Jasmine Lipska #2 bankrolling hubby Scampbell, courses to sell, onlyfans when? Only time will tell

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"Watch my stories! Work with me!"

Pleeeeaaasseee give me attention!!!!!!
I can smell her desperation from a mile away. No self respecting person needs to beg people to engage with them.
Even her twerk video only got 165 likes and her followers are drastically tumbling. She loses almost 100 every 2-3 days!

Her new captions and q&a about her relationship feel like Josh has been annoying her recently with trying to "show up" and be masculine. She genuinely talks about their relationship like she's a mother to a toddler "Give him things to do and keep him busy" "listen to him and don't get annoyed" "try and let him do things rather than take charge and ignore him" doesn't sound like healthy adults figuring out their dynamic. Sounds incredibly weird and codependent.

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Jasmine and Josh went on a double date with this woman so I went to check her account...

All these Bali idiots are carbon copy clones of each other!!! All robots spouting the same shit. Word for word Kelley talks about the exact same stuff! They use the same "Twitter style" posts, use the same fonts, have the same bio. Even the whole "letting your man lead" and "some people might disagree with this one" bullshit. Jasmine even copies Kelley's cadence and accent! Seriously, how do any of these people get clients when they're all exactly the same?

I know Jasmine was seething being in the presence of another woman! She probably silently competed with her on who could finish their meal fastest
How long until Jasmine dumps this woman because she's "no longer serving" her just like she did with tantricalchemy who she was obsessed with "embodying" before she got bored of being a sex queen

Even their damn websites are exactly the same!


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"Watch my stories! Work with me!"
Lipscam: "Watch my stories!"
Also Lipscam: *blocks people from watching her insta stories*

Omg that girl...the thumbnail pic of her in the third row down on the right looks so much like Lipscam herself. Same hair colour, skin the same shade of tanness.
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You know, it's a pity she doesn't take her own advice as to how to make female friends cause she doesn't seem to have any friends.

Also, idk who posted the question about her skin but her skin is looking downright awful. She's on the way to skin cancer if she carries on like that. Her skin looks so old, haggard and sun damaged.


(reaction from the stories screencaps)

I really, really dislike when people say things like "your soul choose your parents" - where does that belief comes from? I guess it's fine and comforting as long as they are decent people, but what if your parents are awful people who gave you a miserable existence and mistreated you? There so many people who have a difficult upbringing. Does that mean that they choose this too?


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she 100 percent asked herself these questions..how sad
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She has said soooo many braindead, hurtful, insensitive and downright naive things like this. I remember when she said something about your womb being a sacred portal and "it's your choice who you let in, letting the wrong person in can ruin your body" etc like completely disregarding people who have experienced SA etc. There's so many others I can't even remember right now (though they're definitely documented extensively)

The worst part is when she doubles down and gives a classic narcissist apology (if she even bothers to apologize) saying "I'm sorry if you felt my words bothered you" she is so beyond dumb it's scary. My hypothesis is that the empty spaces in her hairline is due to the empty space in her brain extending outwards

This is absolutely proof she asked herself this question. In no one's mind is her skin good. You can literally see all the bumps on her forehead in that pic! (Btw there's nothing wrong with it just find her condescending, giving advice when she's struggling herself schtick annoying) She often has breakouts and 100% looks like shes aged 10 years in 2. Straw hair doesn't help either. Coupled with her new increasingly skinny look, her head now looks too big for her body. What is Josh doing to her?
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I forgot to say this last time, in the Afro-Brazilian/Amerindian and Gipsy spiritual communities like Umbanda, Quimbanda, Candomble and to name a few they have people from all ethnic backgrounds and they say lots of swear words all the time, it’s a well known fact, nothing new so who is she trying to teach?
Oh my god...
She saw us complaining about how stiff and awkward her twerking and dancing is and now she's given us this...
I literally had a full body reaction to how cringe this is, like my body actually shivered!

