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what makes me laugh is she’s talking about size 14 like it’s some dirty word WHEN SHES CLEARLY NOT even a size 14! If she wore actual normal fitted non ‘stretchy’ clothes that fit her and weren’t stretched to an inch of their lives on her body she’d be wearing size 16-18! Bc she is clearly a size 16-18, not 14 and certainly not 12???

all this fuss about sizing IT DOESNT MATTER CARYS tbh this is what happens when you’ve built your whole Image and ‘career’ on the way you look.. she’s lost the body that made her money and she’s completely lost
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Chatty Member
And yes carys YOUR body is the least interesting thing about YOU so stop showing us your lumps and bumps and jiggling your tits about, don’t wanna see it thanksss
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What kind of people actually send stuff like this?! 2nd jab so you’d think they wouldn’t be that young too.
“I wore a short sleeve T-shirt and it allowed them access to my arm” - mind blowing revelation! Honestly 🙄
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I actually can’t believe she’s just put that on her stories? Don’t get me wrong, in the first week or so of being home I was a bit worried incase our baby cried when we were out - but I’m sorry you just have to get on with shit. My baby screamed b&m down earlier, I literally picked him up out the carry cot, cuddled him for 5 mins whilst looking at stuff and then he was fine. It wasn’t embarrassing it’s just what babies do! Amber wants to look around because everything is new to her!!! Carys can’t just stay confined to the house when amber is awake.
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Her story today was vile sorry
What the f
You SHOULD take your baby out when they are awake they are people too carys ?!!! Why can’t amber look Around at the world and learn and explore?
Is amber crying a lot when she’s awake outside? Bc if she is maybe that’s bc you never take her out when she’s awake? She’s going to give this child social anxiety???
She’s going to be in a shock of her life post newborn stage where they have 1 or 2 naps a day and they want to play, go out, run around
Stop mourning your boring life and be grateful. Ffs my daughter who is 1 1/2 now is a dream child and I miss her when she’s asleep, but when she was newborn she had reflux. I was covered in vomit everyday for 6 months. And never once did I say I ‘mourned’ my life before her? Yes it can her stressful with a new baby but her language is so disturbing. I think she needs to speak to her gp. Why her gp parents haven’t advised her to do this I don’t know
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This pisses me off so much. She is desperately trying to cling onto her pre pregnancy size and I know for a fact that she isn’t currently a size 12, because she has bigger, more muscular thighs and a nicer bum than me and I can’t squeeze into a size 12 anything on my lower half!!
It’s so obvious that she is so insecure about her body, the way she is trying to justify having to wear a size 14. I swear to god she is lying about her being a size 12 at the moment. She is currently bigger than me and I can’t even fit into size 12. Pull the other one carys. And then it makes me think, well she is a size 12 and I’m not, and it does make me feel like I’m not good enough, so I can only imagine how it must make younger girls feel.


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I have to agree with you I feel so sorry for the poor baby am really worried about the welfare of amber as I feel she regrets having her this is a very big part why I have gone if her. Am worried that’s she may take the anger out on her for not letting her be able to live her old life and holds a lot of resentment I really hope she doesn’t but I am very very worried about the welfare of the child as i don’t feel she enjoys her. As it is very obvious when she is playing with her when she’s awake it’s not natural at all so you can see my worry when she’s not in front of a camera. God knows what goes on behind close doors I don’t thinks amber is the perfect baby she makes out at all but then she may be it could be just carys that finds it hard that she’s no longer the first love of James life as amber comes first and the love it next level for the love he has for her. Am so glad James is there to support because god knows. I really don’t believe she is coping or if not is just down to pure selfishness as the world always evolved around her. Put I do believe she needs to seek medical help from the mental health team people would respect her from being honest to. Because as I said before it’s really showing on the surface that she not coping one bit

She definitely will have bonding issues she will be very detached which is so sad it really is. I think she will be like is it Sarah from this mamas life who had up until this day has bonding issues with Lachlan even though his life 4-5 because she resents him for crying all the time and that really leaves my heart heavy. To thinks it’s so obvious already that those issues are there even when she’s at Elle baby shower she seems so detached from the group it feels like she shouldn’t have been there at all. Now I do believe it’s partly to do with Elle as I don’t thinks she treats her nicely at all but I also believe she genuinely wasn’t happy as amber was with her and she wish she was free again. To think she’s only a few weeks in parenting and she feels that way towards amber already and how she gonna feel when she starts teething remember some baby start as early as 4 months as she not far of that age she will be screaming day and night with temperatures etc and groggy clingy how will she cope and she better get her hang around using medication because she can’t always rely on James he needs his own life to like seeing his friends as am sure from what I can see he does all the parenting she just feeds her nothing more she very useless in my opinion
Woah!!!! she’s not going to “take her anger out on her” and why the hell are you “concerned for ambers welfare” I think that’s unfair and totally out of order! Yes she needs some help but saying idiotic comments like that is really unJustified. And for the record “mental health teams” are there for people who has serious mental health disorders, as much as Carys is annoying she certainly doesn’t warrant a refferal to a mental health team!! She needs some parenting advice. Come on now I know this site is for opinions but you can’t throw accusations around like that
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I can’t believe someone who was so obsessed with trying for a baby can say she is mourning her old life, being able to do what she wants when she wants and also her life with her partner. So many questions 🤔
Did she have any idea what life with a baby would be like? Did she want a baby or just like the idea of it?! Or was it all for content..
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next thread title HAS to mention this shit🤣🤣
my suggestion-
carys is a size 12, her tits are a 14, ambers so advanced she’s already cracked the sleep routine
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What is that new reel about, what is her obsession with a) not wearing a supportive bra b) always having her gut hanging out.

Give me a break already.
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The fact she’s able to have healthy child n is complaining about not being able to workout when I haven’t seen her workout in years. Like helloooooo u have a healthy child ffs why is the gym so important all of a sudden
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I quote “ I feel like with crop tops you have to have the right body shape” ... meaning 😂😂. Then go on to say they look good w a slim n time body. Give it a rest. Conversations done thank you. If you don’t like people ‘picking’ at what you say then re read what you say before you post it 😊
they do look best with a slim toned body!!! IN MY FUCKING OPINION.
thats not saying oh you cant wear it if your not. its all depending on body type. i have a big butt and flabby love handles so a crop top would highlight those things and not look flattering FOR ME
ffs your the one that cant give it a not a skinny girl myself.
now please kindly shut up!
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Bit rich of her to come out now and say how supposedly unhappy she was with her body back then yet raking in money from her fitness guides (which I think even had a section about positivity/body image in them!?). I know we don’t know what goes on behind the scenes but she never struck me as particularly obsessive over her physique or restrictive in her diet back then - just a normal young woman who was into fitness. She seemed to balance it quite well. I feel like she feels compelled to downplay her “fit” body to be a part of the body positive movement but actually isn’t as happy now as she is making out. There’s nothing wrong with that either! You can want to be a bit fitter or slimmer and still respect your body.
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ok hear me out on this one, do you think carys has ADHD? in her wedding speech her mom described her as a little tigger when she was younger and she bounced around a lot and her mania is absurd! not to mention finding new hobbies and obsessions all the time but never sticking with them. I have sooo many people in my life with adhd and she could genuinely be on the spectrum? idk its a touchy subject but I really see it?
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I think Carys does these wobbly eyes because she’s picking on Elle. It’s just mean!
What do the eyes have to do with Elle? Sounds like a reach. I think she’s just self conscious / lacking confidence at The mo so she pulls the faces to make herself feel better
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