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still no episode.
i'm gonna report to patreon and see if i can get a refund.
it's not about the money really its more the principle.
It really is just a Go Fund Me at this stage
Are you two new here?
I can’t understand why you’re so surprised. This is how she has always operated. This, the woman who got to keep the succesful itgalz platform in the split, which she rebranded as her own and couldn’t be bothered to put any effort into maintaining it.

more fool you for giving her your money tbh.
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It feels like she’s trying to break them up.
A recurring pattern for Lindsay tbh, it’s the same reason she constantly refers to the one night stand she had with Evan, ten years ago. And probably why she posted a photo from J and E’s wedding while the ceremony was still ongoing. She lives to cause trouble and her favourite target is other people’s relationships. Likely because she’s never had a happy or healthy one of her own, by her own admission.
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Wow. Just wow. Havnt caught up with this thread since Jan. Holyyyyyyyy fuck. I always advocated for L as I felt she was a bit lost and I did love her spark. But that blazer incident made me want to claw her eyes out. In the words of Aoife McGregor WHOOOO THE FUUUCCKKK do u think you are?? Holding a blokes jacket for ransom cause it gives her some kind of power trip. J was right to get well away although I still think she's an arsehole. But she's happily and quietly getting on with her life and I'm glad for her. Imagine the shite she's had 2 put up with over the years. L knows she will never have the conventional life, the house, the mortgage, the partner who loves you and wants to build a life with u. So in true L fashion she has turned it round that SHE rejected all that and thinks its weird and uncool. She's so good at doing 180s and convincing herself that that's what she's wanted all along. Ye so what if u rode Evan. He hasn't married or gotten a mortgage with you. It was j. And that KILLS you. Because you wer the prettier one. You wer the funnier one. But it was plain ol J he chose. She can't have the adult life she wants deep down so she pretends she doesn't want to be an adult. That she's not like other adults. This TT drama I'm not on it so I havnt a clue but that Ross thing sounds like he's loving all this. And she's only 2 happy to be at the midst of someone's downfall. Because then she won't be the only miserable bitch in town. Sorry L you've lost my support. Go shield your kids from the big bad world give them a safe haven and stability because when in a few years when your flaps have sagged lower than your hotpants and your "fans" are nowhere to be seen I guarantee you you will regret not putting all this time and effort into your babies. Because I'm sure by then even they will have turned their back on you.
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I'm sorry, the actual state of her! The saggy tits, the skirt up her hole. 🙈🤣 who the fuck is telling her that she's 'pretty'? She looks like a middle aged, worn out wannabee. I have second hand embarrassment. 🙈😆😂

And she's calling out an old woman walking by!! 🙈🙈 she looks closer to her age than all the young ones she's with. Fucking delusional! 😂😂😂
To be fair if those tits are saggy I wish I had saggy tits. She’s a messy bitch but you can’t deny her bod is stunning.
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She’s exploiting him.. end of.
Her online presence was dead, and now all of a sudden she’s getting loads of views, etc. She’ll use him until she moves onto her next interest & then he’ll be dropped.
It’s genuinely disgusting. And then Ross trying to get brand deals/etc from it all.
It’s a prime example of what’s wrong with the world rn & the horrifically negative side of social media
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I personally think she’s dead right. Social media is fake who gives a shite stop deeping it so much, kneevo is a shit person and Lyndsey is just saying out loud what we’re all thinking. Notice how Kneevo is gone so quiet? It’s not “growth” let me tell you it’s because her fake mask is being torn off her infront of people and she’s scared. I like that Lyndsey and Ross are just finaly outting them all, hopefully they won’t stop until they end their careers because it’s sickening to watch people like someone you can see right through. 🙄
Lindsay has gone far beyond “saying what we’re all thinking”. She’s going live each night to publicly bully and harass a young woman, what outcome is she hoping to get? It’s bullying plain and simple 🤷‍♀️
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I think we all have encountered a Lindsay in our lives, at teens and adults. Normally if it was a younger people, you outgrow the narcissism and drama and self indulgent toxic behaviour and move on with your life which makes the Lindsay character vicious and makes you a target for their vitriol from pure jealousy and they’re the victim in their head and they try to turn others against you then or slag off your achievements from sheer jealousy. This people are emotionally and intellectually stunted. And nearly always enabled by a family member scared of their outbursts. Surely Lindsay needs a cold sharp shock from family to snap her out of her rinse and repeat cycle of toxic frenemies, online drama, men etc. Raising children especially a daughter to think this essentially online bullying is acceptable under the guise of “keeping it real” is bizarre and dangerous. But in all her self righteousness, surely in the cold light of day right now she has to realise last night she was out for a Saturday with a bunch of women that paid her to spend time with them so they could listen to her “exclusive” toxic drama for gossip sake, they aren’t her mates? I’d rather sit in with my dog and the telly than sink that low
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Exactly! She's not pretty at all which is why it's always tits and legs out. Girls who are pretty don't need to do that. And she's skinny in a flabby sort of way, it that makes sense?! It's from eating very little. It's clear that she does no exercise, she's not toned at all.
I think that's a bit much tbh, going in on a woman's body and appearance in such a detailed way is pretty grim tbh.

