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So the whole JKR trans argument went on ages ago, Jackie was apparently up in arms, and yet she’s reading her book. So she’s reading JKR’s book despite having a deadline, a 20hr work day, a kid, an ouchy mouth, and an inbox full of political prisoners. Wow, Jack! It’s almost as if you’re reading it to deliberately find inane shit to rant about!!

And another thing! The Fortnums colour is surely neither Eau de Nil or Duck Egg. I’m only going from various little irreverent titbits of knowledge on brands, and the way they do things. I would assume that F&M went out of their way to use a colour that was as individual as possible? So if you saw different black initials against the exact fortnums colour you’d think of that shop, wouldn’t you? Same as if you saw someone’s name written in the Harrods font, you’d think of Harrods, because it’s quite unique. It’s like arguing the toss whether the Coca-Cola red is oxblood or scarlet, surely it’s just neither! I wouldn’t expect much less really from someone who spends 20 hours a day on Twitter trying to sabotage their own brand 🤷‍♀️
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On her FB she's describing the puke inducing tuna/courgette thingy.

She has actually written 'I fingered half a leek'

The mind boggles....
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This article was written in 2006 and says Jack's parents started fostering 14 years previously (so around 1992) - and when they made the decision to foster (early '90s) they spent £30k on an extension to turn their house into a five bedroom. This means Jack's lived literally her whole childhood in a 5 bedroom house, directly contradicting her account of it as reported by @traumatised sideboard.
Its compulsive. She's lying and she knows she's lying, and that's why she fucking hates Tattle.
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Silver Linings

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She’s put her politics hat on, Fraus.

The top one is like a shit poem. I’m sharing because how can she talk about ethics when SB’s body is rebelling against the shit she’s feeding him just for twitter content. Twat.

ETA - Welcome @Traazers 🥳


<Christopher Walken in a turban saying ‘yawn’ gif>
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It's the small things that expose these dishonest idiots. Messages deleted, but she was recently 'hoofing' packets of Biscoff, Custard Creams, Doughnuts ....

Jack Monroe

Replying to

I don’t have a lot of sugar these days, none in hot drinks, I’ve given up sweets and biscuits and the only cakes I have I make myself, and that’s not frequent.
Doing a Gunka......again. Sorry if it has been said.

She had lots of sugar THEN (last week), but doesn't have lots of sugar NOW (this week), she might have lots of sugar THEN (next week), but who give a fuck?

Thankyou now FUCK OFF
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Fraus I've just made myself the loveliest panzanella with avocado and red onion. I add roasted sweetcorn to it and honestly it's like summer in a bowl. Sod off grey skies!

Can't believe we've almost made it through another thread already.

Fraus I've just made myself the loveliest panzanella with avocado and red onion. I add roasted sweetcorn to it and honestly it's like summer in a bowl. Sod off grey skies!

Can't believe we've almost made it through another thread already.
Sounds a bit...textured? Maybe you could blend it? xx
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I reckon one of his mates offered him a lift to work once. Ergo, hitchhiking every day because at THAT PRECISE MOMENT he wasn't driving himself
Ffs he’s not hitchhiking NOW. Stop mithering on about things you know nothing about! My grandad is DEAD!
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How on earth did she manage to eat that with her severely, ouchy, hurty, painy wainy, worst pain ever, send me doggos/cattos/birdos toothache?


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I love her elective amnesia - remember how supportive you were of small businesses in Edinburgh, Jack? Never would Jackie ever EVER use the EOTHO scheme... now!
She literally travelled to London to go to 2 places in one night during EOTHO!!
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‘For many reasons...’
‘Tattle spotted my £300 sentient mirror & I’m worried my patreons might realise I’m not poor’.
Or ‘tattle si všiml mého vnímajícího zrcadla 300 liber a obávám se, že by si moji patroni mohli uvědomit, že nejsem chudý’ (Czech)
Sentient mirror :LOL:

