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Chatty Member
I just saw J's story and I couldn't imagine being in a room with that many people atm.

Also, gas how L said she's such a controversial comedienne, and here J is off to see someone who actually does it well.
Yeah thought that was funny cause L in her episode said she lives and breathes comedy and watches it all the time, yet her favourite comedian is in town and she’s nowhere to be seen 🤣
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Lindsays new “punk” thing is reminding me of Trisha Paytas’ emo/sad boy thing. Why is everything punk this punk that wtf 😂😂
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Wow, you snapped. I agree with this but actually never thought about it like this before!
Haha! I find the whole engagement, ring, marriage, babies thing so annoying and not a sign of having your shit together. A lot of it is extremely performative, especially with influencers. And it is profitable. People seem to go crazy over their weddings/pregnancies and they gain an even bigger following. It is inane.
I know so many people who have done the whole performative thing...marriage and babies when they absolutely should NOT!! Either it was way too fast, or they were not compatible or they mistaken infatuation for love. So many couples are also together 5, 10 years plus without any of that shite.
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Chatty Member
Also the majority of women in their 20s use tampons (plus a lot who are trying to be more sustainable and use diva cups etc) so not only is it not funny, it's a weird insult to most of your audience??
Totally I thought the same. She’s all about women being able to talk/dress/act as they want when it suits her, but when other women do so and it triggers her insecurities then they’re sluts who like anal and gapped cause they use tampons.
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Chatty Member
I think there’s a difference. I don’t think she’s a troubled soul as much as she romanticises the troubled soul trope and strives to emulate it.
I think she’s troubled but not in the way she hopes to be. Her troubles are mostly self inflicted and due to lack of self evolution and maturity. They’re external as in they seem to harm those around her the most. Whereas someone like Amy (extreme example ofc) was troubled from within despite probably wanting her life and circumstances to be different
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Pod out today. She's defending herself saying its her pod and discord and its too negative (she's getting rid of discord for December) She said she can make a joke about her own rape if she wants.
Hang on.. didn’t she explain the joke? Didn’t it have absolutely nothing to do with her experience with SA? Wasn’t it a cheap shot at men in repeal jumpers? Sounds like she’s really trying to spin a victim narrative, yet again. What a snore. If she keeps doing this, no one is going to believe her anymore. Such a throwing the toys out the pram move. The lack of accountability is astounding. She’s a victim of herself and herself alone.
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She really doesn’t get it, you aren’t a teenager playing grown ups L, you’re a woman and where a business partner. The fact she’s playing so loose with It Galz is a real case of I’ve no money what you going to do about it, even in reality with a bit of effort, getting some help, she could have tried make something of it.
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They very much are on the same level as middle class south county Dublin private school folk let me tell you
Portmarnock is a lovely part of Dublin but they aren’t on the same level as monkstown/dalkey etc. Different kettle of fish if you ask me. Being part of that south side private school clique is a whole other world

I think that it’s better J no longer does comedy. It just wasn’t her strong suit imo. If only L would do the same…
J & L can both be funny in conversation, but as many people have pointed out that isn’t being a comic. At least J had the cop on to realise that
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New member
That was me and it was via someone I knew at the show, she didn’t elaborate though! What other digs was she making? Thanks for the synopsis though you’re doing god work🤣
Yeah I deffo could've missed it but I'd be v surprised if she actually meant it😅

The comment above ^^ about anal reminded me that she did go on about girls lying about loving anal and it was very clearly aimed at Jenny, and am I mad or has she not complained about that before? Like I do think a lot of the topics she talked about have already been discussed on the pod (one night stands, not wanting to wait a few weeks before shagging a lad, destigmatising the sexually liberated "ma", preferring pads over tampons, discharge, etc) nothing new really!

