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Pub for a meal then which is exactly the same as they always do could have made things a bit special and cooked a meal with Freddie made some cakes with Nik Nak dopey you made a massive mistake falling pregnant by this selfish arrogant thoughtless bastard I seriously hope Paul knocks seven shades of shit out of him
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Hi Jake I see you unblocked me just now 😂😂😂

guess what …. I just blocked you 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Imagine blocking somebody then unblock them because your reading tattle and seen a comment from them so you unblock them to try stalk them and message them…

but then they block you back before you get chance 😂😂😂
Snap ❤ he’s also done this to me and like you he’s now blocked 😂😂😂 So now I’ve blocked him on Instagram and Twitter. What a start to the weekend 😂😂😂
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Think he's fallen out with his new bestie Cashley Cain. Cashley has done a couple of things recently that prick would definitely think he should have been involved in no doubt did some begging but Cashley has also woken up to what a fake he is. Prick has gone from liking and putting love hearts on all his posts to nothing apart from a like on the 1st March poor little wounded soldier 😂 and is that a new top he's wearing yet he couldn't get a present for his wife on Mother's Day? Doubt he did anything other than the little bit of hoovering he's too fucking lazy and it's not for Soph anyway it's for his thirsty followers that's why he's in his pants again!
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I find this rather unnecessary filming your child getting upset and throwing a tantrum. His content is really scraping the barrel at this point.

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I haven’t been on this thread for a while because I found him so boring! I see they still haven’t cut his bloody hair. It’s hanging in his eyes and looks an absolute mess. Also, telling Fred to give him his ball back because hes having a tantrum? Brilliant parenting. Just teach your 2 year old that to get what he wants all he has to do is throw a strop. Well done.
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I wouldn't be surprised if he's having a dig at tattle with his negative people spiel😂😂😂 well I've got news Fakey, fuck off we aren't going anywhere anytime soon, bit like your career🤪🤭🤪🤭.

At this point he's just an absolute selfish cunt🤬🤬🤬 no flowers or presents for Flappy from the boys, making cards on the morning of Mother's day, wow tell us you don't give a fuck without telling us you don't give a fuck. No grid post for her either, but one for his own fucking mother🤬 how is he such a cunt😳😳😳
No work all last week either😆😆😆 wonder what the sad sacks got lined up this week🤔🤔🤔 probably more ice baths, plenty of gym and a bit of marathon training, only about 4 weeks till the marathon, how the fuck is he gonna do that when he was blowing out of his arse after 12 miles🤣🤣🤣🤣

Does he want a fucking medal for hoovering and mopping ffs🤪🤪🤪 and making the bed with his minging sweaty body all over the new bedding🤢🤢🤢🤢
Have they had words this morning🤔 no stories in bed, no Warwick and nothing from old Flappy either.
Most probably had a row. I would honestly be beyond breaking point if I was her. I don't know how she hasn't buried him underneath the patio by now! That breakfast he made for her yesterday looked gross. That scrambled egg was swimming into the croissant. 🤢 As for the strawberries all over that white bedding. Good luck getting that out. No wonder he changed the bed.
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I couldn’t believe he was wearing an £800 pair of trainers yesterday when they can’t even furnish their loft extension. Their debts must be horrendous
I wouldn’t dream of spending that much on a pair of shoes for myself while my son looks like a scruff. But unlike fakey I actually prioritise my son. He dressed nice and I look like a mess 24:7 but I’m sure that’s the same with all of us 😂 our money goes on our babies first then us
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How many times has he shared that reel of him holding up NikNak above his head from the other day? Now she's sharing it again this morning ffs.

If he's that bothered about pillows, he should take some with him. No common sense.

