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Intermittent lurker extraordinaire finally joining you marvellous lot for lols and detectivery 🕵️‍♀️ after my head exploded this weekend watching the Spite Chaos (POOR KARL! POOR DR RACHE! POOR SAM!) and I came for a gin and a demi-grunk...

TLDR: ooooh what is she like?! I thought the pickled radish was skin. Keep up the good work, fraus 👏

It’s a shame because sometimes she can pull it out the bag and make useful points – like on Politics Live in March, where she sounded prepared, awake and focused on the right issues. I’m not sure she really has her own unique thinking/deep takes on stuff but she’s clearly capable of digesting info from other people and articulating it in a meaningful way, it’s just that doesn’t seem to be the priority very often. In fact one of the things that first got my snidey senses tingling was noticing her tendency to suddenly burst into tweet with some ‘raging’ hot take cobbled together from people better informed than her and lap up the JTribe praise for her bravery as though she’s a tardy solo warrior tackling inequality with nought but a broken shoe and an arthritic shopping trolley to lean on. Half the problem is a lot of her followers are just regular folk who aren’t that clued up about politics so she seems like a true radical when she’s basically a brand. Either way it’d be better if she could stop stuffing her made-up selves into every talk piece like a distracting rinsed hoop in a dolma.

Jack’s biggest problem is that she’s created Jack MonroeTM on the back of social/cultural capital that she pretends she’s never had and won’t recognise is propping her up now. If you read early interviews (eg in Psychologies) alongside those with her dad you get a shared picture. I reckon those are the closest to the ‘real’ backstory: not posh but not poor; very normal move up the ladder with inherited wealth. Both of them talk about the family sharing what they had. Food was there to share. Now she’s saying they were destitute splitting like one baked bean between 6 and her dad had to hitchike 30 miles to work. It’s intriguing that Jack went from 27K p/a (worth £36,500 today) to poverty blogging so quickly – that’s a decent salary: was there not a dime in the house the second the salary stopped? Her family were OK financially by then and most people wouldn’t disconnect from that social capital without very good reason (but she says they are great) or something going very wrong…

Most people’s identity has elements of stability and change but Jack can’t decide what she was never mind what she is or wants to be. Now she’s subtly wafting povvo tropes about and seemingly oblivious to the fact of her enormous social capital via celebrity friends, middle-class connections, huge platform of apparently solvent supporters, stable and supportive close family... Anyone with an ounce of nous about the mechanics of class and social inequities would just shut the fck up about this (NOT) terrible plight and tap into the bounty of security around them then crack on with advocating properly for those without such privileges and lending their whopping platform to genuine working-class voices.

She’s getting away with it because most people don’t give enough of a shit to notice blurred lines that don’t directly affect them and (as very many of you wise fraus have pointed out) her audience are largely well-meaning non-disruptors who just want to feel like they’re helping. People really don’t like being conned but even more than that people don’t like to admit they’ve been conned – so there’s mahoosive cognitive dissonance going on among those Jack stans. But the austerity legacy and extending economic crisis mean she’s fast becoming a recognisable problem: she’s getting in the way of what really needs to be heard. I actually feel for her a bit because the twats who helped build up her brand are not helping her reign it in so her endless attention-seeking, self-aggrandising and over-egging of the eggy bread mean it’ll be her alone who faces the backlash. <cue music from Countdown>
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I love the idea that the nefarious forces of capitalism are sitting on their yachts being desperately worried by Jack.

“Our profits are up 80%, Mr Oil.”

“Immaterial, I’m afraid, Mr Lackey. Jack Monroe has Tweeted about how she hates the Tories. I’m afraid it’s all over for us.”
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Tabitha D

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Really want to know how many people were on the publishing team.
Imagine a fresh faced intern tagging along to go the house of a famous food writer for brunch only to be served
View attachment 1542820

"these cherry tomatoes taste...interesting" you say weakly.

"Ah that'll be because I fried them" Jack grins like a Cheshire cat as you eye them dubiously.

"In cheese"

<camera pans into horrified pupil of eager intern before fading fully to black>
It just all looks so soggy. And as for the combo - creamed spinach .. and chilli sauce? Dear god. 🤢
Why couldn’t she just do them a nice normal sandwich or something.
Also, remember this abomination that she gave poor Caroline for lunch one time? Has she never heard the saying “you eat with your eyes”? No wonder Caroline left.
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My OH (I have one, he hasn't left, though to be fair he hasn't moved in, he lives 200 miles away) is blind in one eye due to toxoplasmosis. Gardening without gloves and wiping sweat from his eye is the most likely cause. They were really concerned that it was going to affect the other eye too, but he was lucky.

I have said this before on here, but please everyone be careful. Even if your own cat is free of the disease, other cats attracted to your garden may not be.
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Lizzie Mintdrop

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SB is sitting on the sofa, like he's a polite guest, my 11yr old nephew lounges with his feet up and I know used to lie around with my feet up at that age. I feel very sorry for SB, especially if he's noticing whether Jack is happy or not, I honestly never thought about my mum or dad's feelings at his age, because I was so secure around them and protected by them that I never needed to have any awareness of their feelings. I didn't have to protect them or modify my behaviour because I was scared of what might happen. I hope I've articulated that properly, I wasn't a naughty child, I just felt so secure that I never needed to worry about my parents and no child should have to.
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Chatty Member
I was thinking about Jack when I woke up - thanks canal - and it occurred to me that she's objectively BAD at everything she claims to do for 'work'

She's a cook - I think objectively she's a bad cook, right? I'm no cook but I would never photograph those meals if I made them, even to show a close friend or family member.

