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Probably nothing - I wouldn't be able to recognise her unless she was wearing a tshirt saying 'I am Jack Monroe, and this is what I look like without face tuning "
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I'm sure we've seen this before but it made me laugh that her tweet and delete has always been a Thing. As has bullshittery. There's another bit in the case notes where she describes the abuse she might possibly suffer as "serious", and the judge says that the use of the word "serious" was unfounded. (this is from the KH case)
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Notjack’s insta Linda McCartney foods says “courtesy of” which implies they have gifted. Why would any company gift someone with 65 followers? 🤯
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Thank you for this. It's written beautifully. Someone I know through Twitter but have met a few times in real life, who is recovering and works in this field, tweets reminders every so often and one I like is not to worry about whether it's an addiction, that's just a name, but if you're repeating behaviours that you'd rather not, it's time to have a think about what is happening. I'm triangulating myself but he is a stand up performance artist too called Roy and he's always worth a listen; he was great on the Twoshot podcast talking about his background recently.
Oh bless thank you, I’ll give it a listen love the repeating behaviours thing! It’s so true, if old behaviours no longer serve you why keep them?
It’s funny cos if someone gives up dairy it’s a non issue, accepted at face value and no one checks if they’re really sure they’ve got a problem with dairy and it’s not just that milk, the supermarket, or that day, or a bad patch in their life. But if you give up alcohol you may as well host an Insta live to answer all the questions it brings up, how much doubt or outright refusal to believe you’ll be met with, I think that’s a huge part of why anonymity works so well cos you don’t need to invite those opinions into your decision making process.

Everyone’s rock bottom will be different, because everyone is different. There’s nothing wrong with not having a glamorous or exciting or tragic origins story, most chairs you hear are from normal people who went through some shit and are now trying their best to work through it all. It’s mental health at the end of the day, working on that is a very normal thing to do. This doesn’t align with Jack’s desires for yet another “against all odds” branding opportunity so naturally she had the worst alcoholism, claiming long tenure recovery she hasn’t got, the most evil celeb sponsor, it’s just tiresome.

Jack sees this as another gem in her crown of celebrity, like the tragic downfall of the maverick outsider turned tabloid fodder superstar, especially with the stories she wheels out all orientating around staff / success / locations / work. Sometimes I think the anonymity does us a disservice as it’ll always be a case of the emptiest vessels make the loudest noise, the only people that’ll do these sorts of press pieces will be sick because they’ve not understood you just do not do this. Awfully guache, darling! x
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So happy it was all clear, but sorry you had that worry to go through. Mrs. B (shes said I could mention it on the thread) had a similar situation last year, and it was all fine too, thankfully. A worrying time though. Really happy for your result ☺
Glad all was ok. All I know of Mrs B is that she once called Jack a cunt, she seems like a good sort
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Triffids don’t consume whole, they sting and then wait for the body to decompose. The probably have a gut full of acid of some sort, like a pitcher plant. So sorry but this is one of my favourite books and I have to geek at you. (I know they’re not real but the thought of Jack being chased by one is amusing)
I think of triffids every time I see the road sign for ‘Heavy Plant Crossing’

not as sad as ‘Cats Eyes Removed’
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waffle maker

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If I met Jack I would try to get her to sign up to my patreon, and also maybe see if she would sent me a Yorkie bar or some Sophie Conran crockery for my birthday.

my mum and (dead) dad have both been on the weakest link. Different episodes. Early Anne Robinson era. 🔺They are link that. Mum won. She likes being on telly-they have also been on Ground Force.
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@Mr Krabs squid ink isn't something you harvest like honey, you have to kill the squid, slice it open and pierce the ink sac. I do like the idea of someone's official job title being Senior Squid Scarer though.
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Alcohol is such a funny one people get upset over. My mum is really allergic (pregnancy triggered it weirdly, she was fine until she had my brother) People get so in her face about it, trying to sneak her drinks, arguing and so on. You'd never dream of offering an ex heroin addict a needle, so why does drink sparks such emotions? It must be really tough for those of you in recovery, and you all speak so eloquently about it. Jack just dived in with her usual 'expert' opinion, and diminished people's genuine struggles (again)
I have had struggles with alcohol myself, and after a particularly bad breakup it became an issue so I gave up for a few months to get myself back on track, I just told friends /colleagues etc it was a health kick, I was shocked at work events especially when people were trying to force me to drink/pretending things were just a tonic water not a g and t etc, I would never dream of doing anything similar
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I’ve never taken drugs. MH means i was on prescribed mind-altering things for a while in my 20s so didn’t want the risk. My friends used to go off to parties and have coke or MDMA and one said to me seriously that they were at a party and everyone had got a bit dull and boring so they took coke and had a great time til 4am. My question was that if they liked those people they wouldn’t need to take drugs to enjoy being with them. So why bother? My best friends I have a great time with without drinking. Now I don’t like drinking with people I don’t know, but I used to. Along with my rule about ‘nothing good happens after 2am so go to bed’ the ‘you don’t need to drink to enjoy your real friends’ is another one I think stands up. I’m a big square I know.
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I don’t think the picture’s recent, chaps. I think Marmalade said it was from 2018. The squid ink will have returned to the sea in some form by now.
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'Its great to see Marcus bringing this issue to light, mere years after I, Jack Monroe, claimed it as my own'
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These Tweets are like Jack's greatest hits. Checking off:

✅ Didn't happen (then everyone clapped)
✅ Dead Gramp's uninhabitable guest house
✅ Ouchie mouths

Thankyou for doing the Lord's work through WayBack Machine @colouredlines
Your thankyous won't buy me my FOREVER HOME. 😭 I've worked 140 hours this week and yet I still rent...I accept euros, bitcoin, and unsold copies of Good Food For Bad Days (give me enough and I can build my forever home from them).
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Jelly Bean

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She really can't cook, can she?
I love the fact on a regular basis we have all at one time or another asked this rather plaintive question in a bewildered fashion.
It starts as a sort of a in-joke that she can't cook and is just funny. Then usually one particularly appalling dish triggers an awful realisation that it is no joke - she really really can't cook. Like really can't. I think for me it was some brown splodge with an egg (I think that is what it once maybe identified as) on top.

(Btw I can really see her on Desert Island Discs at some point. No idea what her book choice might be).
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