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I don't care how late people are as long as they speak up. I ain't gatekeeping. The more people who speak up the better it is for the Palestinians and at the end of the day they are all that matters in this.
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Another thread we shouldn’t need.
The message is the same. Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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Is anyone noticing an upsurge in social media interaction on this?

I've had messages today from a colleague expressing their outrage over Rafah in response to some stories I've posted. Seen people posting who aren't the usual suspects. I hope it means a shift but I dare not hope.

I don't ever share horrific content, just awareness raising. But I do see the horrific content and I acknowledge that I see it. It's been a loooooooong almost nine months of this.

God help the people of Palestine who are suffering this hell.

What a vile cunt.
I’m seeing more people posting the “Eyes on Rafah” posts. I feel I should think this is a good thing that people are sharing, but I can’t help feel angry and annoyed that these people with huge voices and platforms have been silent for 7 months whilst this genocide and destruction goes on. If more people had actually been awake to what was happening instead of just “I don’t understand what’s happening/they’re as bad as each other/what can I do”, they wouldn’t have to now share these posts. I also wonder what is an AI image of a fake refugee camp that looks fine actually doing? Share the real pictures of the real people who have lost everything, I don’t care if it is disturbing or upsetting for some people in their warm and cozy homes, people need to be shocked and disgusted at what is going on, it’s a privilege in itself that these images make you uncomfortable because at least that isn’t your everyday or god forbid your family.
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Thank you for the new thread.
I find it very illuminating that there is zero media reporting on the fact that a Jewish man descended from Holocaust survivors is standing against Keir Starmer because he is disgusted with his support for genocide.

If it had been the previous leader it would be front page news.

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Chatty Member
I’m slightly irritated by a lot of celebrities posting the “All eyes on Gaza” trend. They’ve done fuck all for 8 months, will jump on a bandwagon, then forget about it.

When will they protest? When will the act? When will they boycott? The likes of Charlotte Church, Gary Linekar etc - we need more of them.
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I wonder if it’s been genuinely a case that these people haven’t been doing anything behind the scenes or haven’t been following what has been happening other than in mainstream (biased) media or have a lot of them thought this was wrong for some time but have been scared to speak out? I don’t know.
Maybe it’s a combination of the channel 4 documentary, and also the fact the images (as I said, I’ve seen some things inc the whole tank pictures) but the video of the child…I just think it’s really really hard to continue to be “passive” or “I don’t know enough about it”…quite clearly you are a psychopath if you can see that video and think “yep, deserved” so I think people whom haven’t had the courage to post/speak up/voice opinions now have that courage as this situation (not that any of the others weren’t in my opinion) is so obvious as to what has happened and it’s been posted everywhere. Isreal can’t hide - the fact they’ve tried to say it was a mistake is absolutely disgraceful.

They’ve done these “mistakes” so many times and got away with it. I pray they no longer can after last nights images…I can hope anyway 😞
I agree I have been following this atrocious occupation for years my sister got me into it when I was relatively young because she has always been someone that has stood up and protested since her uni days so yeh I’ve always been a staunch supporter of the Palestinian cause.
I try to remember that a lot of people are ignorant of the history because the Palestinian cause has been buried for a long time pair that with the mainstream media’s xenophobic rhetoric and their portrayal of the Zionists as the good guys and it’s not surprising that many have got the wrong end of the stick.
When you go online the Zionists have an army of people paid to spread misinformation and doubt making it hard for a person just having a casual scroll on social media to navigate what’s true vs false and if they’re relying on the regular news then they are definitely screwed because they’re being gaslighted like a goodun.
let’s be honest a lot of people are just so busy with life or they just prefer light entertainment over the news and politics, I have friends that are obsessed with makeup tutorials and fashion haul vldeos because they have taxing jobs and they prefer something light to unwind with after a heavy day.
I’m just happy to see people starting to wake up because it’s been very frustrating I only hope it’s not too late.
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Yes definitely. It's all starting to bubble over I think. This image has been shared 24.7 million times today on peoples Instagram stories. People who were doubting that their leaders could really be complicit in a Genocide are finally realising that they in fact are. The ICJ ruling has a part to play in this I believe but also the tent massacre. There was no excuse for it. NONE.
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I wouldn’t get your hopes up tbh, this being reposted by a bunch of people on instagram is performative activism at its finest. They will repost it and then think nothing more about it. The vast majority won’t donate, wont protest and won’t spread any knowledge of what’s actually happening. They probably don’t even know themselves. They will repost a generic screenshot because everyone else is and think they’ve done their bit.
It was exactly the same with the black square on blackout Tuesday. They were just jumping on the latest trend.
It makes me so mad
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My eldest is a young teen who has educated herself alone, well with me, about Palestine. She is member of the debate society in her school. There are 48 students who take part, they meet twice a week and each session a quarter of them get to put a debate forward. Usually their speeches last two or three minutes. You can have a maximum of ten. My daughter used her whole ten minutes on Tuesday to speak about Palestine and what is going on. It started such a debate that nobody else had chance to put forward their own debate. It sounds like she really held her own with questions and comments. She gave out Instagram handles to look up on little bits of paper. Since then she said a few people have approached her about it and her teacher pulled her side and thanked her for bringing this up and how relevant it was.

