy did she become a corrupt scammer!!?? 😭
She could've easily carried on her YouTube career and actually have made a decent living. She really messed up her life path. Massive mistake imo

Also, I couldn't find Jasmine on Upwork but I could find Josh no problem. Anyone else have that issue?
I actually really liked Jasmine back in 2019 before she moved to Bali. That was when I started following her and was such a fan of her that I actually wanted to meet her in Melbourne and messaged her as such when I was gonna be there. Still sad that she became the way that she has....

That aside, she strikes me as having had so much potential, she seemed diligent and hardworking and talented but used it all for the wrong purposes to the point of no return. It's such a shame.
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@Jellyjam_ I don't follow her so thanks for these screenshots!

The bit that shocked me the most was her mentioning her previous "resistance to submitting". No one should submit to anyone, ever. Being a stay at home mum and doing the cleaning and taking care of childcare while your husband goes to work does not being submitting. It just means taking on different responsibilities. She either has been brainwashed or does not have a clue what she is talking about.
No problem! For future reference, you can use this link to view her stories and posts so she doesn't get engagement

Yeah it definitely feels like she's gone from one extreme to another. She seems to be very weak in her own identity and beliefs, tending to flip flop with whatever and whoever is around her. I think it's a sign of low emotional intelligence to be so influenced and swayed by others the way she is. She's definitely book smart but I don't think she's particularly smart in any other way...
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(y) People need to know how to report her correctly.
I've looked through the reporting steps and it's really helpful. If someone wants to raise an issue with her, the immigration reporting route may not be the best option. They can definitely provide more information and contact details, but contacting the local police in the country she's operating from seems like a better choice, unless there are visa issues involved.
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Jesus was an irreligious Jew, people can study Christ, bible, Religions, theology and still don’t believe everything and choose to be a non denominational Christian.
He may admire Jesus but I think he just said just to please Jasmine and pretend he’s into the same shit she’s into.
I think Josh was raised loosely Christian per his own admission and is more spiritual. Pretty common in the UK. Plus in Indonesia where they got married, you HAVE to have a religious ceremony and they chose Christian so I'm not sure where he's said he was Jewish.

Although definitely agree with you, I think he's just pretending to be into religion to appease Jasmine. Honestly must be so exhausting living with someone who is so incompatible and I think it's catching up to him and becoming real now he's got a baby on the way.

It was all fun and games when they were just dating and married, it was obvious in the beginning that he was there to piggyback off her success and attempt build his own career but that clearly backfired. When they were making fools of themselves scamming their way round Asia living like royalty, things were much easier. Now he's locked in for life with no escape. I'm sure he does love her but I doubt he likes her that much as they are simply too different. You can tell he didn't really wanna have kids with her as he always evaded the question. Now poor guy is trapped for life with no friends or family to confide in as they're all on the other side of the world. He's got Jasmine's family but it's not the same. I really wonder how his mental health is holding up as I would personally be super depressed if I was in his position.
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