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It's weird that her living arrangements were low grade enough to affect her respiratory system - to the point of deteriorating her lungs/nose/vocal chords forever - but none of her designer clothing, fancy bags, shoes or any of the other several metric tonnes of *stuff* in her gaff has ever been affected by damp, mould or any of the other issues that would arise by living in such conditions. Really, truly makes ya think.
When exactly was she living in such places?
Not when living in the terrace, then the 5 bed with Big Dave & co
Not when sharing with the Italian Somalian housemates
Not when in the executive flat
Not in the next flat
in the pov house share for about a year?
With Engagement PoliceLady?
With A Mc, in West Ldn? Nope.

scary that up to 1 year in poor housing in your 20s can destroy your health like that. Imagine if she’d got into the RAF, or Uni! She’d be deceased within a few years of living in digs n dorms!
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My eldest (sorry, DS1 🤣) had a habit of this. “Oscar, have you finished your homework already?”

“Yeah but what happened is Mrs Green was off so we had that substitute teacher remember the one from Maths last year on the day where Dan’s mum had that car crash when the bloke in the green Polo reversed into her at Sainsbury’s well that substitute teacher was in and didn’t know what page we were up to in that textbook you bought for me in September the one I lost when I stayed round Michael’s for his birthday and we played FIFA all night well I won the tournament that night and we went to the trampoline park on the Sunday well anyway so like we went over the last two pages again and then they said don’t worry you can all hand it in next week instead”


“Just say ‘no’, Oscar. Get off the fucking Xbox”
My own SB cultivated an extremely wide eyed innocent look whenever he was lying. The more innocent he was trying to look the more you could tell he was lying 🤣 . Bless him. My favourite was when he carved his initials in to a piece of furniture (a Sideboard if you will, to keep it on topic) and tried to say it was my SG who dunnit. She was well under 2 years old and had no access to the tool in question (a compass out of his maths set, left at the scene of the crime), and couldn't write. There was only the 3 of us in the house, and I didn't do it, the innocent face did not work, as it did not take Miss Marple to work out whodunnit 🤔
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i *really* did not need to hit cheese mite discourse on my grunk. while eating dinner. involving gruyere. which i was really looking forward to. while im off sick with depression and anxiety. (anxious fraus, we know how hard it is to eat when your stomach's churning!). after a stomach bug. and flu


thanks though lads for helping me extend my sicknote ✌
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Hold my beans

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OFF TOPIC: It’s still too early to be awake here but I was woken by some inclement weather 🍉 so I’m going to go back to sleep and try to dream a dream (even though I love you all ~and~ cheese very much) that when I wake up the Jack Monroe threads will no longer be dominated by cheese chat.
View attachment 2010556
ETA PS Jack, is that jacket one of the “investment pieces” you bought to sell in “hard times” too, you grifting charlatan? View attachment 2010547View attachment 2010548

Screenshot_20230307-104410_Samsung Internet.jpg

Another wardrobe fail. She really is the perfect example of someone that can spend a fortune on an outfit and still look like a jumble sale
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Just to touch on the post thing. I can sort of relate to that. I personally haven’t opened a random letter since the early 2000s.

its pov adjacent in a way. OH who did leave (but I wished I had) was made bankrupt so all the debt letters piling in then medical anxiety made me unable to do it. Even seeing post on the mat triggered me.
To this day I can’t open things. Family will hand me stuff from places I trust but I won’t even look at the sender’s info myself

there isn’t a pile though it’s shredded or burnt lol. A pile would be very triggering
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I tried & failed to grate Comte once. It just sort of bent out of shape. 😬
It can be grated but you'd have to do it straight from the fridge so it isn't so soft. It's quite a creamy hard cheese. It's also usually sold in thin wedges so I cut some, then stack it together to grate. Grated Comté on pasta is heaven.

I'm loving all the specialist cheese talk. Funny how some fraus know more about cheese than THE self-appointed Literal Food Expert. Makes you think. 🤪
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I genuinely think she just says stuff for the likes/dopamine hit at the time and thinks nothing of actually following up on doing it or how she's going to prove it. The blog posts are a prime example of that. I'm stunned that the candle tins were a new post - I sped-grunked and thought they were from the last time she showed the crappy, 3rd-degree-burn-level-hot looking things. She truly has nothing to do which is mind blowing considering she's apparently (still) mid-move!! And has SO MUCH STUFF!! Who the hell is making morrrrre random shit when you're trying to pack up and move? Something is very fishy, and it isn't just the week old crab paste lodged in her fingernails 😬
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It you can't fit multiple sideboards in to, it's poverty housing, innit.

If it's not a sprawling detached property by the sea, it's poverty housing, innit.

I've no doubt she actually believes some of the shit she peddles. Whichever way you look at it, it's an insult to the many people who do live in those circumstances.
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No copies of GK in my local Asda as of 2100hrs- no empty space/shelf edge ticket either 😁

Had a look at that JE hard cheese she was wittering on about, that's all it's described as- just generic hard cheese. No "flavour may vary week by week" or other nonsense 🤣
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Thanks to @Griftymcgriftface for the thread title - words by Jack herself: ‘The ~plans~ are going well, it’s the execution that seems to be lacking … plus ca change 🤣
Typing those tildes pained me considerably.

Grifty, you win an air fryer. Jack doesn’t, as she’s already given away two for being ‘specialist equipment’. Never let it be said she doesn’t have her finger on the pulse.

Ok so she came back last night all namaste but it fairly quickly became a ‘go well’ situation. Has she moved? Apparently not, but she’s trash talking both future and present landlords.

Please add to the recap or correct any inaccuracies!
Yay! I love an air fryer. Now I have two I will make air fryer tortillas for everyone except the povvos and Jack and laugh at them with my kitchen full of specialist equipment,
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She's made those fire hazards before. Maybe an old pic?

I'm no firemanlady, but they look as if they're not getting enough oxygen from those little holes.

I wish I had the time to fanny around with stuff like that
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I think saying she's late on her Patreon rewards is the kindest of interpretations. Late implies she sent them out eventually. She hasn't, despite what she claims. Nothing for almost 2 and a half years.

And yet she still takes money from people month after month with no remorse. Whether she's posting on Twitter or she isn't, she remains a con artist behind the scenes.
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This is soooo funny, especially when you consider that Jack had a total hissy fit when the Southend Echo dared to print something similarly critical in their letters page. How DARE the Guardian, who Jack has WRITTEN FOR, betray her like this??
Clearly she never saw it (or didn’t until she just grunked here).

Hi Jack! 👋 Because you’re very lazy, I’m helpfully providing your pompous reaction from the last time a newspaper BETRAYED you by publishing a letter you didn’t like, so you can just change a couple of words, then cut and paste to those JUDASES at the GUARDIAN.

In case you want to really stick it to them by telling them about BILL NIGHY and popping a photo of you in TANZANIA in there too, here’s the rest. You know, cos you’ve deleted it.
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My favourite signs are things like 'EAT' in the kitchen. Like nah, really? I was planning on shitting until I saw the sign.
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