Also her "afternoon juice break in between calls to get ideas for content, everything comes from inspiration" definitely translates to "I'm inspired by the women I hate on Instagram who feed me ideas and most importantly, my daily tattle read"

Also side note. She usually posts her routine which is max "2-3 client calls" which probably take 2-3 hours max (and that's not even everyday) What the hell does she do with the rest of her time? I remember saying she only works 10 hours a week. Lazy ass doesn't really seem as jam packed with clients as she likes to make out


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Looks like she’s on drugs or something.
That feeling when the Bali crack hits and you finally channel an idea into your consciousness for who you'll plagiarise next

Speaking of which, as usual it looks like she's embodying and channelling our tattle comments for ideas on captions. She saw us calling her out again and again for copying and plagiarising Katie Wilkinson, Kelleymbode, tantricalchemy and many other women and now she's basically owning up to it and putting a positive teachable spin on it cos she got caught out

New challenge for Jasmine: have an original idea babe, let's see if you can embody your own personality for once in your life. Or are you just a narcissistic shell of a person?


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You shouldn't diagnose people on the internet but I've just found "signs of narcissism on social media" and Jasmine fits Every. Single. One like a glove.

Endless bragging about her six figure empire and her supposed "dream life", bragging about being a "wealthy sexy lady" calling others who question her mentally ill. Justifying bragging and being conceited as "people are jealous and want to dim your light" Like no. There's being proud of your achievements and there's being an insufferable cow ) Dumping people (exclusively women) who no longer serve her as soon as she's done leeching off their ideas whilst simultaneously being hugely jealous of them (even jealous of women, literal strangers who walk past her in a cafe that she thinks is "too pretty!"). Getting on her high horse teaching shit she has no business teaching in order to feel superior and leech off mentally vulnerable women she deems inferior. Believing that those who work 9-5 are beneath her. Absolutely zero empathy to the point that it's quite scary bordering on sociopathic (again not diagnosing but it's worrying how much it looks like she's cosplaying as a human rather than actually being one)

Underpinning all of this however and above all, is a sad, desperate and deeply insecure little girl
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How lovely, she has now made up with her sister and made some friends.

How cute!

And other usual bs
God this woman is 23 years old still crying and making her entire personality trait about some girls rejecting her in high school?! GROW UP!

I continue to find it absolutely hilarious that she quite literally, by her own admission does not have a single proper friend (going so far as to fake going out with a friend in her stories yet never showing this imaginary friend of hers), is threatened by women (even strangers in cafes!) and can't stand Josh being in the presence of other women yet thinks she's the right person to do an entire podcast episode on the topic of female friendship.

Her continued hatred and misogynist views are warped and weird AF

The irony is not lost on me that she just posted this about "integrating what you've learnt and not being in a rush to teach" any psychologists here who can tell me what mental illness this constitutes?


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Yikes. Also I knew it. Sounds like their relationship isn't what they try to portray online. Josh admittedly confessed to having rage issues and Jasmine got shaken by it. I have a gut feeling they fight a lot behind closed doors. Jasmine, please take this as a sign to not isolate yourself in this unhealthy relationship. Seek girlfriends that can support you and act like a sounding board when shit hits the fan. But also don't be a parasite and just use girlfriends and dump them as soon as you got what you wanted from them


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Lurker here. She's an odd duck and I bet social people don't want to hang out with her, maybe just for a short time and then they realize there's something off about her. I once saw a video of her screaming angrily into a pillow. She scared me, she has so much anger inside of her. I'm going to call her furious insecure Jasmine from now on. Nobody wants to hang out with you, Jasmine. You repel people.
Reactions: 5
Lurker here. She's an odd duck and I bet social people don't want to hang out with her, maybe just for a short time, but then they realize there's something off about her. I once saw a video of her screaming angrily into a pillow. She scared me, she has so much anger inside her. I'm going to call her furious insecure Jasmine from now on. Nobody wants to hang out with you, Jasmine. You repel people.
Reactions: 3
Lurker here. She's an odd duck and I bet social people don't want to hang out with her, maybe just for a short time, but then they realize there's something off about her and they run away. I once saw a video of her screaming angrily into a pillow. She scared me, she has so much anger inside her. These are her traits: furious insecure strange. Nobody wants to hang out with you, Jasmine. You repel people!
Reactions: 3
Jasmine is an odd duck and I bet social people don't want to hang out with her, maybe just for a short time, but then they realize there's something off about her and they run away. I once saw a video of her screaming angrily into a pillow. She scared me, she has so much anger inside her. These are her traits: furious insecure strange. Nobody wants to hang out with you, Jasmine. You repel people!
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