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A good food writer should be able to make you want to try a food you hate simply by the way they describe it.
Monroe is the polar opposite. She takes foods I love and by the time she has finished wanging on, I never want to eat them again.
She is the antichrist of nourishment.
Wooo-ooooh. I come to you from the past. Wooooo-oooooh. As requested by @Powershower, please consider bib as a thread title. Woooo-oooo-oooooooh!
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What the frig is this?

Screenshot_20211109-143308_Samsung Internet.jpg

Has Jack got as sick of eating tinned fish as we have looking at it? Have sausages usurped the sardines?

So many questions. I'm off to ponder the answers while eating lunch (bread from the Warburtons factory, eggs from a free-range chicken's arse somewhere in Gloucestershire, butter from the fridge, salt from the packet of Radox Muscle Soak in the bathroom. It's all interchangeable, innit).
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I love it when I post a photo of Jack’s food and get a load of sick faces 😂
Also showed it to my SB and he physically recoiled.
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In the DIVA pod she says she was expecting the Daily Mail to be hanging around outside the rehab centre :rolleyes:
She really does think she's an A-lister doesn't she?
I think Jack may be confusing herself with someone who is vaguely relevant.

The Daily Mail wasn't interested In Jack Monroe - Sex Worker, they didn't enter a bidding war to buy pictures of Jack with her tits out, they didn't even mention the time she suffered deep trauma when her shifty bungalow wasn't out up for sale.

The Daily Mail don't give a flying fuck. Not at interested in her rehab, not even with the carefully laid trail of breadcrumbs . Not interested in her Diva pictures. I don't think she even made the Daily Mail no one sidebar. And they publish anything.
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View attachment 860326 I honestly just see this suit except her is white and she has no hat. She needs a hat.

I’ve seen one that size in real life, it’s outline didn’t look like that
Also it’s against the rules to hint at tea without revealing it...
No tea. Have no desire to see a sans underwear Russell Brand up close. Google is your friend (or not, as the case may be... 😳)
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I would go even further and say Jack has gone backwards. She's nowhere near where she was 5 years ago.
Especially because she hit the mainstream in what 2013. Influencing was in it's infancy and to begin with she certainly grew her accounts using the platforms favoured at the time (Twitter, blogging). But she never kept with the times and trends and evolved her content and approach. She was really in the golden era of easier account growth before the market became completely oversaturated and the algorithms became less favourable - if she'd have put the work in like others did from 2015-8 instead of the kickstarter debacle, pile ons, etc she could be up there with the greats as it was easier to stand out (also if her food wasn't sloplike and looked edible to those beyond her niche FBPE lib dem following).
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So her 'uni lecturer' is asking her for advice?

Oh my gosh, give it a month and she'll be teaching the course! Size of the ego on this one!
Pretty sure she’s confused a uni lecturer asking specifically her a question because she is a literal food expert, with a generic assignment sent to the entire course that just happens to be phrased as a question
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A good food writer should be able to make you want to try a food you hate simply by the way they describe it.
Monroe is the polar opposite. She takes foods I love and by the time she has finished wanging on, I never want to eat them again.
She is the antichrist of nourishment.
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It's worth noting that the expensive Ortiz tin that Jack was so shocked by contains 1,9kg of fish. Is it still a lot more expensive than supermarket tuna? Yeah, but it is very, very good.

How mad that an alleged expert in tinned food doesn't seem to understand that tins can vary in both size and quality of contents. Jack genuinely seems to believe that every tin in the world should be as cheap and shit as spaghetti hoops.
I wasn't sure if I should post this as I always seem to have a "me" story. But here goes...

When I was a teenager, I went to the pub underage and got really drunk. When I got home dad was on nights and everyone else had gone to bed. I was starving so pulled out the chip pan and put it on the cooker on high. Changed my mind and had a butty instread. Turned off the ring under the pan and went to bed...

Well you all know what happened next. The ring was not completely off and the pan heated up until it went on fire. We were woken up by a neighbour who had seen the flames. We all got out, but by the time the fire brigade arrived the house was completely engulfed in flames. Dad came home from work to a burnt shell of a home, and we were being looked after by neighbours.

We had to be rehoused by the council (yes, we rented from the council!). Unfortunately the contents insurance was nowhere near enough to replace everything.

My mum and dad were amazing, supportive of me and how I felt. It could have ended in tragedy and they were just so glad it didn't.

To get to the point. Jack is just so, so wrong to suggest deep frying in a saucepan. It's incredibly dangerous, especially for someone saying they were accident prone just days before.
It's actively encouraged not to encourage people to use chip pans that you cannot regulate heat, just because she claims to be very careful doesn't mean some young mum or anyone won't think" oh good Idea, start to make something then baby cries or Nora from next door calls with gossip about number six and it's left unattended for even a second. She also claims to not have contents insurance for her very expensive stuff she bought because she had trauma from having fuck all. Above all like the shed of shit it's thoughtless and stupid.
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I absolutely do not want to stand up for Jack here or absolve her of any wrongdoing, but there are some situations when individuals will continue to lie about relapses.

I don’t want to me-rail in any way and I definitely don’t want to imply that my problems are in any way, shape or form similar to alcoholism. However, I have told people that I haven’t been using MFP, have pretended to eat food and lied about exercise to a scary extent to protect those I love (and to avoid the inevitable arguments). Alcoholics may also lie in order to maintain their behaviours and avoid judgment.

She upsets me, seeing the lies is upsetting and as I said yesterday the whole thing may be a rouse. I just can’t tell anymore.
I get that people in the midst of an addiction lie for various reasons (number 1 being to hide it). But that's different to what she's doing, which is just randomly lying about everything, unprovoked, to hundreds of thousands of people.
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I don't know where this will land but I'm watching Come Dine With Me and one of the contestants has just made bechamel sauce by adding grated cheese to a jug of cold milk.

👀 at you, Jack 🐎
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