Jasmine Lipska #2 bankrolling hubby Scampbell, courses to sell, onlyfans when? Only time will tell

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Just so disgusting and selfish
And look how proud he is of himself!
A couple of posts earlier he was talking about how empathetic and sensitive he is... Doesn't seem to be too empathetic to the poor cafe workers who'll have to clean/dry that disgusting seat now.
He could've very easily dried off and put some clothes on but noooo everyone needs to be subjected to his masculine juices they're both actually so gross because they both do shit like this, remember when Jasmine proudly bragged about shitting in a cafe and not flushing


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This is so gross and he didn’t need to share this on social media. I can’t imagine what their personal hygiene is like behind closed doors. Josh and Jasmine are really similar. Remember when Jasmine was encouraging her followers to taste/drink their own period blood? Here comes Josh with not having the common sense to dry off before laying down half naked on a couch post workout
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Jasmine giving more insight into what it's like being the leader/breadwinner in their relationship (indirectly ofc)

Again, it seems super condescending to Josh "let him pick date night" "listen to his ideas and don't shoot them down". As if he's just a silly little boy with stupid ideas (which he is) and Jasmine has to humour and appease him once in a while to make him happy. Even in her recent ig video post about this topic, she lets him carry her in shallow water so he feels like he's "in his masculine" even though she could walk with no issues.

Doesn't seem like Josh brings anything of substance into the relationship that Jasmine couldn't do herself so she's forced to give him little odd jobs here and there.
Tbh it just further shows how insecure she is and how she can't be a strong independent woman, that she'd rather have a dead weight, dead beat husband than live alone.

She says men are in their "hurt masculine" when they can't accept their woman's success. Um... Josh is deeply insecure and jealous of other men! Plus he's sponging off you so ofc he's gonna be happy to coast along doing nothing while you make excuses for him being a total bum!

We all know Jasmine's dream was a Disney knight in shining armor who she could cook and clean for and look after the kids and would pay for everything. Now she's got this racist, unemployed gross soyboy she's trying to justify his laziness and how Disney is unrealistic in their portrayals. Know your worth Jas!


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Pedophilic??? Cultural norms??? What the hell is wrong with this man?! Someone just asked for their age gap LOL!
I also have a 2 1/2 year age gap with my partner and have never thought this!
Also the fast talking, twitching eyes, stumbling words and complete nonsense... Doesn't seem like Josh is as "clean living" as he likes to appear if you know what I mean (I'm joking, although it would explain A LOT, he does act like a total kethead most of the time)


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I am not so obsessed and invested in their lives to know everything. I don't care, although I do look on Tattle every now and then. I need no explanation of Jasmine's earnings as I am already aware of her obscure, questionable and scammer earnings. But I was wondering if Josh has recently admitted to being unemployed?
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26 year old dating 23 year old is perfectly normal and legal. They’re both adults. That’s weird he called it “pedophilic” and not “cultural norms”.

He’s clearly out of touch with reality. If it was a 26 year old dating a 17 year old, then that’s totally a different story. The teenager is being taken advantage of. Ugh speaking of teenagers, this reminds me when a client spoke out saying she had teenage girls struggling with mental advice who seeked out Jasmine’s unqualified help and paid for her programs. Peak Jasmine Lipscam vibes

This goes to show that Josh really feels Jasmine is emotionally immature or something about her seems inexperienced. Maybe he feels like she’s sheltered and generally inexperienced with life. His subconscious revealed itself by saying that.

I think it’s all the caffeine he drinks that makes him appear twerked out.
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Does he highlight his hair?
I was blond as a child so I get it....
What?????? She took a shit out of her dirty ass which she has publically flashed and had the audacity to do that and even post it on the internet even a 6 year old wouldn’t do that.
She’s either not normal or she’s possessed by an entity.
Have you guys seen these videos of Josh, I really don’t get it.
He seems to be talking about his dates with Jasmine and what she does for a living and yet he is her male sugar baby.

This is problematic!
I personally have no issues with women being the sole breadwinner if a man is currently unemployed, finishing his education or has a disability that makes him impossible to have a job.

