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When I was going through a really rough time with my piece of shit ex husband one of my closest friends was a therapist. She insisted that I saw a professional therapist for help, and would drink prosecco, chat shit and watch Mean Girls with me instead.
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I have lived in my street 15 years and couldn't tell you what my next door neighbours do for a living , yet she hasn't even moved in and does.
Why is she such a wanker
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My dog is many things but a coupon clipper he is not. I guess he saves me having to use a hot water bottle as I’m one of those revolting people who lets their dog sleep on the bed. But that’s about it. He’s a net drain on my resources.

Also in the deepest darkest depression of the last two months, Jack has:
  • Been to at least two parties
  • talked about cooking cor blimey eels for christmas
  • made New Year’s resolutions
  • crowed about her spread in the guardian
  • talked endlessly about paint colours, packing and matching chairs to curtains to walls
  • started at least two threads asking people for their favourite kind of ways of cooking things
I don’t know about you but when I’m in a deep dark depression, I don’t do any of those things.
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Lucky Escape

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More rubbish:

Screenshot 2023-02-12 at 15.55.53.png

She could easily have taken them to an auctioneers, or offered to arrange delivery herself if she was so concerned about revealing her address.
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Chatty Member
Are they your friends or are they your therapists? I'm not a therapy Frau (watermelon) but I am fairly sure there's supposed to be a professional distance between therapist and client, and while friends should support each other using them as actual therapists is a bad idea. Because they don't have any such professional distance from a friend.
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Right, Gary, be a love and give us a screenshot of your Monzo, we need to forensically compare and contrast.
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Chatty Member
Jack and her tricksy words again. She doesn’t say that her agent hasn't got her any work. What she says is that she hasn't done any talks since they've been her agent.

For all we know they may have lined up a few for this summer. After all they've only been her agent a few weeks.

As for her denial that she gets the fee suggested by her agent, and that is a starting point for negotiation. We only have her word for that. Why put a range so high? Surely that would put companies off.

Surprise, surprise. I don't believe her.
Plus, if her agent put the price so high as a pre negotiation technique then Jack has just shot that to pieces by telling half a million people that it’s a bollix price and she won’t get anything close to that.
Well done, Jack. Have you considered applying for the apprentice?
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That was a belter. I dont think she wants a relationship with a normie after Leggy and the Channel 4 one. She was never happier than when she was 1 half of a meeja couple an all the comfort that entails. Its part of the aspirational lifestyle she believes she automatically deserves, where she can be the edgy exciting younger one taken care of by the well-off successful one. Think that ship's sailed now. Who'd wanna be saddled with that neurotic crank writing snide blogs about your friends portraying them as snobs when it was undoubtedly her reminding everyone she hadn't been to uni and getting the hump when the convo drifted into something that didn't centre her.
Remember the tweet about a serious incident unfolding (The London Bridge attack?) where she said the headline popped up/came on the radio and her and LJC looked at each other, knew what they had to do and both sprang into action. Jack you’re a cocklodging blogger, she’s in charge of news for a national TV channel, stop riding her coattails.
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How do you ring-fence funds when you:
A) didn’t ask people to put a reference on their donations
B ) use the same account as a tip jar
C) get good will payments for your unpaid advocacy work
D) didn’t put a message out at any point to say you’d reached the amount you’d need, so therefore
E) if money is still coming into that PayPal account, how does she know it is/isn’t for the purposes of suing Lee Anderson - especially given he’s been in the press recently and she has said fairly recently that she is still suing him

I’d be interested to know how it’s achievable to keep money aside when you don’t know that it isn’t still trickling in, or for what purpose.

Also asking the same question/raising the same points as above in relation to how she would identify how much of other peoples money should be donated to charity in the event Mark Lewis took on her case as pro-Bono. And does she get to decide which charity? It’s all so shady.

I’d love someone to ask her about this.
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Five hundred dogs

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And this baffling lie lapse of memory.
According to her Greenbelt talk the day after an attempt at s*ic*de she went to a food bank for the first time in July 2012.
Compare to this account in the Daily Mirror.
It's like she doesn't believe the story is dramatic enough by itself so has to ratchet it up with quite horrible detail to shock. It's not just a slightly different account - it is completely different. So which is the truth Jack who-can't-lie?

View attachment 1952199
She uses that version of events in the podcast she did with Sophie Ellis-Bextor, except rather than claiming her and SB were having multiple portions she claims she brought Tupperware with her and took leftovers home. She was also very sneering about the sure start group, which was for young mothers, saying she only went for the free food and that it was enforced socialisation. That struck me as so typically Jack, essentially thinking she was too good for a mum and baby group.
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She's incredibly unlikeable, isn't she? Putting aside our long standing opinions of her, if you didn't know her and just read her tweets since her return, she comes across as such a smug, spiteful, foul being. I'd read those for the first time and swiftly form the opinion 'well you're a bit of a prick, aren't you?' No redeeming qualities in her at all. Constantly nasty, constantly self-interested, constantly trying to lord it over other people who she clearly thinks she's far better than. Rotten personality.
As many have said before, thousands have died in Turkey and Syria. If I had 500,000 followers I'd have tweeted up one of the many disaster appeal fundraisers and asked if anyone could stick a £1 in. And similarly had a "charity of the week" post where I ask for a quid for a different charity each week. If it had a 1% success rate, ie that 5,000 people donated £1, it would make a huge difference to so many charities. At no cost to her. At no effort to her really as she could even get followers to nominate a charity to enhance her own engagement and following etc.

The problem is, she can't be bothered to help anyone else. At this point she seems to not even be bothered to help herself. We're on self destruct with a side order of "You're VERY jealous of me troll, shoo". Nobody is, Jack. Not one person. If at 34 I had a child and a string of failed relationships, articles in the paper where I happily talk about being an addict and spending money given in good faith to help me on junk. Having possibly the UKs highest concentration of therapists per square metre in my lounge on skip benches. I'd probably just try and do something to help someone else. Frankly. Because it might also end up helping me.
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VIP Member
Selling point did you say Jack? Thought you weren’t buying you monstrous black hole of bullshit.
Yes indeed she hasn’t even moved in and she knows upstairs is a cop, she’s gonna nip round with baked goods…. What are you punishing them for Jack?!
My next door neighbours kids go to school with my kids, I have done care trips with them, we are friends on social media and I still don’t have a clue there job and nor do they mine 💁🏻‍♀️
Why does she have to embellish every little aspect of her sad little life?
This is actually a really good point. They tend to change into their uniforms at the station Jack, it’s not like he would’ve been marching up and down in front of the block on the day you moved in, fuzzy blue helmet on and baton out saying Ello Ello Ello, what’s all this then? Why stone the crows, it’s Jack Monroe! You legend! Thank you for all that you do. Do tell me if those nasty tattlers overstep the boundaries won’t ya love. I’ll go straight round and use my triangulation skills to arrest them all and put them all in prison. Now then now then. Fancy a shag?
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Chatty Member
In true Monroe style, tonight I might either sleep in the wood burner, or in a box, in preparation for being dead in about 50 years time.
In true Monroe style I’m going to spend the next week pissing my pants in practice for potential future incontinence.
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