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I feel this is good news. As far as I can remember this is the first time Biden has come out and made a speech like this, indicating to me that they have had enough and Israel better listen to this and finish this war.
My understanding from listening is that after the 6 weeks there will be a permanent cease fire, it will be negotiated during the 6 weeks and that the 6 weeks cease fire will hold until they negotiate a permanent ceasefire.
I also believe that Biden is pushing the Israelis to take this deal as much as he is pushing Hamas. I think he believes he will struggle to get Israel to accept it even more than he will struggle to get Hahas to accept it. I think his comments about people protesting was directed at Israel more than at the Pro Palestinian protestors. He wants to Israeli protestors to convince Israel to take the deal.
The way he ended up by saying the US will always support Israel blah blah blah, he knows Israel wont like this but that they should take the deal.
Folks I think this could be a turning point, if Israel don't take the deal, America will have to do something or Biden will look like the biggest idiot and puppet ever. Clearly Hamas are far stronger than the US or Israel ever thought, maybe the US realise that as it becomes more and more clear that its a genocide the US dont want to be complicit, Biden just told the world that the US wants peace and for Palestine to have its own state.
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Is anyone noticing an upsurge in social media interaction on this?

I've had messages today from a colleague expressing their outrage over Rafah in response to some stories I've posted. Seen people posting who aren't the usual suspects. I hope it means a shift but I dare not hope.

I don't ever share horrific content, just awareness raising. But I do see the horrific content and I acknowledge that I see it. It's been a loooooooong almost nine months of this.

God help the people of Palestine who are suffering this hell.

What a vile cunt.
Yes definitely. It's all starting to bubble over I think. This image has been shared 24.7 million times today on peoples Instagram stories. People who were doubting that their leaders could really be complicit in a Genocide are finally realising that they in fact are. The ICJ ruling has a part to play in this I believe but also the tent massacre. There was no excuse for it. NONE.
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In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
There is a reason they targeted hospitals and medical workers. And it's not because of khamassss tunnels. It's because they don't want Palestinians to survive.
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Dooley Doo

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Netanyahu said the tents at Rafah bombing was a mistake but when he does it again the media here is all crickets.

No one is putting the pressure on Israel except the ICJ and a handful of countries.

Lots of world leaders have blood on their hands.
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I see both sides wrt the #alleyesonrafah but, because I've only ever wanted Israel to STOP, it pleases me to know that they must know how appalled we all are. So the more the better I suppose! This needs to stop.
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Well-known member
Is anyone noticing an upsurge in social media interaction on this?

I've had messages today from a colleague expressing their outrage over Rafah in response to some stories I've posted. Seen people posting who aren't the usual suspects. I hope it means a shift but I dare not hope.

I don't ever share horrific content, just awareness raising. But I do see the horrific content and I acknowledge that I see it. It's been a loooooooong almost nine months of this.

God help the people of Palestine who are suffering this hell.

What a vile cunt.
New to this thread as I’ve been yapping the ears off everyone around me and didn’t even think to look for a thread on here. I do agree more people are posting which is a good thing but I can’t help but feel anger and sadness that it’s took this long! I think the photo of the poor baby with no head has really swayed a lot of minds. It’s not too late to post but I’m still frustrated as they’ve all known about it for months but stayed quiet! I’ve blocked so many people, influencers I really liked and even artists too. We cannot allow this to go on any further, it’s absolutely appalling.
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Chatty Member
Agree on the MSM - only the News on C4 does a half decent job in the UK

For me the important thing is what people do next - the awareness is great but if they post once and do nothing then it won’t help, it’s not even a real image of Rafah. But if it makes people read, discuss, learn then great.

They’ve murdered more people in Rafah this morning 💔
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Wee Nora

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Hi everyone,
Sorry I’ve not been on in a while. I think I just got to the end of my rope with it all. I’ve drummed the difference between right and wrong into my children and I look at what’s happening and think what was the point?
As an observer I feel like I don’t even have a right to say this but hearing the lies and seeing the injustice and downright barbarism has taken it’s toll. Hope everyone is ok ❤💚🖤
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They can stay away. They’re not welcome with their genocidal apologist views. The horror coming out of Rafah especially bypassed any viewpoint I’d want to hear from them.
Oh totally, I wasn't suggesting any of them come back, it was more of a rhetorical question based on stuff I'm reading from Israelis. I'm just wondering if they'll EVER accept any kind of responsibility for the human suffering they've caused. Going through an angry phase.

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Chatty Member
My MP, Chair of the Labour Friends of Israel, is standing down. Good riddance.
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Belated by work, but some thoughts spurred by the discussion on the first page, around the surge in social media postings today - sometimes people need to see others acting before they feel brave enough to do so. Some will only look into issues if they see them talked about by their friends or those they admire.

Part of the celebrity blockout was to force these people with huge reach to talk, to acknowledge what is happening, as they would be shown they risk more being silent than they risked speaking out. It's clearly working, as today people with followings who have resisted any push to talk about what is going on have spoken out. They may not be entirely sincere, they may not be passionate, but they empower others to speak out, and they force any in their audience who have remained ignorant to gain knowledge.

I'm thrilled people are speaking out, because silence for fear of condemnation will always be worse.
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Regarding the “All Eyes on Rafah” image, a friend of mine has recently been elected as a labour councillor, she’s said nothing on her socials for the last 8 months but has posted that image on her IG last night. I know this woman she’s talked on everything and I was sad and disappointed she’d kept 🤐 on this. She’s definitely been told by the Labour Party not to say anything about Gaza and that makes me rage. I was going to say something but I’m just so angry I can’t trust myself not to go ballistic. I’m all for more people waking up and furthering the cause but I hate this social media performative bs like the BLM black square. It’s just so limp. Show the reality not some “nice” AI generated nonsense!
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I’m sure this has been shared here before but i’d almost forgotten about it until someone shared it again on Instagram. Tzipi Navon, advisor to Sara Netanyahu, genocidal maniacs from the top down 🤢 Notice there’s no mention of Hamas, just Palestinians.

View attachment 2963530
This was last year, quite soon after October 7th. So I can only imagine what they have been doing to prisoners taken since then.

Sociopathic lunatics. Each and every one of them.

They need lining up and having this treatment that they the most moral people of the world think is OK, handed out to them without abandon.
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Chatty Member
This is sobering yet makes a lot of sense. The number of people murdered likely to be at least 70k+

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Honestly, the shit I have seen today. I child burnt his hands trying to get food, the pot was too hot. I just give up. The infighting is too much, the ego's are too much, the people of Gaza are being forgotten about.

None of what we are doing is enough. Not the Instagram post and not the marching in the street. The time has passed but everyone still wants to be good little citizens and our leaders will continue to ignore us as a result. It's bullshit. All bullshit.
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Chatty Member
Do you guys remember this gentleman? I’m so happy he’s still alive and of course he’s doing good. Made me emotional this morning.

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