During Pete's intro he sarcastically listed off nice things about Lindsay, one of them being how loyal of a friend she is - he then added "she's never fallen out with anyone" which led to laughter from the crowd of course lol. Oh, she also mentioned not wanting another lawsuit a few times, once when she said she wants to start some kind of weed business for it galz..? Someone shouted out from the crowd that she could call it LitGalz and L said something about not being able to use the name or something? Idk I'm not very up to date with the whole lawsuit stuff!!

She also said she's debating starting an onlyfans so there's that🙃
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Oh in fairness to L, it was her job to upload XGalz on a Friday. If you remember Friday was the day where sometimes we would have an episode up and ready for 6am and then other weeks it was uploaded closer to 7pm. I wonder if J had to remind her to upload on Friday's because it was never consistent like It Galz.
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Chatty Member
Jenny’s lips are so much better now since being dissolved a bit, the migration in her story is awful
yeah a lot of people who got filler in the early days are now showing god awful migration. practitioners used to recommend refilling every 3-4 months! insane! there's lots more info out there now basically saying that they should only be filled every 12 months or so. I'd say she's glad she got it sorted

Totally agree. You can be 60 and still go on a mad one. But L has made it her entire personality and then sneers at people who can do both or chose the quiet life and stability.
let's not forget she made sobriety her entire personality when she literally just quit drinking for 3 months (despite her claiming 6 months, but remember, she's not good at months/dates!)
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I mean it in the least judgemental way possible, but L has been careless from day dot. I get she was a young mum and maybe that's a lot to do with it but I can't imagine inviting random weirdos off a website called collar me into my home where my toddler lives (Riloh being a toddler at the time). Like they could literally be anyone not only is it not safe for you but for your child's sake it's just not right. I'm all for mum's still living their own lives and having fun, but i always thought that whole thing was just a bit stupid. Get your cash and all but keep your kid and yourself safe in your home.
Yeah I always thought that as well, J said on a podcast before that Ls gaff was the “sesh gaff”, and L said multiple times she’d invite lads from tinder or whatever over when the kids were asleep. Which just feels so dodgy like she brought multiple strangers into her house how did she know they weren’t total perverts who could have done anything while she was asleep??
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Chatty Member
The fact that she’s shopping for the worst sex toys, hours before her show. She’ll be giving her fans BV and PID with those things cause a lot of them aren’t body safe.
Always shop in reputable sex+ shops galz. Sex siopa is great!
She defo used a pic of Jenny's hair to her hairdresser for reference
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Yeah, I reckon she's the girl they were slating about putting pressure on them to meet up, and then constantly bailing, or whatever?
Sounds equally as dosey as them tbh.

Ouch at the Michael being an "alt right edge lord living in a shed at the bottom of his parents garden" 😂 no wonder Jenny said fuck this
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I feel like Lindsay has went from being the equivalent of being the irish equivalent of a cool influencer like Sofia Franklyn in 2019 to Joanne Cronin level in 2021.

Actually it's insulting for Joanne to be compared to her. At least Joanne has never made a 50 slide long defamation about on someone on instagram.

Most of her slide down the cool-to-cringe scale can be attributed to a) her trying to destroy her friend and meet fans in a park, b) her desperation, c) her new whiny voice and SAYING. FOOOOKING. ALL. THE. FOOOOOKING. TIME. d) her weird ex boyfriend. E) I. AM. FOOOOOKING. MARMALADE. JAYNE. I. AM. A. FOOOOOKING. COMEDIAN. f) her association with other massive Dublin irritants such as Karla and Claire. G) when she said her hoover was judging her. H) when she fake cried on a vlog and put screenshots on her story. I) the Zine. J) voter fraud. K) I. AM. SO. FUHHHUHHUKING. SICK. YOU. GUYSUH.

Did we all start as fans and now we just watch for the cringe? Are some of her fans just trolling her at this stage?
The Joanne comparison 🤣🤣🤣 lindsay will be withered 😂😂

K) Her insta live fights and subsequent friendships with Kneevo and Ross
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