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Potatoes O’Houlihan

Chatty Member
Vali’s post is perfect for revealing the scale of lies and grift to even the most stupid Jack defender.

I mean, just HOW can anyone still defend THIS?

Thank you @Valiofthedolls , you are remarkable at providing the evidence. ALL the evidence 👏
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She shouldn’t be allowed to keep any animals. Ever.
A man I know who’s in his early 70s and as fit as a flea was recently trying to rescue an old dog from a rehoming centre and was refused by 3 for being too old. He has now ended up buying a pup. He’s a very responsible dog owner and has had animals all his life. He wanted a dog >10yrs to give it a happy final few years. 😢
Rescue centres need to be more pragmatic in some situations, I think.
don’t get me started on people rescuing dogs from other countries whilst there’s so many dogs here sitting in kennels, unloved and unwanted.
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Every time I see this I get absolute RAGE.


Loosely translated:

“I don’t care if you’re too poor to commit to giving me something every month, I still want your money so at least give me a one off payment, you fucking mugs”

She is truly disgusting. Entitled. Lazy. Lying. Scamming.
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Sideboard Bob

VIP Member
You did not imagine that. We also did not imagine this.

March 7th 2022. Three days after posting the pic of her tiny shiny button smol Stetson ugly pigskin £120+ hat…View attachment 2648485

…Jack was on a BUS! Sitting upstairs at the back! View attachment 2648473

When THIS absolutely definitely 100% was a thing that absolutely definitely 100% happened
View attachment 2648478View attachment 2648490View attachment 2648492
View attachment 2648479View attachment 2648480
ss @Silver Linings
The great thing about the Stevie Nicks pictures is that even though they weren't all taken on the same day, you can tell it’s the same person because of her continuity hair.
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Mr Krabs

VIP Member
Guest has left so we are reminiscing.

I’d like to point out that guest is a TRUE hero for somehow:

Working 20 hours a day
Reading 400+ books a year
Parenting SB

AND still managing to go through bags of frozen veg and sort into individual veg.

View attachment 2647085

And they say nurses have it tough….
Has Walter White been selling his product in Southend? That’s the only explanation for this behaviour.

There was a post on Facebook and one of the comments was from a woman called Sue Lee. Imagine Jack's face if she was ever introduced to her 😆
I actually know a Susan Lee. Imagine if you were called Sue Lee and you googled yourself only to be confronted by page after page of people mithering about 30p meals, Israeli lawyers, and spite orangeries.
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I wonder at what point Sir Matt realised he was going to have the worst 2 weeks of his professional life.
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@MancBee bringing up guest’s rummaged-through lasagne jogged a memory. Just in time for Christmas, and courtesy of Jenny numnums…

The time a squig asked Jack for her “delicious” non-alcoholic mulled wine recipe for grown-ups.

Made with “lapsing douching” tea.

Merry Christmas (nearly) one and all!

2018 trees brought to us by @Nottonightbabe and a morally bankrupt spendthrift grifter in a retirement bungamansion
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Lucky Escape

VIP Member
Sticking my nose round the door to confirm that @HotesTilaire was, as ever, completely correct when she said this on the previous thread:

Screenshot from 2023-12-23 19-15-30.png

And... what's been happening in Jackworld? Has she moved yet? Has anyone sighted last year's christmas eels? Did the 'Untitled Jack Monroe Memoir' appear in September, as promised? Has guest ever done anything useful in her life?

Answers on a postcard, for only £44 a month....
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I would also like to say thank you for welcoming me into the fold this year. For “evil trolls” all I’ve seen on these threads are love and kindness, people checking in on those that haven’t posted for a while, people sharing advice, and people making those having a bad time howl with laughter. My Christmas wish is that anyone who reads “evil Tattle” actually comes onto the site to see how wrong that is.

Hope all of you ninnies have a good Christmas.
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That's so lovely, thank you ❤

I've lots to be thankful for, and I've spent most of December having a lovely time with really nice friends and being merry and a one woman party. Christmas is just a weird time isn't it... the only time I really wish I had a family of my own and a more conventional background. I'm in my late 30s and all my friends are married with nice lives and new homes and babies and I'm single and watching my parents disappear before my eyes. I know I'm far from alone finding this time of year a bit weird.

Everyone in this thread is bloody lovely and I'll stop derailing now.

And Jack needs to stop being a fucking perpetually spoilt brat and enjoy her family and her son. And stop inflicting her miserable "recipes" on the world.
I think most people ended up here by feeling cheated that they took her story at face value until that became untenable. To have taken it at face value and cared, people would have to be quite caring. So I'm never surprised that people on these threads do care about the welfare of new, and different, strangers. In that respect, it's not derailing at all. It's almost emphasising the point that this was all so unnecessary.

I'm around your age. A tragically single friend (I say that because the previous relationship was both very historic and terrible and she's almost been looking under rocks for someone, anyone, for years) has recently found a partner. He has a similarly tragic romantic past and is lovely and treats her like a queen. I'm not sure if they'll be able to have kids given their ages being on the cusp, but they are about to get married and have a lovely life together. Nice little house. Not new or big but cosy. Pets. All very lovely. There's someone out there for everyone and sometimes you have to wait just that bit longer.

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