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Chatty Member

“My sister talks about other people on that website and it’s fine”
I hope the sister is a Frau
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went to a second hand/vintage place yesterday 🔺️ and aside from boxes and boxes of old spoons, spotted this sign that made me think of you mithering ninnies 🥰

as you were!!!
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Not moderating and sadly too thick to triangulate anything that isn’t an item of clothing but think it would be safe to assume that if you’re liking any content from cabal adjacent personalities, especially subtweets directed to Jack, then anyone with an agenda either way is going to have ur card marked and block/follow/stalk you online. Just be careful and look after urselves eg don’t view LinkedIns as it tells them your details, be careful with viewing Insta stories for the same reason, be careful liking content if your Twitter has ur full name in it. I hope this doesn’t come across as patronising or who died and made u Queen of the internet just conscious we have fraus of all ages and IT/social media familiarity so a PSA to keep you all safe and happy ✨

Ps you’ll know you’ve been had when you go up to bed for the night and a pack of cooking bacon’s lying in the bed x
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Picture this:

You are mildly famous and inexplicably well-respected. You are ostensibly attractive, white, middle-class, and able-bodied. You have a son and a family close by. You don’t have any work responsibilities yet somehow take home more than the UK median wage per month plus other periodic windfalls.

Do you spend your Saturday:
a) doing fun activities with your son while he is still young enough to want to spend weekends with you
b) spend some time with friends, having coffee, cake, walking on the beach and maybe checking out that new photography exhibition
c) go for a trip into London with the family, maybe browse some record shops with your step-brother
d) finally meet up with the nice lass (or laddie…) from tinder who you’ve been skirting around for a bit


e) hang around on Twitter making a sock account and reply to fawning tweets to your named account about the minging trifle laden with SmartPrice fruit your tight nan used to make?

Utterly, utterly tragic.

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I want the toaster with "Toaster" written on it, so I stop trying to make crumpets in the kettle.
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Softly whispers "a magical golden pineapple" *shuffles feet nervously*

Who lives in a pineapple down in Thorpe Bay?
Monroe’s tampons!
So kooky and maverick but thats where they stay!
Monroe’s tampons!
So if menstrual protection is something you miss
Monroe’s tampons!
Then follow the lingering honk to just past the tinned fish!
Monroe’s tampons , Monroe’s tampons , Monroe’s tampons , Monroeeeeeee’s tamponnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnns!
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The overnight squiggle does have a point, there is a lot of guff in these threads. It keeps us laughing in spite of the fact we are witnessing some really egregious behaviour by Jack.

We are not journalists writing a serious article on grifting and internet fraud. We are a bunch of people that happen to notice glaring inconsistencies in Jacks historical stories, and are documenting the same things happening currently.

There is enough information in Jack's own deleted tweets, captured within these pages, to prove that we are correct. You may have to search through a "load of guff" but it is there.

As for guff, just see Jack's pages and pages of "send cattos", "what's your favourite biscuit", train incidents, unnecessary hospital visits, and toilet commentaries, etc. etc. for a load of guff.
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Silver Linings

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Title by @HotesTilaire

Please remember no thread titles until the tail end of the thread and to add ‘thread title’ or ‘thread title nomination’. No swearing in them please.

Wiki is the pink button for newbies.

Lights are off and the lightbulbs are out.

Shame on you, Jack Monroe aka BootstrapCook.

May Coopsy forever interrupt your sleep.
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The idea of Manc Bee getting all suited up to go neutralise the spoons at the slop scene has left me a little flustered 🥰😂
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View attachment 1117615
No no no, squig! You pick the ones that apply not the ones that look pretty.
Here you go - never seemed more appropriate:

View attachment 1117617

Also Lads, do not dis the guff! I am so here for the guff and jokes. :D
It's only thing that keeps me going some days. Otherwise I'd be 😱 😨 😭 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️ all day long.
I must object to them saying there is “guff” on this thread! I STILL laugh every time I think of @blurstoftimes thinking a refreshment towel was a sweet (sometimes it comes into my head and I’m off)

Other fun, not-guff facts I’ve learned about the cabal:

* @MancBee hates cluttered drawers and he and his neighbours enjoy making non-slop, delicious food for each other.