He never admitted to be unemployed and he never will.
He will always come up with excuses about what he does for a living.
If we were in the old days let’s say my great gradmas days it would be highly unlikely Mr Lipski would hand any of his daughters to a loser and Josh would have to pay a dowry to Mr Lipski, in some cultures that is still happening.


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God I almost prefer when Jasmine was straight edge and boring. Her attempts at being funny these days are CRRRINNNGGEEEEE!!!! she looks so smug at her shit joke it's actually the most funniest part.
"iTs oUr iNSiDe jOkE" well lord I'm happy im not part of this sad excuse they call "comedy"

And ofc Josh can't help but sneak in a racist joke at her expense. What does poor eating etiquette have to do with being Chinese?? The only thing I agree with is your wife being a greedy cow


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The difference between Jasmine and her sister embracing their Chinese heritage is like night and day. I can't believe Jasmine married a dude that let's him hijack and make racist jokes on behalf of Jasmine. It's inappropriate, but Jasmine's too naive to care.

Meanwhile Jasmine's sis does this touching mini documentary honoring her Chinese grandpa

Now this is worthwhile and great content. It's kind of crazy how different Jasmine and her sister are. Her sister seems more chill, insightful and creative. Jasmine is more egotistical and narcissistic. Love the way her sis pairs the music with her film stuff in her other videos. Her sis has true and genuine talent. Really enjoy watching her sis's content!
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Haven't checked up on them for a while but what I found today was worth sharing. Another example of Josh playing off racism as a "joke." He really didn't have to say "Chinese conditioning," if this wasn't meant to be racist and disrespectful, he simply could've excluded those words and still retained the message. Very disappointed at Josh, and also at Jasmine for not defending herself and even playing along to post it on her own story, smh. Furthermore, I've lived in China for many years and I have never heard that eating loudly and "chewing like a cow" is considered polite. I guess it's just you, Jasmine. Please at least try to understand Chinese culture before you make bold and insensitive generalizations about an entire race of people.
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So her newest thing is "being cheesy and cringe and not giving a fuck what people think". This in itself is fine. After all, be yourself! Yet with her, it's just so contrived and obviously fake. Her attempts at being "lighthearted and funny" is so unbelievably painful because she's not naturally like that. All the "jokes" she makes are as if she's trying to talk to a female friend but she hasn't got any so she's forced to make these sad reels instead. She's naturally a very serious, introverted person. Again, good to come out of your comfort zone but it's not like she's trying to challenge herself by trying something new, it's as if she's mimicking what she thinks is "fun". As if she's a robot who's downloaded the concept of "fun" and is trying a human impression.

Even the way she says "I try to incorporate fun and play into life" who tf talks like that?! Just chill and have fun!! Don't need to make it into a massive thing by justifying or saying "I don't care what others think" yes Jasmine! No one gives a shit! She needs permission and justification for every miniscule action and it's beyond mental illness!

Btw her awful acting and the obnoxious fake laugh she does these days is straight from Josh's playbook. She's like the female Joker!


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We all know she’s just a/b testing over the top image stills to her content to get people to click. These are all marketing tactics. She def faking, exaggerating her facial expressions in these videos and just playing into the algorithm to get more views and engagement. Everything about her socials is a/b testing. Such as her bio, job title, caption copy. Everything is mechanical and calculated with her. She must be real desperate to capture people’s fleeting attention span on social.

I think that’s why her followers are dropping and unfollowing (as they should!) bc they smell the ingenuity a mile away. She’s just playing to trends and not long term connection, engagement and growth with her followers.

I highly encourage the best way to stop this madness with her is to not click on her content or engage with it through shares, comments, views etc. The more attn brought to her content, the more the algorithm will pick it up and she’ll continually scam people. The less engagement with her content, the more she’ll have less clients and fade into social media abyss. Just my 2 cents.
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Great new video by Anna about scamming gurus money making tactics. Not surprised that Jasmine fits basically every single one. There's also an interesting comment thread about narcs claiming to be empaths which Anna liked so hopefully she makes a video on that too. It's actually very very common for all these crooks to call themselves "empaths" so Jasmine and Josh aren't special lol
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Omg she literally looks like a demon in those screenshots. I bet she was thinking about $$$ when she was making those vids as nothing other than that could make her LOL like a greedy, female joker with mental illness…

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Very confused by this "dream home" bs that Jasmine and Josh are trying to spin... A very quick Google will show that home/land ownership for foreigners in Indonesia is basically impossible. You don't need to be a lawyer to know that. There are ways to do it but they're incredibly long winded/convoluted.


