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Oh look he gets offended by ppl getting offended about the Nicole post. Says it was market research to whether he did a video about it he’s such a liar!!! honestly he’s going down fast this ship is sinking 😂😂
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Can you rem what he said? See I always took from her post, bitter sweet but go and chase your dreams, that he had his jsa idea but she had her own dreams too and wouldn't give them up for him, she moved to Bondi about a week later and he was back in & forth to the UK.
I think she has left an effect on him, he runs scared now after having his heart broken.
He never alluded to anything more, just that she’d said something that made him see her differently. I’m genuinely surprised that he’s posted that picture of her because he always remained so tight lipped about it, which is probably telling in itself when you look at how disrespectful he’s been to mackenna. I remember her posting that a few weeks later when he was leaving, and to be honest I always assumed she was being the bigger person and acknowledging that they’d shared something special. I really admired her for it as either way she must have been heartbroken. All speculation of course 😂 but I think he was at his best with her.
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He seems like the kind of guy that would need a girl to just do everything he says and fit into his life but in the same way he wouldn't respect a girl that didn't have her own mind/stuff going on. Can't please him
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Diren is pissing me off in his story's. Not only travelling from the UK that is in lockdown to Dubai. But constantly has his mask up and down and on and off. Olima just as bad.

It's fine. They've acted like no rules apply to them from the beginning. But jeez.
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Plus its not like they have been living under massive restrictions to date - was a night out really necessary? Its not like some countries that are opening up after weeks of very severe restrictions. This is the person who loves Aus so much he would like to live there on a permanent basis but yet when asked to make a small sacrifice for the greater good can't bring himself to bother.
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I feel like James struggles when you get to the part of a relationship where you communicate your issues to the other person. It’s inevitable that there will be issues, but you don’t just dump someone straight away at the first sign of an issue? It’s like he just runs because he doesn’t know how to communicate.
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He has PR. So he can be let in there with that. What a penis cheese.
it’s important these jet setters (Kurdish Gareth Keenan & posh David Brent) are allowed to move around freely to do their high level sports and specialist life saving surgery... ...sorry I meant grifter book launch ‘concerts’, till that gig runs dry! Speedos and wigs, I don’t get the appeal, about as funny as Mrs Brown’s Boys...

“Yeah, doing more of these, doing my walks for Mencap. And I’ve got lots of stuff in the pipeline”


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What’s people’s opinion on Paul mort?? They all seem to think he’s a legend but with only a small Instagram following I beg to differ. I find him irritating, shouty, egotistical and his voice just grates one me so I’ve never been able to listen to anything he says!
I had to unfollow him about a year ago. He has completely lost the run of himself. I also couldn’t listen to him constantly sniff snot back his throat during his stories. Especially when he was walking while doing them. That seemed to make it worse. It turned my stomach 🤢
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I saw the other day one of his house mates was taking the piss saying he does nothing all day. If you watch his stories they are right.
He used to at least pretend he worked a lot.

I do wonder what he will do once this current lot out grow him. Will his housemates just get younger and younger.
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So people who stand on escalators are all "lazy cunts", but presumably people who stand on skateboards rather than walk aren't. Nor those who have afternoon naps. Nor those who spend most of the day on their Playstation.
I like how he was all ‘do better’ at the end of the post like someone standing on an escalator is on par with say, a complete cunt who massively mishandles a grieving parent. What a tool.
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Did anyone get direns follow up email today apologising for his covid email and saying he messed up 'cause he was on a 'coffee buzz' then still proceeded to sell his shit plan...
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I know this thread is about James but I have dipped into Diren’s past 2 podcasts (mainly because I fancy Jay Morton and also was dying to hear Sven talk normally) it’s so awkward... the convo doesn’t flow and its a bit cringe. I don’t actually mind Diren but he doesn’t come across as a particularly intelligent bloke!
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I get where he is coming from with the the mum tum comment but dont necessarily agree 100%. Just because you are lucky enough to have carried a child I don’t think you are then not allowed to be unhappy with how your body looks and not be able to voice that. It’s a little bit more complex than that I think 🤷🏻‍♀️
absolutely- you can have empathy and compassion for people who struggled to conceive whilst still having your own struggles with your body after having a baby-it’s not an either/or situation-I mean,he doesn’t say ‘stop trying to lose ten pounds,there are people out there who have 50 pounds to lose who would kill for your body’-everyone’s problems are relative and dismissing someone’s body issues because someone else has it worse isn’t going to solve anything. I understand his point with it ie be happy that you have a mum Tum as it’s a sign you have had a baby-I can love my baby and be grateful for that and still hate how I look.
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He appears to be very insecure. I think because he has commitment issues he doesn't like to see people settled around him he wants people to be free to his every beck and call.
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I cant believe noone has called him out properly for that.
Just shows what Yes men they are, Paul Olima is a good example , he comes across as a great dad who shouldnt be associated with him but wont call him out for some reason
I’m shocked too. It changed my whole outlook on him. Instantly turned off to everything he has to say because he outed himself as an actual cunt not a fake one.
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Paul Olima posting a video of Diren and Felicity at a coffee shop after Diren's stories made it look like it was just him and Paul 😂
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Trying not to be bothered about 1 star reviews again 🙄 get over it James.. not everyone likes you or your regurgitated advice!
Must be strange being a social media influencer where you're so dependent and obsessed with likes and positive interaction. It probably skews your view on the world. I often have to remind myself that his comments on other social media influencers is based on this strange world that I often visit for entertainment, but I'm not invested in and doesn't impact me day to day.

If he believes in his message, is comfortable in his own skin then why is he concentrating on trying to justify that he's got some 1 star reviews? He does clearly struggle with the fact that people may disagree with some of his views and that they don't always think he's right. For someone in many respects who makes a career out of telling people that they are doing things wrong, regardless of context, it's ironic that he struggles so much with feedback and people with different opinions on subjective matters. When he complains about it, he just sounds desperate and reminds me of a David Brent style character desperate for everyone to like him.

Personally I think he had/has a solid CFD message and some exercise advice. I'm not a fan of some of his life advice as it doesn't resonate with me, is at odds with some things that I found successful in my life and sometimes seems to be a way of justifying his own lifestyle. And that is okay. Maybe it helps some people, just seems emperor's new clothes to me where I am in my life.
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