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I find it worrying how many clothes amber wears. I pray she’s not being swaddled 🥵
Also I might be wrong but didn’t it look like she was laying on a big knitted cardigan as if it had just been taken off earlier?
Once again Carys proving that she is NOT the relatable, just like everyone else kind of influencer she thinks she is and claims to be.

She 100% messaged that company and said she’d advertise their brand in return for some free clothes. A mother genuinely struggling to afford clothes for her child would get ignored from a brand if she messaged them and yet Carys with all the money to buy clothes for Amber gets them handed to her.

Does she genuinely think people are stupid enough to think/ believe that the brand has these insane website capabilities of being able to see and know that THE CARYS WHITTAKER was just browsing their website? 🙃
tell me about it who does she think shes fooling certainly no us on here. That’s so sad to hear this .you see what I mean bless you this is we’re my anger comes from around this subject mothers / people just genuinely needing abit of help and then her lying point blank and not donating it’s so upsetting it really is. And am telling you am going out my way to make sure I don’t support theses brands that’s giving people more than capable to buy there own things. It’s sad 😞 it really is

I understand business need to have advertisements but am sorry if they could give thousands of pounds to people like her that’s rubbish at her so-called job then I don’t see why every now and then they can’t help people out
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Haha! I’ll keep and eye out and call bingo if it happens!
it happened with her insta pp so you never know😏
I totally agree! She 100% does it to relatable but it’s just a joke! She can’t be relatable because she lives such a privileged little life! My baby is 10 weeks & funnily enough my husband actually works! He’s out of the house for the best part of 13/14 hours so I don’t have the luxury of just being able to hand him the baby! It would take nothing for her to go put on one of her hundreds of pairs of #gifted #ad gymshark leggings!! 🤬
Literally, I have an 18 week old, and my partner is out 12 hours a day for work. Sometimes it's just exhausting to not be able to pass someone else the baby so you can have a slightly longer shower 🤣 I'm here on terrible mat pay, and she probably gets my yearly wage after a few absolutely terrible gymshark ads. My baby is now in the 4 month sleep regression and some days have been the same sleeping through, some a few wakes per night and later bed time, I'm so tired most days but I can still manage to get dressed 🤣 to think she thinks she's relatable when she's posting that, honestly it's so transparent how much she's trying to be🙄
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Chatty Member
She gives me anxiety by holding onto her little arms like that. No video is worth that! What if Amber decided to make such an abrupt movement and she would fly off her knee
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I agree I thought she would be such a natrual Mum but she is so cold! James is loving it and a lot less frantic than Carys.

I have anxiety and I'm still working on methods on how to deal with it as I have always had this fear of being a anxious mum and passing that on to my child... well this is exactly what Carys is doing! She clearly lives in a nice area get out the house carys! Go and take Amber out and grab a drink! I find the whole sleep obsession with her beyond odd!
Lol where I live im just surrounded by 1 massive council Estate (not bashing them btw) so it’s just really built up with no massive green areas... I presume she lives in a nice area, she’s lucky!
carys might find it she took amber out on a walk, she might actually nap 🙄
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Oh no she definitely can’t give anymore attention to Elle because Elle is catching up with her with followers and it always has to be about pick me Carys!! I feel like Carys is just going to fizzle out tbh
She is like little child that needs everyone hovering around her like a fly on s***t and not even children are as bad like this.
But that’s fine when your a child not a full grown women she is becoming irrelevant already that’s why she running around like a headless chicken trying to be relatable. And now that elle has had her baby and you know Elle will do her best to be relevant to but i do believe Elle will get a lot more attention than her. I thinks she is panicking now as she will want to out do Elle on parenting but she better buck up her ideas and stop watching elles life carys get a grip.
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The thing is some babies sleep and some don’t and not all babies sleep the same patterns everyday, she still to young for a strict routine so you just have to go with the flow. As they get older they sleep less and less, she isn’t a newborn anymore.
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We can agree that the reel is cringey shite though? I bloody love those videos and I bet they're much harder to put together that they look, but I've never seen one so clumsy and awkward. Like something my friends and I would have managed in Year 8.
It doesn’t help that they sort of did it wrong as well. When you walk forward at the end in the different outfits it‘s meant to be slow motion (following the TikTok trend). Still cringey but the way they did it in normal speed makes it look even more awkward.
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Yes it was recently. Look a few post up the thread someone else posted a screenshot of it 🌼
That was a follower telling her they'd worn that outfit to get their second jab, not Carys.
Are Wales giving out jabs to all over 18s now?
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I don't believe for a second they tried for a baby, I 100% believe she was a superise. I don't think they were ready for a child
I do wonder… married, a house, first baby, now what? Once you’ve hit the three big ~life goalzzzzz~ what’s next? No renovation, new house or another baby is ever going to make them relevant again:sleep:

