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Chatty Member
So her defence in this podcast is mainly a line by line response to the girl who wrote her the long discord comment suggesting she gets a female comic on the pod.
- She said she’s been making people laugh on Instagram for years, it’s unfair she can’t call herself a comic but Tony Cantwell can.
- she’s been r*ped three times and can make fun of it if she wants. Claims all jokes were making fun of her own rape
- claims she didn’t have to grovel to the promoter but had to write an apology cause she got a complaint
- talks about a comedian who joked about bill cos ya offended which apparently reignited the bill cosby stage
- She draws a lot of parallels between victim blaming and what she’s been told lately around the r*pe jokes

Says she needs the month of December off to “get her head together” and “reclaim the space”. Sounds extremely similar to what she said a few months ago.

Basically the whole podcast is her being super defensive, giving out to the audience but saying she’s “standing up for herself”. Make from that what you will
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No L has obviously been reading Tattle today and remembered that she said she would close down the Discord for the month of December. Only 6 days later......
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But that’s just presuming that this persons interpretation of them is true? I said it before but it seems like this person needs closure from the girls, or maybe to address them privately. It seems she has resentment that they maybe never fully accepted them into their friendship and it bruised her a bit, just my take. My issue with it is that it makes a lot of accusations, like the trolling thing, without any evidence, but she claims to have all these receipts. My other issue is that she paints them with the same brush constantly, I get that they were best friends and glued to each other but they have and had their own agency.
And I revert back to what I said before after reading it. From knowing them on the scene ( years before itgalz was a thing), from hearing from friends experiences, from witnessing loads of it going down in real time. For example —I have 2 different friends who also traced back to them after some relentless bullying on from their tumblr question box in 2014/15. I have to say that none of the post read as fantastical to me. It all rang pretty true. She had wrote about the two of them separately and then combined. To me it was really interesting to read her assessment as someone who was actually close to them for a number of years, and it kinda confirmed a lot of my own thoughts. 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
I don’t think it’s excusable, but I do think it gives a different context. I doubt many of us would come across angelic if our ex friend wrote some sort of fanfic excluding all of their own involvement. The behaviour isn’t unbelievable, but the context that it was happening almost a decade ago is important.
But as you said; that behaviour definitely feels more alien when looking at Jenny than it does to Lindsey these days
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I listened to an old ep of It Galz the other day where they mused if men and women can have a platonic friendship. Lindsay said absolutely not, one is always low key in love with the other. Now it's a few years old and we are all perfectly able to grow and change our opinions but it definitely made me think of Pete and Lindsay. I think he is a very decent person and sweet on her. And she is taking advantage of that. I also think if this is the case she may get very jealous once he meets someone who realises what a catch he is. Cue their fall out.
100%... I hate to think she’s using him 😭
When he was helping with her dress last night 😭💔
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Yeah I would tend to agree with this. L has always seemed to be quite adamant that men and women can’t be friends without sex coming into it, and she stays friends with people who she has been with, + their friendships being able to happen cause they’ve been together already and it’s out the way. Beyond a shadow of a doubt Pete is head over heels for L and will go above and beyond beyond for her. Can’t see it going both ways though. I think she loves having him as her sidekick cause he’s really well liked by a lot of people and is friends with all the indies she’s been so desperate to be around.
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Chatty Member
OK so I havent been keeping up with the it galz thread or watching any of lindseys stories etc but I just happened to go on her story today for a few clips of her Q&A... Oh.. My.. Lord. Is she OK 😂 Why is she suddenly screaming I'm punk rock I'm so confused. Is this her new phase or has she lost her mind.
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Genuinely, barr her telling a story (in a faux american accent and calling people orseholes) she is in no way funny. :unsure:
If anything, her lives were pitiful. Kids asleep in her apartment, her drinking cans of cider, drunk ranting and raving on instagram. So embarrassing. Can't work because of the kids? Can dump them on her parents for a man though. :poop:
The sooner L is able to distinguish between being laughed with v being laughed at the better.

There are screenshots out there that would absolutely destroy L if they were ever to find their way onto the internet.
Omg plz spill some goddam tea sis
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I feel like L should do a lot of things but she won't bother unless it either fills her ego and her pockets.
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If L had a shred of proof about J’s attempts to character assassinate L, she’s be posting them now post-break up. She won’t, cause they don’t EXIST
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Chatty Member
Yes but just putting out into the universe, don't feel under any pressure to follow convention, especially if it is consent manufactured by massive corporations and is trying to get you to spend a ton of money at a time in life when you need money most. Some couples are creating their own meaning and not falling for the superficial marketing.

