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VIP Member
Here are the two dressers on the right in this pic. Can’t make out what the other one is, but know other fraus have 🔺that one too
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View attachment 1611834View attachment 1611835
So those two, a third that I THINK is the same as the second one another £1,149, an £849 dining table and a £399 bench. In one room.

There’s also the traumatised sideboard somewhere that she posed on in her knickie-nacks that gave a dearest beloved frau a truly glorious username

ETA think I’m just going to list the things on the Cotswold Co website she doesn’t have as will be more expedient.
I come from 20 mins in the past to say that those plant/bird things around light fittings are my aneurysm.
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Why is the end table leaning away from the main unit? Why does she treat all her expensive items with such utter contempt. That’s some lovely furniture but the room looks like a squat.
Likely an uneven floor, I'd put something under it though to make it line up else it would drive me mad.
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As a kid I hated the tinned fruit in trifles. Just give me jelly, trifle sponges, custard and cream. I'll pour the hundreds nan .

(Burries dodgy pron post/searches, a la JM )
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Just Lou

Chatty Member
I do not like trifle 🔺(wet sponge, tinned fruit, cold custard, bland cream and hard sugar sprinkles? No thank you) but every single one she criticised looked nicer than the cheap looking basic thing she posted. For someone so critical of her childhood she sure is stuck in the 80s. Bet she eats pot noodles.

Twitter is not holding back, I don’t see how she can come back. But …. Nigella and lots of blue ticks followed her, can she just abandon this verified attention?

AM suggesting something is going to drop. A MSM outing? Class action suit? Banning from Patreon? Tax / furlough investigation? Time will tell.

Bet she’s wishing she never posted HH2: Hungrier and Hurtier because you can literally chart her downfall from there. A grift too far!
I just wish the time would hurry up!
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Don’t know much about Jack other than seeing that she’s a phoney, but does anyone look at her Twitter handle and think it says “bootstrap cock”? 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Disregarding the rest of your comment (sorry) to say WTF about that dish of whatever-the-actual-fuck it is! I've seen the pic before but didn't really take any notice of the food (think we were discussing the egg chairs at the time). THIS WOMAN CANNOT COOK! If it's porridge, it's burnt. Baked overnight oats? Burnt. Grey tapioca breakfast? Burnt. Remnants of the cat's/budgie's litter tray? Burnt.
Seriously, can she cook ANYTHING that looks pleasing to the eye? Like, EVER?
Sorry for shouting but Jack Monroe arse is a fecking big fraud!

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Lucky Escape

VIP Member
Thankyou ninnies x

£428 fancy knobs (and counting)
£250 at least on magnetic Allegra spice jars
£315 at least (assuming there are only 7 but I think it’s more) on snake charmer kitchen baskets
£95 Abigail Aherne grey hare table lamp
£72 antique bird of paradise porcelain door knobs and finger plates (bedroom door)
(+£432 if she's done the other say 6 internal doors as well)
£400 Cotswold Company sideboard (living room, blue)
£229 Cotswold Company tallboy (bedroom, ivory)
£800 2 other Cotswold Company sideboards? (does she have 3 in total?)
£25 wooden calculator (unused)
£35 two-headed Skellington dog plastic Halloween decoration
£100 pigskin hat
£339 All Saints belfern suede biker jacket
£155 Morris & Co. Strawberry Thief curtains (median price £65-245)
£1,550 Tiffany pearl hoop earrings sterling silver (two pairs)
£150 DM boots (other ones, not the willow ones mentioned upthread)
£104 rusty eBay spoons
£110 couple of Oliver Bonas jumpers
£80 Emma Bridgewater toaster with TOASTER on it
£780 At least two Burberry scarves: one for her and one for LJC
Total: £6,449

77 lipsticks?
14 foundations?
40 eyeliners?
Two Burberry Jackets (but I think they were pre-Patreon, correct?)
Shoes (not) left behind by stylist/left on after photo shoot? - I forget the brand these are
The new pair of boots she bought after wearing the taped together pair for a while on TV (despite having other pairs ...?)
Designer dog?
304 Christmas tree decorations (many were 🔺 by clever fraus)?
...and how many Vivienne Westwood dresses? two? or was it three?
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VIP Member
I remember a phase she had of photographing a huge office space with 1000s of books. Then there was all the furniture and set dressing for the shed outside that she was going to turn into a studio? That was a few years ago, but it all looked very expensive.
Shed Shite
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Unfortunately, I grew up with someone with hoarding tendencies (and lots of other unpleasant traits beside).
For them, it's not about being in possession of the objects, whatever they are. It's about other people NOT being in possession of them. I can tell because of the sloppy and disrespectful way they treat their things. My relative has destroyed several beautiful, irreplaceable things because as soon as they had them, the value was lost. They were thrown in the bottom of handbags, or kept in leaky outhouses, or shoved off a table to make room for more random shit.
Its all about the one-upmanship, the spite and the envy.
They are, it goes without saying, very very similar to a certain smol pixie.
Happily, we no longer speak and my life is the better for it.
Babe, same x
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I went to do q Google search for something earlier this eve and the topteendibg search item was 'jack monroe leaves twitter' !
Is not top trending anymore and didn't have time to screenshot but I went back to check now and this Limehouse article came up, its quite old but interesting, some of the Limehouse scoops are fab.
I had been thinking today, if her dms are so filled with incomprehensible murderous be, wouldn't she be safer just keeping her comments open?
No matter what she says there is no earthly reason for her to be an emergservice for people wanting benefits advice or a recipe for slop from their empty larder
She just needs to put loads of signposting to actual knowledgeable professionals and relevant charities rather hogging it all and trying to paint herself as the font of all knowledge.
As we all know her advce is shit and what if she's on a 24 hour twitter flounce or a 9 hour round trip to her meetings or at one of her many valuable speaking appearances?
she's doing all these pretend desperadoes a huge disservice with this meaningless performance plus opening her son up to all that horrific bile if she ever followed through on her plan to make him her social media manager
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