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Chatty Member
I'm so far behind but I have seen the hammock photo AND - why are her followers so thick? Why don't they know that filters exist? There's like 3 of them in the comments off to wash their faces with a hot flannel to get their skin as flawless as old Mackie?!

This is a niche reference but they remind me of the aliens in Galaxy Quest.
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Tabitha D

VIP Member
So now she’s off for a cup of tea, now that she’s set the flying monkeys loose on the poor squig. And they are chewing him up. She has such lovely followers.
The squig did ask this question, which seems relevant, but she’s left him hanging. Obviously.
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Chap O

Active member
Just catching up so this will land somewhere weird, just in the murder mystery book title section, not a murder title and this has no doubt been suggested in the past but a new cookbook could be called Jack Monroe, Fifty Shades of Grey.
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When she says "Goodnight"... I don't believe her.
She's going to end up like wynona Ryder isn't she, caught around Southend with a jumper full of lurpak butter.

When asked my the police why she did it,

Her" It's prinicples see? I can afford it, but some people cant and I am for the people see"

Police man" There are other brands available you know"

* Her clawing at the floor*. "principles"
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Ooooft, she's in a bugaboo about something.

She really does think shop lifting is the answer to the cost of living crisis. Wow. That VBI must have told her so.
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She probably thinks it’s Cameron’s fault she got sacked from the Sainsbury’s gig. It couldn’t possibly be her own fault.
I know you're joking but that is probably true.
Narcs can't accept blame, their brains are wired differently. Her brain won't let her understand that she was in the wrong so she'll automatically place it on someone or something else.
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VIP Member
“It’s a very raw and traumatic piece of work though”. She’s so bloody frustrating! It is possible to have empathy (because no matter what she says, I don’t believe for a second that her so called poverty was anything like other people’s experiences) and to see the goal of actually making a difference. Nobody has asked or is forcing her to do this. She reads a couple of newspaper articles and a Coroner report and it’s “raw and traumatic” for HER.

She revels in mining other people’s stories and then telling the cult members so they can pat her on the head and tell her how brave she is.

And honestly, who’s going to buy this shit? Form an orderly queue folks, get your hands on a copy of a load of floral bollocks as described by a charlatan who uses other people’s terrible experiences to boost her own profile. It’s got top of the Christmas best seller list written all over it.
You said this much better than I could. EXACTLY. The best remedy for despair is action, Jack.
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Yeah Jack, usually when I see someone shoplifting I attempt a citizens arrest and gather an angry mob around the thief to chant "WHITE TRASH SHOULDN'T BREED" as we wait for the police to arrive. However thanks to this significant intervention I shall now look the other way.
Or in the case of pilfered tampoons - White Trash shouldn't bleed!
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Was that the thread with the pics of her supposedly naked under a blanket with her friend’s dog? I’d be super weirded out if I had someone pet sit and they took something that resembles a post coital selfie with my pet. Plus the kitten tucked into her tit. And no, I don’t think she’s doing anything gross with them, she just doesn’t seem to realise how inappropriate it is to sexy pose with an animal. I mean, perhaps she WANTS us to make jokes about it or make a crass comment so she can screenshot and add to her lever arch files for when she sues us or whatever.
Got to say I would love a look through Jacks Tattle lever arch files.
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Amanda Lin

VIP Member
Slightly shame faced confession now. I'm a mature student and whilst I attempt to be more organised with using computer files etc...I still find it easier to read printed out notes and handouts and put them in (can't believe I'm admitting to this) (whisper it) a lever arch file. I also handwrite my notes in class and type them up later (which helps me make sense of them). But I'm and actual child of the 1970s
Slippery slope! You will be rescuing night meat and cooking up Pumbles soon!!!

In all seriousness I also hand write things before typing them up at work. So I salute your style (also child of 70s here!)

She is cosplaying a researcher though, so she needs to up her game with the details and embellishments.
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Knowing jacks habit of exaggeration, "working at a rehab" probably just means she put the chairs away after a group session or helped make lunch
And feeding them = offering everyone one of her delicious vinegary chips.
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Can I be cheeky and ask if anyone knows the rough timing of the sideboard glamour shots? I’m dying to read everyone’s live take on it…
Would've been may/June two years ago. Maybe July? Iirc it was just after Edinburgh and just before the black eye.
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