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That Island 😂😂😂😂 and now she’s trying to flog her 8 seater dining table with 5 chairs on instagram as well 🙄 She does know just because she’s gone and got an island in her kitchen, people aren't now going to think they’re rich 😂 The sky box on the shelf in the lounge kind of gives it away 😂
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What the fuck have I just watched?! Why is she standing on the island in her skanky dirty socks jumping up and down with spud?! Jesus there is no bloody hope!!
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no wonder he’s tired all the time. I would be if I was trying to get so much attention 24/7. I don’t know whether the people he ends up working with are just really chilled out or genuinely like him cos I think I’d be sick of him after 2 seconds in his company.
I think they are professional people doing their job that just tolerate him. Considering all the different shows he’s been on and the other z listers he’s ‘worked’ with, Chris Hughes is the only one who he still sees occasionally and that’s only cos they’ve got the same management. I can’t even begin to imagine how draining he is. I get exasperated just seeing him on Insta, I can’t even think what it must be like to actually be in the same room as him for more than a minute 🙄 Just look at him today. Imagine buying a pair of trousers just to drawn attention to yourself 🤯
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I wouldn’t be surprised if he has ended what little was left of his career. To take 40 grand and pocket the lot without giving a single penny to the charity he is apparently ambassador for is despicable plus he makes it so obvious he spends it all on himself and doesn’t even treat his wife and son.I bet he thought Polly would get him all the interviews about his big win but nobody is interested in the greedy prick he now thinks he is made for life with his new career but KSI won’t sign him to Misfits no matter how much he tags them I’ve seen him being interviewed and he seems like a really decent hardworking bloke he won’t want to be associated with that nasty little shit so enjoy your pennies knobhead it’s the last decent pay packet you are ever going to see
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Good god i’ve never in my life seen anything like her face? WTF is wrong with her? She’s hiding that kitchen island that looks unfinished but is showing off her face and promoting this treatment? Id fucking kill my daughter if she got anything like this done to her face because of young pimple skin! Fucking hell she shouldn’t be promoting this! She’s a fucking idiot/disgrace I don’t know why on earth you would get her to promote skin care products 🤯 I know she’s not being paid for this laser shit but fucking hell she’s lost it completely! I can’t watch her, she’s as bad as Zelda! They are all fucking insane 🤯 Also he couldn’t have won that much money, their house is an unfinished shithole and he can’t even get finance or a decent family car, he got himself a fake leather aviator style jacket and sunglasses and thinks he’s fucking Maverick!


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🐔Jake is ever so messy, but he does love a lie in, he sleeps really well when he is here, he has left now and usually messages me and says I am 20 minutes away could you make me a decaf tea...Silly cow cut the cord..
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That Lori is such a div right I said on here a couple of weeks ago that Paul reads here and said we all funny fuckers and now she’s trying to use tattle to get views hahaha!! You’re welcome dickhead
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Hey Everyone 👋

Hope you are all good ❤

So basically, let me get this right :

1. He got a tattoo, for a 3 round unprofessional fight, which he won - he got a tattoo, an actual tatt

2. He going FUCKING CRAZY spending his money at BOOHOO MAN, a grown arse man shopping at BOOHOO MAN - a company built on polyester.

3.Dad of the year, has only managed to look after her CHILD once on his OWN, once

3. He’s still an UTTER UTTER CUNT.

This cunt would suck his own tiny cock if he could. The level of self adulation this cunt gives himself is astounding, it’s a mix of arrogance, delusional & mainly stupidity - because I will say this, he’s DUMB.

PANTO BOY has such a high opinion of himself and needs social media to exist. Everything he does is for an audience - it’s premeditated to such an extent, it has consumes him.

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I wonder if Paul Smith will still think Fakey is a decent bloke when he sees his new tattoo? Or will he now agree with the rest of us that’s he’s a total dickhead 😂
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Are they aware that colour things don’t cost more than beige? 🤦‍♀️
I don’t get why Zelda is excited for things to come up in her garden in spring when they are selling up 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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Why not treat your family to an amazing Christmas with that money? Or take the boys to pick out some toys to donate to those less fortunate this Christmas? Oh wait that’s right, this cunt only thinks of himself
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Bespoke Tea

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I thought Joe swash just looked like he has hair plugs that were failing. The dye job he uses to colour the ginger is awful. That and the fake tan just look so unnatural 😬 Sometimes looks like he's used that spray in powder stuff on his hair too.
Joe Swash makes me feel sick - he's such an ugly, dirty fucker! 🤢 He looks like he needs a good scrub (both him and Stacey do, it's clear personal hygiene is lacking in that house with ALL of them) and has dirty, disgusting bitten nails..... urgh! 🤮
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So while he buys Spud a £8 hungry hippo game last week and this week a £10 walking duck, he’s walking around in a £300 coat. Wonder if he treated Fred or Flappy at all? Maybe he’s put some money to one side and he’s going to take them all to Lapland whilst he’s on his 5 week break at Xmas 😂😂😂 Nah only way they’re going there would be if Flappy grifted it 🙄
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Norfolking Good

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I presume as he is self employed he will be taxed on the £40,000, so at 40% he will lose £16,000 ‘only’ making £24,000 for the fight.
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Livia Fantasy

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They’re talking about me!
- They’re all saying you’re a cunt
Yes, but they ARE talking about me.

The Jake Quickenden Story.
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Philimena cunk

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So not one ‘news’ article/interview made it online regarding his historic MMA win but a bloke who was on Geordie Shore years ago, challenges him to a fight and it’s already being reported online on the same day. Tragic when you have to rely on a zlister from a reality show to get you in the press 🤭
He's kept it quiet about his win because he didn't want any charity getting wind of the win. Must have fucking killed gobshite keeping his mouth shut.
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