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God he really does milk everything for all its got doesnt he. One post on your 3 mins on this morning was all it needed, not fucking 362872728.

Also, does anyone know what the big thing he had in London today is?!?!? He likes to keep us in suspense doesnt he. 😏
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Owen Warner whose gone into IAC reminds me of a younger Jake, he's manic, is going to try and be funny, he'll be flaunting his abs and working out and he'll rile people up just like our fakey did.
I said exactly this to my other half! Annoying little twerp.
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she wants to show her “lovelies” herself sunbathing and sitting on a swing on her own in Dubai, are you not excited? its going to be riviting content as always , she might include her and Jake having a row over the breakfast buffet? She could show us how to let youre toddler get sunburned and hopefully more photos from the “family beach day” without her other son that she forgets she has :( maybe some behind the scenes footage of Marcel and his drug convicted wife’s wedding they went to (and he didn’t bother to go to their budget wedding 🤣) footage of the cheap hotel in Beirut Portugal that was a two hour drive from where the wedding was and looked like it was full of crack dens, we might get to see the footage of the giant rat that attacked Jake in said crack den 🐀 I can’t wait its going to be as tragic as her husband’s non existent career 😜
Well with all that riveting content I cant wait 🤣
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Can’t believe flaps not selling since last week have all the crap she’s peddling given up on her 😂No big drop at a charity shop with all the crap they don’t need?Bet it’s all in the storage unit or on vinted.He does nothing for charity still can’t figure out why he showed up to that children in need thing other than surprise surpise he now follows them hoping for another 5 minute non event wearing clothes for a 15 year old.
They'd rather try & get a Quid for it than give it away to charity
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Yes his mistress Polly worked with KP so I wouldn’t put it past her, Id say she probably shagged Kieron Hayler and thats why KP sacked her. Dan the camera man Rugrats only mate it seems? It would look very unprofessional and it wouldn’t be good for his photography company to be involved with plotting and scheming and shit stirring with Jake Quickenden on a gossip website, No way would I use a weirdo who possibly tried to purposely infiltrate a thread on a gossip website, Id think what a weirdo I dont want him photographing me 😳 oh well who ever it was at least they know they are not wanted on this thread because they are deliberately shit stirring. Weirdo’s 🙄
the thing is, if it was a genuine newbie like they said. They wouldn’t go silent the minute you mentioned it, they’d still stay on the thread 😂
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He’s wierd I swear creaming his pants because his video got million views 😂
probably because he has Alison and tof in it ffs 🤦‍♀️

he really is a sad twat no wonder nobody can stand him not even z listers 😂
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😂 😂 😂

You’ve said most people think you're gay as you’re pretty camp? Did you ever go through a confused stage in your teens?

A lot of people had speculated about my sexuality and quite honestly I have never batted an eyelid about it. If I was gay, I’d shout it through a megaphone, but no teen experiments for me.

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When we bought out house (a new build) nearly 6 years ago we were advised not to store anything in the loft due to the installation (it's not designed to have lots of stuff placed on it), they clearly didn't get the memo!
More lies they ain’t even been together six years . Didn’t he win doi 2018 and was with Danielle

And guess what's appeared on her stories. Both as sad and pathetic as each other.

Completely staged. Her standing there taking photos. 🙄

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Going on like it wasn’t staged stupid bitch was camera ready for it why her chikdish husband was jumping around in a wig in her loft ffs 🤦‍♀️
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pretending to fall through the loft for content now sad bastard.
Pity he didn't!

What is he even doing up in that loft without a mask on anyway? Seriously, he is quite clearly tapped in the head and it shows on these stories. How the hell does she even put up with it? The twat has clearly got too much time in his hands and needs a full-time job.



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Well he looks like a right cowboy! Sawing away, dust everywhere with no dust sheets, wardrobe open, no items cleared out and no protective gear on. Christ almighty. This'll be a right dodgy job. My husband wouldn't stand being filmed. He'd refuse to work and tell him to fuck off. Very unprofessional.

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A rose between two thorns.

Love Toff.. not sure who’s more sickening out of Jake and Andre
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The Duchess

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Clearly they know something is wrong but won’t have him seen so instead buy them .

pair of clowns honestly that poor boy has no hope
Its expensive to see specialists I know, well our health system is completely different here, so they are self diagnosing him themselves? the poor sod 🙁
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You’ve gotta hand it to Polly parrot she’s got him in more articles in what a month? Than Off Limits did the entire time he was on their books. He’s getting absolute mullered in the comments mind but all publicity is good publicity and all that jazz.
Those poor lads doing that loft conversion next weeks heads will be battered to death with Bob the builder prancing about.
Thing is he is still actually signed with Off Limits as well. They posted about his TM appearance last week. She may be getting him seen more but surely he’s now having to pay her as well as give OL their cut? a couple of podcasts and one 5min TV appearance doesn’t scream big bucks and attending red carpet events doesn’t pay at all 😂
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The Duchess

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This is deffo the face of someone on or coming down from 🤧
I’m more convinced then ever after his manic behaviour the last few days .
Where is that skinny junkie filming? Is he with that other bald person or just randomly filming and talking to his phone? He looks so gaunt and you can see no surup on today, you can see through his hair line lol 😂 baldy wanker.
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The Duchess

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Does the UK have websites for local councils for the public to view if someone makes an application for planning permission? We have them here and its open to the public to view, its give you all the details of what the application is for and most times drawing are also included for example if they were putting in windows that came up from the existing roof, then there would need to be drawning submitted? But id say its just getting cheap floor and some lights. Who the hell gets an attic converted in winter? its not a proper conversion so not as cold but still cold 🥶 they are so backwards its truly unbelievable?? I can’t name a worse beyond z lister couple?
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