Listened to yesterdays episode, I cannot believe that's what she released after getting so many new subscribers! Really really bad.
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C’mon @Ingognito.Queen get in here!!
Hang on, I thought she said she was on the phone to the tattler in question? 😂 @Ingognito.Queen did she ring you or is she ranting at you via the podcast, talking to herself essentially? 😂 how is anyone writing here different to her battering Jenny online slagging her and her husband off? 😂 pot kettle black?
I have never ever spoken to L on the phone 😅
I have no idea what is going on here...?🤣🤣🤣🤣
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That’s no excuse, Shauna is a shit friend. Only wanted the sesh
Who would want to be a close friend to L though? I'd keep her at arms length too tbh. She is vicious. She might be good for a fun time but you wouldn't turn to her when you needed help because she is too much of a mess and you wouldn't confide in her because she would end up on tiktok trying to make money from your secrets.

I had a friend a bit like L when I was in my 20s and absolute mess but fun to be around. I ended up distancing myself because I felt like her Mammy in the end, always having to pick up the pieces of shitty choices she made or babysit when she took things too far. I feel bad writing this because her crappy choices led to her dying in the end and I always wonder if I would have kept Mammying her could I have stopped her. I suppose my point is people like L are fun until they aren't and it can actually be quite scary feeling like you have a responsibility towards someone who is so messy and 'fun'.
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I don’t really see how her having people pay for nights out with her/paying for being in a WhatsApp is that different to what Keelin Moncrieff is doing with that holiday that L keeps banging on about. Both of them are grifters
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Watch Ross turn 25 and hel be talking about how L was almost 40 exploiting him online because he loves the drama of it all
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Tank Girl

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I have to hand it to her , if there are simpletons willing to pay to go on the piss with Lindsay well fair fucks to her. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 she has some neck 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I got up at 5am

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It feels like she’s trying to break them up. It’s cringe to tag someone’s partner if you are fighting with them. Both L & Niamh are coming out of this disgracefully IMO. L is making a holy show out of herself trying to get some relevancy again & Niamh the bully mouth is cowering in her house because she can’t take on someone she can’t bully. They are both tragic cases
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See she went live again with Ross on insta who was she slating now?
It was called “it’s about to go down” but they just slagged kneevos arse being botched, Casper hadn’t her since before Elmo was as with Kneevo, they referenced tattle and Elmo and laughed. Some arsehole called kinggaffo joined their live asking why they couldn’t all be mates and it turned into a competition of who rode who etc. Ross let some mad fuck called Darren o Driscoll join at request of king gaffo, he joined in the pitch black and screamed at them to shut the fuck up like a tinker, Ross and him screamed and roared about 20/30 seconds then he was booted then 2 mins later it ended abruptly and nothing else. Oh and apparently Casper Walsh has an average penis not a small one 🤷🏼‍♀️ it was pathetic really.

oh and Lindsay said Erin lally or else kneevo “looked like traveller” and someone called that out in the comments but the pair of them ignored it. And they called out Miriam Mullins for watching the live too and that she makes content aimed at 13-17 year olds apparently but promotes or shouts out spicy content creators (I think they’re referencing Kneevo) and Lindsay naming names of “fans” messaging her sister saying they’re concerned for her behaviour lately, she got fiesty over that so in denial she looks unhinged even to people that support her
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Live again with Ross - how is it not strange that a 40 year old is spending her evenings chatting with an 18 year old, spewing poison about another person. It will all come back to bite Ross as he gets older so she couldn’t care that much about him!

Also - why is she using the fact she things Kneevo was inappropriate with Ross for content? Surely if she feels that way she should encourage him to go to the police if that’s how he feels and keep it offline!
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I’m sorry but one of them has their child there, headphones on, plonked in front of an iPad in the pram. Surely a boozy brunch is no place for a toddler.
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