Better put some real clothes on and put down that god awful sewing Carys love and get down job seekers!
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Oh. My. God. Someone should really talk some sense into her. Boohoo poor Carys she had to wake up during the night cause Amber isn’t cooperating and sleeping through the night at the ripe age of 3 months. And she only just realised that this is ‘mum life’ 😐 please try NOT having your husband there cause he’s out working for about 12-14 hours a day, you working either way from home or taking your baby to work with you cause maternity pay is shit and do all of the other things that normal people do every day (not that she would know anything about housework). Oh and yes, you also feed, change and entertain your baby during the ‘awake time’ in the meantime plus wake up a couple of times during the night.
I’m not invalidating her struggles but if that’s too much for her - she should seek professional help. The rest of us just GET ON WITH THEIR BLOODY LIVES, not go on Instagram and moan.
Edit to say I had to unfollow her 🙄
Tell me about it always wanting people to feel sorry for her and yes she very manic she needs to get her mental health looked at defiantly needs to speak to a GP am sorry but she needs help and there nothing wrong in that. But she needs to be honest it’s very true as people are saying she has the benefit of taking a nap as and when needed but then I guess MUM GUILT will be used. I won’t be surprised in a few months her hiring help with amber so she can be even more lazy. That’s most probably why she is pumping milk for her so that she can give it to the nanny or nursery. Because think about how is she going to feel when teething happens because she will be awake a lot more that’s when it’s really going to hit her with tiredness. I don’t thinks she really felt it yet this stage is very minor compared to teething and toddlers

One minute ohh look at me am amazing next minute complete opposite end of the spectrum she’s all over the place she really needs seeing to ASAP the quick she does it the better. I bet you any money she will post later all dressed with her over exaggerating voice to make people think she is happy when she isn’t but that’s because of her mental state as well as lying to her viewers. That’s why she’s so manic it’s all apart of it that why people find her intense at time.
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Friday's girl

New member
NGl I’ve seen plenty of mothers workout w their child in their presence n be able to balance. She’s a newborn yes they’re difficult not saying that but put a workout on the gv have Amber idk what it’s called but in one of those baby cradle things in front of you so you can see her incase n workout next to her... am I being dumb or that not how she can do it. Orrrrrr acc use your husband n let him watch her for an hour or so ... or grandparents can come over n look after her while you idk go downstairs or in the garden. She’s acting like Amber will burst into flames without her

Also surely there’s other ways to workout w a child like idk dancing. Going on a long walk w Amber. Stretching in the garden. Like she needs to find what works for her n not just completely expect alone time.
I do this I've 2 kids a 4 year old and 11 month old and I do quick workouts with them all the time,my 4 year old does some with me 😂 says he's working on his muscles , and the baby might be having a nap or bottle,maybe a snack but if he whines and I'm not done I just talk to him tell him I'll be one minute,it's not that hard honestly 🤦🏻‍♀️
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I’ve recently gone from a size 10/12 to a 14 n yeah ngl, it does feel like a big difference and I can FEEL the weight and I do feel uncomfortable in my body. Not because of the size, because of the change (rapid due to medication). But seeing people like her lie abt it makes it feel like I should too? If the change was in the other direction nobody would lie about it, so why should the increase cause shame?
I don’t know, it just makes me uncomfortable how she actually avoided saying the size she was wearing in a skirt. Made me feel embarrassed when I shouldn’t be
I used to be a 14 (and at my heaviest I was starting to have to buy 16s) and I felt huge and uncomfortable. So I completely understand where you're coming from, and I can understand if Carys is feeling the same way. But you should try to own your size, it's just an arbitrary number that really only means something because we tell ourselves that it does.
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To be fair there aren't many baby classes in the area (I'm near to carys) at the moment due to covid. They were my lifeline with my first and I am really going to miss them this time round if they don't start up again.
They do exist though! Probably can't plug specific classes but I've been to some this year at Llanishen rugby club! She just needs to look out for them

I sympathise a tiny bit because my little one often had such big meltdowns when I went out that I got really anxious about leaving the house with her. I did an expensive postnatal fitness course and she needed feeding/cuddling for two of four sessions despite my trying everything beforehand. HOWEVER when I think of that time it felt like I was always hanging out with other mums and had so many coffees and cakes, and have such a nice network of mum friends now.
She's in yummy mummy central IMO so she should get out and make some friends!
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Makes me thick too then 😂
I'm so sorry everytime I write it keeps auto correcting! 😂 In the video she is calling James a gong! And he gives her a filthy look and she pretends she doesn't know what it is

I'm so sorry everytime I write it keeps auto correcting! 😂 In the video she is calling James a gong! And he gives her a filthy look and she pretends she doesn't know what it is
Nope I defo put it write this time and when I click reply it changes it replaces the g with a m
  • Haha
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