She's a writer - objectively I think she's a bad writer. This is something I know about and I think she misuses words, overdoes melodramatic repetition, exaggerates wildly and ladles on the rhetoric until her point is lost.

She's an activist - she tweets weak insults at Tories like Rick from the Young Ones. 'Yeah Thatcher you haggard old w*nkspangle, living in your house built of Woe on the ruins of poor people's bones!'

She's a media commentator - sh!tting dog. Nervous, sniffing, zero charisma or confidence, makes everyone feel uncomfortable.

She's a social media commentator - well, she is clearly awful at social media. No boundaries, no sense of professional and personal, no boosting of others, quick to respond with hostility

She's a food photographer - I would say her photography is mediocre at best?

She's a 'model' - well, I don't want to be unkind.

Everything you can think of that Jack claims to be - from single mother (she isn't) to great lover (6 hour random bang) - she constantly demonstrates that she isn't.
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Chatty Member
Top pic looks like something from Embarrassing Bodies
Made me think of this

“When Jack Monroe and Allegra McEvedy started “courting” (their word), Monroe would sit at the bar of McEvedy’s Blackfoot restaurant. “She would send me clams from the kitchen that looked like clitorises,” recalls Monroe. “It was like in the L Word [when] the chef Lara seduces Dana with food.”

from this interview

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I personally think it's sick that she reads over here and effectively takes our real life experiences and feelings and tries to pass them off as her own. I can spot a few different fraus (as well as myself) in that long morning post. It's sick.

It's also proof that GDPR Squig was right on the money. Jack stole all her poverty stories from those who sent her emails.

Third time for luck; she's sick.
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Why were they there I wonder. Do publishers normally do home visits?
No. You normally go into the office to discuss edits or the ad campaign or whatever.

My theory is they told her to stfu on Twitter. And they thought it would be gentler and easier to contain if they went to her rather than getting her to come in. The last week has been an absolute catastrophe for the Jack Monroe brand. Molly, her appearance in Edinburgh (when she couldn’t even remember the core concept of the book they were supposed to be discussing - and this was supposed to be a promo for her new book not a rehash of an old one), the bonkers middle of the night shagfest, the attack on a disabled man. It’s a total car crash.

We know they left before 1pm because Content was drinking out of one of their glasses. And she’s been silent since. 4 hours and no tweets.

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Not tone policing, more a heads up, but please don't be too mean - the website is almost irrelevant as he mostly deals with customers on Twitter - he used to have a bricks and mortar shop but then moved house and went online. Misplaced Jack love aside, he does a lot of good with his weekly Buy a Stranger a Book thing, and I've taken advantage of his kindness myself when I was low and he offered to send anyone who wanted one a copy of a Matt Haig book.
If I'd been feeling low and someone sent me a Matt Haig book it might have tipped me over the edge.
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I remember when twitter first started kind of becoming popular I must have been around 17/18, and everyone was leaving school and starting uni ect... People would tweet things like "just completed my assignment, took the poodle for a walk and now coming home to cook some spicy pasta" basically narrating everything they had done in their day that no one actually cared about. Past the age of 20 people stopped tweeting things like this as they realised no one actually cares what they had for tea or how their operation went. Jack hasn't moved past the teenage tweeting stage of realising no one actually cares to hear you narrate your day on twitter. She's stopped taking tramadol for her shoulder but yet she still takes ritalin which some dealers actually bash up and use to sell to addicts. She won't touch tramadol but will pay 150 a month, in her own words for ritalin. ADHD is debilitating yes, but there are so many non stimulant options, the fact she's gone private suggests the NHS Dr has obviously told her no in the past. She's the definition of histrionic personality disorder. No one has experienced autism like Jack has, or arthritis or ADHD. I can guarantee that a lot of people on this thread actually suffer with a lot of mental health and physical issues but don't document it 24/7 to try and one up other people. It's so infuriating, lmao the list of everything Jack's tried for arthritis pain, why bloody bother asking anyone when you've literally exhausted all options. Oh there won't be a pain medication or solution that works for Jack's arthritis, it's just much more severe than anyone else's we couldn't possibly relate. She does realise there's an abundance of non opiate based pain medication, it's just pointless attention seeking.
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She definitely had her son there to ensure the publishers wouldn’t say anything scary to her in front of him. And so they think she’s a busy single mum.

The pills were on display in bags on the otherwise tidy table just to remind them what a smol fragile pixie she is, too frail to finish her book on time.
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Re Jacks mega pre DKL tweet delete from the last thread - she knew she was getting on telly so she got rid of things that evidenced her as a massive whiny horrid whelksplat. Which would be her entire account.
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Imagine being invited to JM’s having to pretend you’re enjoying your lunch, while dead eyes herself is staring at you and waiting for the compliment…..

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