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Wee Nora

VIP Member
Ah same, I’ve felt annoyed at myself for being angry that my whole feed on Instagram is posting now. I know this is what we’ve wanted the whole time but I can’t help but feel it’s a bit fucking late
27 million shares and counting for the eyes on Rafah template on Insta, it’s all I’ve seen on my feed today, pretty much everyone I follow has shared it including lots of influencers who had previously said nothing. While I’m glad to see people posting it feels like some people are only doing it because it finally feels “safe” to call Israel out. That said I feel like we’re edging closer to a turning point so I hope people keep the momentum going.
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I'm sure celebs and influencers have been well aware of what's been happening. Since October 7th, all the big accounts have limited comments on their posts or even turned off their DMs.

I have mixed feelings about what's being perceived as jumping on the bandwagon and the neutrality of the posts now shared (like #alleyesonrafah or Save the Children's post where they don't even mention who's doing the killing). But a lot more people are donating to the aid agencies which can only be a good thing.
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I’ve reposted the “all eyes on Rafah” on my Instagram, and I can see who else has too. A girl I know has posted the same image, and then posted a picture with her ass out, advertising her only fans, right after. I won’t post the pictures because I don’t want to promote that and I’m sure it’s against guidelines here anyway.

I feel so much anger, just say you don’t fucking care and you’re just doing what everyone else is doing. Literally no shame. I’m afraid that’s what most people are doing - following the herd. But they won’t educate themselves, donate, attend marches etc. :(
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I guess it just feels like a wee bit of a vindication. It's been a lonely eight / nine months out there on Instagram some days and it's sometimes felt like a struggle to keep up the momentum (I know how "first world problems" that sounds in the face of an ongoing genocide) when met with seeming indifference, but we have pushed through and I think it has made a difference, the drip drip of social media posts has laid the groundwork for some of the reality to filter through to people who don't have a clue or who purposely stayed out of it due to fear.

Group hug to all my fellow beautiful humanitarians.

And an almighty fuck off to the disgusting trolls who haunt this thread.

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Chatty Member
I’ve been quiet on here because I had my first baby girl on Tuesday. I can’t imagine what these parents feel when they’re so helpless.

Fuck Israel

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I hope these negotiations will have a positive outcome but I just don't trust Israel.

As many of us continously point out, this didn't start Oct 7 and might mean an end to the current waves of attacks but let's see what it actually means for Palestinians on a daily basis.

Biden says Hamas are unable to attack like they did on Oct 7 again, which kind of dents the Israel defending itself line. Sure, there might be some threat but Israel is the bigger power and its actions are disproportionate.

I feel like the 6-week negotiation period will be touch and go, so I really hope nothing disrupts that.

At the least, I pray this can give Palestinians some rest from living in daily fear and under an indefinite threat.
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He has given himself an out. I guess he will never think it's the "right time".

Britain’s opposition leader Sir Keir Starmer said on Friday that he wants to recognise a Palestinian state if he wins the General Election in July, but only if such a move is at the right time as part of a peace process, Reuters has reported.
Sounds to me much like the US's constant "we support a two-state solution, but this is not the right time for that consideration."
It usually means they'll happily support Israel's demand that Palestinian statehood is refused, and take no actions against Israeli annexation of Palestinian land, but they say they want peace and a two-state solution so they can blame Hamas, or any given Palestinian group for their actions against Palestinian statehood.

If Palestine are allowed statehood, they cannot be denied any right of defence to Israeli aggression. They cannot be denied re-entry to their own country, nor have their transport controlled by Israel. Any annexation of Palestinian lands would be acknowledged as illegal. Holding of Palestinian citizens without charge or trial would be an act against another nation's citizens. Essentially, Palestinian statehood would highlight many actions of Israel as illegal, and open up a right of response.
There's no way the countries that view Israel either as a colonial interest (the US and the UK, chiefly) or a useful excuse to avoid addressing antisemitism within their own borders are going to do more than lie about a hypothetical future where the conditions will be right for them to recognise Palestinian statehood.
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I suppose to me it comes down to the idea that the only time it's too late to learn, or too late to speak out is when there's no one left to fight for.

If a surge of public opinion and resultant public pressure on governments fails to save tens of thousands, but does save hundreds of thousands, it's not too late.
If it saves anyone, it's not too late.

There will come a time where I will rage and demand answers for the silence of lawmakers and public figures. But if they bow to social pressure today and it does any good, I will welcome it.
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I hear you re the resentment and rage.

Honestly I'm furious at the people who have stayed silent.

But I just hope that people are waking up to reality and losing their fear of having "antisemite" shrieked at them.

Every pro Palestinian on these threads has been abused and smeared unfairly and relentlessly and it has been horrendous tbf.

So any sign of the tide turning is a plus in my eyes.
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Photos: Palestinians hold Eid al-Adha prayers amid rubble of southern Gaza


Palestinians hold Eid al-Adha prayers by the ruins of the al-Rahma mosque, destroyed by Israeli air attack in Khan Younis, southern Gaza on June 16


[Mohammed Salem/Reuters]


[Mohammed Salem/Reuters]


[Mohammed Salem/Reuters]


[Mohammed Salem/Reuters]


Eid Mubarak, for those who celebrate, if it is currently Eid al Adha in your time zone.
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I’ve mixed emotions about the celebrities and influencers now sharing the all eyes on Rafah post. Im annoyed that it’s taken so long for them to speak up but also relieved that in now doing so, it may make a lot more people more aware of the atrocities taking place. The reporting from the MSM has meant that some people literally have no idea of what’s going on. I was talking to someone about it today who didn’t.
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I’m seeing more people posting the “Eyes on Rafah” posts. I feel I should think this is a good thing that people are sharing, but I can’t help feel angry and annoyed that these people with huge voices and platforms have been silent for 7 months whilst this genocide and destruction goes on. If more people had actually been awake to what was happening instead of just “I don’t understand what’s happening/they’re as bad as each other/what can I do”, they wouldn’t have to now share these posts. I also wonder what is an AI image of a fake refugee camp that looks fine actually doing? Share the real pictures of the real people who have lost everything, I don’t care if it is disturbing or upsetting for some people in their warm and cozy homes, people need to be shocked and disgusted at what is going on, it’s a privilege in itself that these images make you uncomfortable because at least that isn’t your everyday or god forbid your family.
Ah same, I’ve felt annoyed at myself for being angry that my whole feed on Instagram is posting now. I know this is what we’ve wanted the whole time but I can’t help but feel it’s a bit fucking late
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Wee Nora

VIP Member
Thought some of you might like to see this. Although you can see the strain on the faces of some of the children it’s a moment of joy, albeit in an unnatural environment gathered in front of aid tents.

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Another thought, apropos of nothing, re: today's social media - several of my work friends have shared the image today. At work our jobs require us to be "politically neutral" in the workplace, so any discussion of Palestine or discussion of fundraising efforts I undertake like I normally would for "non-political" initiatives I'm part of have not been viable.

Knowing which side of history they're standing on means we can actually discuss things outside of the more public work areas, which increases my reach and ability to help. Today we can see each other and expand our reach for discussion.
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Wee Nora

VIP Member
I guess they've given up on the hostages then since he doesn't even mention them, surprise surprise.
Israel : This could all end today if Khamas returned the hostages.

Also Israel: We’re going to keep murdering innocent Palestinians til at least the end of the year.
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For the “it started at October 7th” crew

Was their not some important meeting yesterday about what occurred on the 26th??? It's been crickets from our leaders!! Wtf is going on!?
I was going to share something to lighten the mood but honestly, I'm just so fucking angry. Angry at everyone.

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