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As soon as we appreciate Jade's gift for cinematography and film.. Jasmine suddenly decides to post Jade's work after years of not mentioning her on her page.

And like clockwork, Lipscam has a message for us "haters"
Babe, you stay bothered about us, crying on Instagram day in day out making shitty reels. Meanwhile we all live abundant, offline, fulfilled lives with loving partners and real jobs!

"You can't get rid of me, bitch" You're right, we probably won't get rid of you. Why? Because you're a parasitic leech who will be forced to embarrass yourself further and further on the internet to make income. One day you'll want to go offline but you won't be able to because your addiction and need for attention makes you a prisoner to Instagram

Btw I'm not stupid enough to give your shitty content clicks. I use third party apps so I'll never give you the satisfaction. Your 5-10 followers love you but everyone else thinks you and your husband are scamming, narcissist jokes
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Instead of creating this dumb and ineffective reels, how about Jasmine reflect upon that it took rando people on Tattle for her to finally acknowledge her sister’s talent and content. Through Jasmine’s daily narcissistic scroll through here did she build the awareness that her sister is way awesome than her.

Also she just followed her new sister’s insta page. She didn’t even follow her page until we brought it up today She is so unbelievably fake. She finally felt pressure to give her sister acknowledgement to prove to us she cares.

I wonder how her sister feels that out of the blue Jasmine gives her praise and a follow because of this forum. Meanwhile Jasmine is doing “girl boss” shit to even text back her sister I bet. At least we’re helping repair their sister relationship.

Also how does Jasmine feel that Josh is riding on her coattails on this dream home? Let’s be honest, the bulk of the money funding this home is 100% Jasmine. Josh acting like he’s equally financially contributing as much as Jasmine is funny He’s just benefiting out of Jasmine’s workaholic $. As soon as Jasmine brings this up, he’s going to say she’s “mothering” him. Jasmine you can do better. You don’t have to be the sole breadwinner in a relationship and deal with rascism.
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You actually brought up a really good point! That's probably why Jasmine's gone into overdrive with the whole "let your man lead, don't be afraid to let him take charge" posts recently. Once again this silly little girl is self soothing. She's funding "their" dreams whilst Josh does all the easy tasks because the truth is, he is awful with money (literally by his own admission, he said he was in debt before meeting Jasmine) and Jasmine is forced to be in her masculine and do all the planning and financial work. Wouldn't be surprised if she paid off his debt for him because Lord knows she's hypnotized by that mediocre .

And she thinks we're meant to be jealous of her? Babe, I'm not a grown mans mother having to bankroll his excuse of a "business" and put up with his racism because I'm too desperate for love whilst he very likely runs off to other women behind your back
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Is she okay? I check once in a while on this forum when I remember to. Why is she taking the time to create content like this? She's making it very obvious to her followers who probably didn't even know, that there are people who don't like her. If her business and community were supportive she wouldn't feel the need to create this. I doubt her followers had haters to begin with, so how is this relevant to her audience? Did something trigger her recently? If this appeared on my socials, I would swipe away so quickly. It's meaningless content. I don't even recognize her anymore. She morphed into this arrogant and mean girl. She seems very angry and not at peace with her life. I can't imagine her having genuine relationships with this nasty attitude. Every time I read this forum, I'm surprised to see how crass and arrogant she's becoming. Kind of like a spectacle online like she brings this drama upon her. I hope her family meets up with her to ground her down to Earth because this smug content ain't it. With an attitude like this, this explains so much why she has trouble making friends with women. This has probably always been an internal dialogue for her through high school and her adolescence. So sad. Also the audio and her acting is very distasteful, indicative of the type of people and hateful community she wants to foster.
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Honestly look at her highly unlikeable mean girl bitchy face. Why is she even proud of being a horrible bitch? I think she longed to be one of the popular girls as a teen but was too socially awkward/boring to be one and she's now trying really hard to be like one of them and failing terribly. She's embarrassing herself.
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