* @heretoreaditall2019 is married to Eddie the Eagle Edwards.

* @orphanblack loves a bit of Classic Corrie.

* @DinosaurSenior loves seeking out graffiti in Edinburgh. Or is she the graffiti artist…🤔

* @People-huv-tae-know loves rabbits.

* Many OG Fraus handed Jack her arse on a plate in thread 31.

Those are things I thought off the top of my head but I LOVE FACTS so there are many more examples. Considering the amount of contributors and the speed the threads move, there’s next to no derailing. This is a safe place for people to speak about things. I think one of the biggest issues Jack has with here is there’s very rarely any pointless, personal attacks on her looks or her weight or things like that. She hates the fact that nobody is derogatory when talking about alcoholism - quite the opposite.

I’ve no idea who the new squig is (Max Rigger perhaps) but don’t come on here and skim read some of the many, many thousands of posts and declare them as guff!
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I wanted to answer the eternal question: how many times has Jack Monroe moved house?

In doing so, I also found that the shitty bungalow may, in fact, not be the first place that Jack considers to truly be a home...

October 2011: Jack breaks up with her partner & moves out into "executive luxury apartment"

(can't find receipt right now, sorry)

October 2012: Jack moves into the flat with the mirrored tiles in the kitchen, seen in many early Poverty news stories



MAY 2013: Jack is moving into a shared house


JULY 2013: Jack has moved


(Incidentally, I know some Frauen believe that Jack moved back home at this time. I read some of her blog comments that indicate that she didn't, but I can't find them right now. She could be lying, but I'll assume she isn't. For once.)

OCTOBER 2013: Jack has moved out and is now living with the Mrs Jack of the day



Interlude: in December 2013, she has a guitar that has moved house with her 12 times. Didn't sell that, then?



We have a lack of info now. We know she moved in with Allegra in mid-2014, breaking up with the previous Mrs J some time before then.

SUMMER 2015: Jack breaks up with Allegra and moves into a flat, her "ideal home"


She is slow to decorate it.


She eventually acquires a bed.


AUGUST 2016: Jack moves into a house, her "dream home"


She proceeds to trash the place.


Still there in 2017...

Trashing continues for some time.


Can you believe that the picture below is Jack DECLUTTERING?! 🤯


JUNE 2018: Jack moves into a bungalow (not the shitty bungalow). It's "perfect" and "feels like home", unlike her last two dream homes


She seems to really like it.


FEBRUARY 2019: the shitty bungalow


In conclusion:

1) Flat with partner
2) Executive luxury apartment
3) Mirror kitchen
4) House share
5) Flat with then-fiancée

??????? (she must have moved home 15+ times in 2014, according to her own moving stats)

6) Allegra's home
7) Flat
8) House
9) Bungalow
10) Shitty bungalow

I need a new hobby 🙃
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I am going to harp on about the smoothie bowls.

If you do something nice for someone, give them a gift, send them a card, make them a special meal, isn't it usually the recipient that tells everyone?

It is normal for someone receiving something to say "Look what XYZ made/bought/sent/cooked ME"

But Jack is the one telling everyone "Look what I made/bought/sent/cooked for HER" She is making that gesture about herself, what a wonderful partner she is, how lucky they are to have her.

If I make something for my partner, I don't tell anyone I have made it for him. If he wants to tell people, that is up to him. I am not doing it for the praise from strangers on the internet. What other possible reason could Jack be posting those pictures on Twitter other than for praise. So she didn't make the smoothie bowls for Louisa, she made them for herself and the praise it got her off strangers. No wonder SHE LEFT.
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