Love the image she's created - poor lil ol' me trudging down to Asda in my holey shoes and a little rag on a stick to carry my pitiful haul of frozen sausages
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I would encourage any frau to cook a JM recipe if they haven’t already. It’s an experience. The salad bag pesto is not advisable unless you’re seeking a near-death experience though
I made this twice back when I was but a stupid jackolyte. TWICE. The first time I thought it was minging because of something *I'd* done. So I made it again just to check. It's lucky I am now a bullying ninny or I might actually be considering dining on moonshine mash and bollock sausages.
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Chatty Member
She is utterly incapable of saying sorry, I messed up. Jackie, dear heart, try it some time. It's what people want to hear when you've messed them about. Not your excuses.
It’s not just the lack of apology she blames you for being so unreasonable as to want what you paid for

Her response on here was well they got the book which while true isn’t sufficient

As you say an apology would go a long way not why it is never her fault but always yours

I know she apologized for the Cameron tweet but I do wonder at the character of a person who could write that particularly when allegedly a professional whatever she is now
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Yes, her doughnuts and bagels were reduced. I feel a bit dirty knowing that!
So for anyone following her, who is really struggling and on a strict budget and is looking to her for help is just looking in the wrong direction. It's just not endearing to be so smug if you're relying on yellow stickered food, especially if you don't have to. Even more so disgusting if you're omitting the fact that you have Ocado deliveries and multiple freezers (presumably stocked) to fall back on.

She's such a sausage! (and by that I don't mean she's a cheeky sausage............ she's just all eyelids and arsehole!)
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I've voted for the sausage, it's winning!

and she's "looking at what's left" ??? thought it was meant to last all week! so poor, give generously 🙃
She went wrong when she used the bacon for a sandwich this morning, that could have made some carbonara with the mushrooms. She has a simple recipe for the sauce, she could have used her white sauce concoction...oil, milk, flour- I mean it thickens in the oven so it could work. (or gathered some fresh horse spunk)

Also shitty cheap bacon is utterly crap and wasteful. When you use the cheap crap supermarkets sell you need to use a whole pack for a decent sandwich, all the water bubbles out and you end up with tiny shrivelled pieces. When you buy it from the farm shop you only need a couple of slices as when it cooks it stays flat and thick and delicious.

Also the reason I am ‘Ohbacon‘ is that I was eating a bacon sarnie, with brown sauce, when I signed up...I got the heads up about this site from the mumsnet discussions about influencers that kept getting deleted. I signed up with a ridiculous name because I was just going to have a look but never post! I was here when Mod was outed...what a time, but Jackie has really out tattled that pair!,,,,

Fizzy drinks from cans and bacon from farm shops are my non negotiables.
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With amendments 😂 (but very happy to see Celery: green)

View attachment 250887
What’s this shit?? Dulux or something? Do you think working class single mums like Jackie don’t deserve Farrow & Ball!

Jack’s favourite new F&B colours are:
Kitten’s breath (fancier than elephants breath)
Eyelid Pink (think seaside sunset)
Bollocks brown (for her stories/sausages)
Rinsed Bean™️ Exclusive collab (hidden affiliate link, natch 💅)
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In that blog post she is already making excuses for the fact she can't be arsed won't be providing a week's recipes*. So the poor sods who rushed out to buy the same £20 bundle of slop are going to be left floundering, eating Bollock Bangers all week.

*However, the blog is clearly written for us to address all our points raised here. So get cracking Jack, can't want to see the sardine and onion ring noodle bake recipe.
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Yup, I'm surprised she's not tweeted about bubble tea or (even further back) those god awful shopping centre stalls where you put your feet in a bowl of leeches 😂
Oh god, we had one in our local shopping centre! About 10 years ago I took my eldest girl for a treat. She was 8 or 9 and had a teey blister on her foot.
She was giggling as the fish nibbled, but shrieked when they nibbled away the blister. It didn't hurt but she freaked because it started bleeding a little bit and the sight of the trail of blood in the water was horrible.
The manager was really apologetic and gave us our money back. Another member of staff savlon-d the foot and put a plaster on. No worries so far and I would definitely have gone back if they had CHANGED THE WATER!!!
Nope. Just let the next customer in and let her put her feet in the tank which had my kid's blood floating around in it...
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