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He shared it twice in an hour last night and has obviously told her to share it cos the engagement is so shit on it 😂 I took the piss out of her keep sharing her estrid the other day but at least she got paid for it. He’s doing it purely, as usual, because he’s desperate for validation on Insta. He needs to understand that people are bored with him using his baby for likes all the time. Blatantly trying to get a deal for porridge now and as for the bathroom selfie 🤢🤮🤢🤮
Also such a good ambassador for CBD. He’s away for 2 nights but admits he’s forgotten it. Surely if you suffered with anxiety and needed them like he reckons, you wouldn’t have forgotten to pack them. Such a liar 😡
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So his competition 5 minute gig on LW was just one day 🤣🤣He’s just so desperate and loving he’s not making any money as his downfall will be his overinflated ego✌
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Zelda without her glasses fuck me she’s terrifying🤣So he’s given Leo jam on toast or something that’s stained the bedding🤮And why are the kids doing cards today lazy twat not worked all week and thought Fred was used in the Tesco ad buying stuff for his mum.Wishing all you lovely ladies a happy Mother’s Day ❤❤
Zelda without her glasses fuck me she’s terrifying🤣So he’s given Leo jam on toast or something that’s stained the bedding🤮And why are the kids doing cards today lazy twat not worked all week and thought Fred was used in the Tesco ad buying stuff for his mum.Wishing all you lovely ladies a happy Mother’s Day ❤❤
Just to add what’s with the narrative about people who’s mums have passed from this prick. fuck off you arsehole using others grief once again for likes 😡God I hate this knob as he knows people will message saying how sweet etc etc.
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The lady who won the tickets, I noticed that her daughter has commented on ITV-wins post. I then noticed he’s only started to follow her on Instagram 🤦🏻‍♀️ How fucking weird is that 🙄
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Thing with Jake is he acts like he’s better and he acts like the work he does get is below him so he doesn’t post about it ….. what he fails to realise is he’s lucky he gets the jobs he doesn’t like because he’s that irrelevant he literally can’t get anything else !!

He only ever posts work when it’s five minutes on TV but he doesn’t even realise how embarrassing that is for him that everybody knows he’s jobless and he’s forever begging to be on daytime TV !! They are skint and massively in debts . They couldn’t afford birthday presents for Leo so they wrapped up free gifted items from last year . They couldn’t afford to even do anything on her birthday or the kids birthdays !! Sophie is begging people to buy from her vinted and the items are used tatt that belong in a charity shop yet she’s begging for £5 !! She has had to get hair dye box because she can’t even afford a hairdresser anymore . She’s not had beauty treatments or her nails done since way before Christmas . No fancy meals out or nights away in hotels .

They are skint and I do think they both in panic mode but still trying to fake that they have money on the gram ….
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Just catching up do you think nanny went to the accountant with him as she’s their guarantor or something?
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Thing is he did little slots like this on tv years ago can he not see his career hasn't gone forward at all just backwards?
I feel like these little tv slots should be for the 17 year old intern making their way up the ladder. Not the middle aged hasbeen still clinging on for dear life.
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Those clothes .look absolutely awful on her. 30 two kids and size 6 jeans were too big ffs someone order the woman a Domino's!
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Second hand embarrassment that they actually think people envy their lifestyle or that loft 😂.
We work, we have a lovely house, drive nice cars, our kids are well dressed, we eat well at home and eating out, have several holidays a year that we pay for and thoroughly enjoy, we don’t share an after dinner drink because it’s too expensive for one each 😝. The best thing about it is that I don’t beg on the gram and everything we own has been paid for with our own money, earned by genuine means. I think most of us can outdo the quickendens who are disingenuous and sly and have visions of grandeur on a shoe string budget.
Not jealous of them in the slightest, all those quotes he spouts off are just unnecessary, no one is the green eyed monster!
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I see the motivation speech in the ice bath is working for you bro 😎😂😂

” your not working hard enough “ …let that sink in Jake you have no job onoy have to train to fight paul who is currently in his 40s doing a uk sell out tour and still after Months daily training you are being told your not working hard enough ..face it bro your shit at everything 😂😂😂
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the Maldives trip was free
Laura Anderson is at the exact same place you don’t need to say it’s gifted stay only tag them which they tagged in every post
was definitely free
I still don’t think theirs was free. Laura stated hers was gifted at the start of her stay plus she’s promoted it and has shown the whole resort off. The only thing they promoted was themselves. However I think they possibly got a couple of free excursions thrown in for doing that OTT jet ski/kayak photoshoot. I genuinely believe if they’d got it for free, they would happily have bragged about it. To them it would show that someone like the Ayada wanted to use them to show off their resort and they both would have got off on that. Look how often she kept telling everyone Dubai was a PR trip. I might be wrong but I genuinely believe they paid for it and that’s why it was done on the cheap.
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