She did this off her own back. I didn't tell her to use Palestine and I let her lead her speech and just added one or two very minor tweaks.

The kids are alright. 🍉👊🏻
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VIP Member
Is anyone noticing an upsurge in social media interaction on this?

I've had messages today from a colleague expressing their outrage over Rafah in response to some stories I've posted. Seen people posting who aren't the usual suspects. I hope it means a shift but I dare not hope.

I don't ever share horrific content, just awareness raising. But I do see the horrific content and I acknowledge that I see it. It's been a loooooooong almost nine months of this.

God help the people of Palestine who are suffering this hell.
I am not in his constituency but I just donated to his campaign.


Well isn't she just a peach? 😟

What a vile cunt.
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The reasoning behind it being AI generated as I have seen people have issues with that.

I'm just tired of the negative takes, I am not interested in gatekeeping the movement, I want more and more people to speak out and I am not going to admonish them or say "your not doing it properly" when they do. It's reductive.

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I cannot believe we are still talking about this, I cannot believe our leader's are still walking around with their thumbs up their arses.

I usually try to find a positive picture to start the thread but everything is so bleak and dark.

Instead, lets have this Hamada is the gentleman who feeds the children so kindly.

Hope springs eternal.
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Wee Nora

VIP Member
The reasoning behind it being AI generated as I have seen people have issues with that.

I'm just tired of the negative takes, I am not interested in gatekeeping the movement, I want more and more people to speak out and I am not going to admonish them or say "your not doing it properly" when they do. It's reductive.

I thought that might be the reason for the AI image. I’ve had multiple posts removed by Instagram before.

I saw a tweet from some guy saying people on "the left" "prematurely" called this a genocide.

Because, obviously the last 70+ years count for nothing and how was anyone to know this was how it'd turn out?

I believe that's the opinion of many. That anyone showing compassion early was just being overly sensitive and now all the sensible people can see things for what they are.

It's maddening.
I genuinely think at this point that people don’t know the meaning of genocide. They seem to think that genocide relates solely to the amount of people killed (36,000+ clearly isn’t enough for them). They don’t seem to realise that the conditions of genocide cover a lot more than murder.

A reminder of what genocide is for those who struggle 👇 I think it’s safe to say Israel is committing genocide in Palestine.

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
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This is the first time where I feel like I might have to delete Instagram off my phone. I am on the verge of an anxiety attack since yesterday evening. It's funny how you can be fine and then all of a sudden not be able to breath.

Positive note: I have spoken a lot more to people in my everyday life about this since the image share. I know people are prioritising who they are voting for based on Palestine. I know the fact close to 50 million people shared that image on Instagram yesterday angered a lot of people but it has made people more vocal in their day to day lives. I think there is a misunderstanding that unless you have it up on social media, you aren't boycotting, e-mailing, calling etc. people who I thought were silent the last 8 months, well, it turns out they weren't.
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VIP Member
I thought that might be the reason for the AI image. I’ve had multiple posts removed by Instagram before.

I genuinely think at this point that people don’t know the meaning of genocide. They seem to think that genocide relates solely to the amount of people killed (36,000+ clearly isn’t enough for them). They don’t seem to realise that the conditions of genocide cover a lot more than murder.

A reminder of what genocide is for those who struggle 👇 I think it’s safe to say Israel is committing genocide in Palestine.

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
I was up late last night and re reading the older threads, thread 2 I think it was, just wanted to acknowledge you @Wee Nora you've been out there from the early days calling this out (along with other legends on these threads) but it was just so jarring to see one particular poster absolutely tear into you for spreading "fake news" about Israel doing all the things they've continued to do with glee and impunity for the duration of this nightmare. You and so many others are owed an apology for the smearing and attacks that went on, especially in earlier threads. However those posters will never come back and they will never apologise or admit any wrongdoing. Truly disgusting behaviour and shame on them for enabling a genocide and horror of nightmare proportions.
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Another 7 fucking months?

This made me so so angry and already, I'm seeing officials walking back from their condemnation of Israel. On Channel 4 news just a second ago the reporter said Israel hadn't crossed the red line "yet' in Biden's opinion.

On what planet does it make sense to predict the end of a war? There's no guarantee the threat of Hamas will ever be completely gone, let alone in 7 months. Obviously, this is how long Israel has given itself to complete its mission of destruction.

How can people not see it's part of some sick plan?
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