Yes I think it is 3, engaged after 2! 3 years is still defo not a long time AT ALL, but they do seem happy, and ever moreso after It Galz split?
I think like everything, the motivation behind things like marriage are the most important. I don’t think E would have proposed Just to tick a box and I don’t see J saying yes just coz.

they seem happier since the split for sure, but I also feel J talking about her relationship Positively was shot down by L, and L always steered the convo towards being single. What I mean is that we didn’t get much of a glimpse before the split about their relationship, but we also didn’t really get a glimpse of J either it seems
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I just wanna say that being engaged isn't 'having your shit together'. It's not an achievement and anyone can do it. J and E have only been together 2 or so years which is absolutely nothing. I noticed more basic lad types once they hit 35 plus start proposing. Basic men are very concerned with and affected by these arbitrary 'milestones' as much as basic women. It is a bullshit status thing. Often, the woman is super surprised which is insane, as they didn't discuss it previously and they 'had no idea'. Yikes!
Also, the idea of a guy buying his partner an engagement ring when so many of us couples are trying to save for a mortgage in this neo-liberal shithole that is Ireland is foolish and insane. I hate the narcissism and clout involved in it all...the insta photos, the showing off/talking about 'The Ring'. Maybe this is a VERY unpopular opinion haha!
If somebody is together 6, 8,10, 12, 14 years, amazing. And you never have to be engaged or married.
Wow, you snapped. I agree with this but actually never thought about it like this before!
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Chatty Member
To be fair they are not, the payment is paused. Unless you are in annual subscription i suppose, your fucked then. It will be interesting to see what happens in December, she was teasing a pod with Jimmy, i think its cause shes afraid that rest of the people will cancel so she needs something juicy to keep the patreons interested.
If you joined now you’re charged tho, it’s only paused for existing members. I know they’re paying for the catalogue too but imagine joining and you got that shit sandwich. I think she should put the Patreon on hiatus indefinitely until she knows what she’s gonna do with the business and probably until she figures out this legal shit with a solicitor. And announce it publicly so that there’s no confusion. If she can bother to write that 10 page statement against J, she can write a proper PR announcement about what’s going on like a true #girlboss
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Well-known member
Dang… Lindsay sure hasn’t learned a single lesson. I’d love to know the full details of the lawsuit. I love that Jenny is fully moving on with her life and career and isn’t embarrassing herself by constantly making snide remarks about Lindsay. L is so embarrassing.
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Chatty Member
Oh in fairness to L, it was her job to upload XGalz on a Friday. If you remember Friday was the day where sometimes we would have an episode up and ready for 6am and then other weeks it was uploaded closer to 7pm. I wonder if J had to remind her to upload on Friday's because it was never consistent like It Galz.
That used to be so annoying. I loved listening on my drive to work, and some days it just wouldn’t be there. Slight inconvenience I know but that’s the kind of thing that damages your brand/support
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I just wanna say that being engaged isn't 'having your shit together'. It's not an achievement and anyone can do it. J and E have only been together 2 or so years which is absolutely nothing. I noticed more basic lad types once they hit 35 plus start proposing. Basic men are very concerned with and affected by these arbitrary 'milestones' as much as basic women. It is a bullshit status thing. Often, the woman is super surprised which is insane, as they didn't discuss it previously and they 'had no idea'. Yikes!
Also, the idea of a guy buying his partner an engagement ring when so many of us couples are trying to save for a mortgage in this neo-liberal shithole that is Ireland is foolish and insane. I hate the narcissism and clout involved in it all...the insta photos, the showing off/talking about 'The Ring'. Maybe this is a VERY unpopular opinion haha!
If somebody is together 6, 8,10, 12, 14 years, amazing. And you never have to be engaged or married.
This is great!
The problem in Ireland is the sheer scale of basic culture. There are so few options: get married, get a good job, tick a box, any box, just a box. Be “normal”.

Yes engagement and marriage is a weird concept. But so is Christmas, birthdays and lots of other things we celebrate. We have to find some way to enjoy this late capitalist hell hole we live in and if your fella buying you a fancy ring and saying he will be with you forever is it than so be it 😂
Feast days and celebrations are not the same as the institution of marriage and people don’t get engaged for the sake of simple enjoyment of the experience.

They do so to get external validation for a relationship in an official way (hence the additional appeal for instafools) not to mention the huge tax and other financial benefits of doing so in a system that does not serve single people.

There’s only one way to build and strengthen a relationship, and that’s between the people involved, through listening, empathy, consideration and effort. No such thing as external validation, and given its role in this highly traditional concept, calling it Just a Laugh is nonsense. External validation of a relationship is a bogus concept IMHO. Most married Irish people I know have that big official stamp but seem to have no idea how to be in a relationship with another person.
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No and I totally agree, I am settled down to a degree, kids, relationship etc but still go to parties, gigs, festivals etc and still take partake in a session every now and again. I'm not suggesting she needs to buy an Arran jumper and sit in on a Friday night knitting. But like hanging around town with a 23 year old every weekend looks like she's desperate to be out on the lash regardless of who is there, or where she is 😬
Yes!! There's artists/musicians/writers etc. that session, and there is actual sesh rot.....and tacky nightclubs that don't add anything.
ACTUALLY this reminds me, one of the first pods she did with Pete, Pete said that him and his mates just keep sessioning and rollover because they are afraid to deal with the aftermath/comedown etc. This was so grim to me, as I've sessioned and rolled-over 100s of times (literally) and it's always been because we were having so much fun, buzzing, chatting, making new friends and bonds, playing music and jamming. Absolute magic happened at those sessions - new bands formed, artists collaborated, people fell in love through ACTUAL mutual interests, cultural events were planned and created.
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