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Some things don't change and some do.

Alice practically copying our own usernames on IMDB = she is now copying @Mad Betty name on a sock on the DM ✅
screaming at us that we were jealous old hags = well SHE is the jealous old hag now lol
and she was going to get us banned. ✅ Trying to doxx us (for $500 a turd) and get all of Tattle banned lol. Check out the wiki on here.
Oh hell. I'll dox myself for 500. I need some serious truck repairs. I realized (too late) that I'm flying under a thin disguise anyway!!! I'm just past giving a flying fuck!

PS appreciate my new friends greatly on IG! 😂😂
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It seems ‘they’ are creating accounts with tattle names everywhere, imagine how many hours they’re putting into it? They don’t have anything to support her silly claims about tattle, her own online behaviour is far worse. So ‘they’ are making accounts and posting horrible things themselves.

Being nasty and ridiculing serious illness etc is not tattle style at all, it’s alice and her fms that do that.

As if we’d go around the internet with our gossip account names. It’s laughable.

I can smell her desperation from here and it smells a lot like gin breath, she’s lost the plot.

I hope there is an extension on the TRO she’s losing her mind trying to stay away from her attention fix. If they leave it a few more weeks they’ll get the full 5 years by the time the case is heard.
The desperation is palpable. On Twitter they have been goading the genuine owner of this account, replying to ‘months old tweets ‘ looking for information to dox etc .
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Old Soak

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My other point and forgive me but it has to be acknowledged, is that usually before a violent event occurs within the family at the hand of one of the parents, there were almost always signs that the other person was not taking the break up well. Some are still awarded the children for weekends or alternate weeks. Something bad happens that can’t be fixed as punishment to the “leaving” parent. I’m not suggesting this is the case in this specific matter l, however the judge will (usually and hopefully) know which signs and hallmarks to look for to prevent such events. Alice can’t control herself, especially after a few drinks and she is now very close to a judge granting a PRO which means the judge believes that Ioan and Bianca are under some sort of physical threat. That’s really serious and shows how serious I is taking this. The judge will make that decision in the end. But for everyone saying, “well the kids are going to be so messed up if they’re forced to live with Bianca”….the alternative could result in something much worse, god forbid. That’s the judges call but we’ve all seen it before and the courts have wised up to the signs that it’s going beyond PA.
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Just in time for the RO hearing eh? Here’s proof these people say things about Tone’s illness and it’s the same people from Twitter and DM.
Have they never been on the internet before? Do better FM’s. Ffs.
I’m embarrassed for them all. Imagine being that ridiculous.
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Ahhhh, those were the days! I wish I hadn't deleted my collection of her many usernames and her drunken rages. Some of them were completely indecipherable. But she remembered to tell us to "eat all the pies".🤣 It looks like the harpy has taken her own advice!!🤭
Nice to hear from you and that Snowy is getting some well-deserved revenge.💕
That pie thing was so strange! Why pie? Who knows, she’s batshit. Hell, no one was even jealous of her back then, but the thought of changing places with her now is downright horrifying.
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I think I fall into this category. Only because I have been critical of BW in the past (the liking of narc abuse websites by her and the scarecrow photo ). I thought they should be careful not to antagonise the dragon further, because the kids.

Then I realised it doesn't make any fucking difference whatsoever because everything antagonises her and she's completely bonkers and was abusing and harassing long before she even knew BW existed.
Shadows, emojis, breathing. Etc.

He could fuck BW in the street outside her house and she would react exactly the same way as if BW posted a picture of France.

So nothing either of them do makes any difference now so far as I'm concerned.

Alice will Alice no matter what.
Absolutely spot on my husband’s ex is an Alice . They have been divorced for 16yrs yet when their daughter got married, even though I have never had any dramas with her , the ex made sure I wasn’t invited. Neither of us went , and they were left on the day with the task of explaining why my husband wasn’t there . I’m sure lies were told / situations made up , but we know the truth .
* we have also been married for 14yrs so ours isn’t a new relationship. Sadly it’s starting to look very much like mother like daughter.
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Domestic Abuse is real - help is available:

Domestic Violence / Domestic Abuse Support
DV/DA and narcissistic abuse includes but is not limited to mental, emotional, and psychological abuse as well as physical, sexual, and financial abuse.

For anyone (male or female) who would like to reach out for support here are some links below.

ETA: image removed as it was redundant
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Old Soak

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Next round. I 100% believe that Alice made a sock email and sent Gill emails the night she went off, two nights ago was it? Since Gill isn’t protected under the restraining order (through she has evidentiary value and would be considered 3rd party, especially given they are in each other’s presence at the moment) and Alice was in a rage about B and I being there, I think she let loose. This might be why the phone dump on Instagram with the entire Gruffudd family’s deal of approval. And Alice, knowing she went too far hasn’t taken this latest bait….yet. I also think, as Alice mentioned before, Ioan threatened to go for full custody in the early days and I think he has a child care plan in place and ready to execute. They’re on holiday, the lawyer has probably said, it’s only a matter of when not if the kids are taken off her, they know it’s now starting to all fall into place Reread the case law in the Rutherford case this week and in was mainly California jurisdiction so Alice is not in great legal shape. At all.
Another thought: did she lose her “make up artist” at the same time Gloria was let go?
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I just came across an interview of Alice from 2002 that made me snort

So to recap: Bianca looks like her stepmom, her stepmom is like her mom, and Bianca is like Alice (yes, she said this too)


Also regarding his mom's acting career. It looks like she did more than Alice would like to admit (from 2002)

Sounds like a extra, heh
"I trust Ioan implicitly, but that doesn't stop women coming on to him," she says. "It infuriates me when women approach him and kiss him full on the mouth right in front of me. They obviously don't think of me as any competition now that I'm a brunette. I think I might have to go blonde again."

Famous last words, Alice…!
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Old Soak

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Exactly this , he’s 100% getting all his ducks in a row . He can’t see his daughters because Alice is using Parental Alienation as a weapon against him for daring to leave her 😡 but when he does I’m sure he will have as much help and guidance as he can get his hands on .
At the end of the day Alice is trying to poison them against Ioan and everyone he cares about on a daily basis , but he’s always been their dad , and he clearly wants to be with them .
I wouldn’t be surprised if this trip to the homeland is part of this process 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
I couldn’t agree more about the trip. He’s trying to rebuild the relationship with his folks and siblings following years of abuse and a pandemic. And I think they’re all desperate to see the kids. I theorize that he will do primary childcare when in LA and the grandparents and aunts can cover gaps while he works abroad (and takes B with him) or a nanny or….I mean parents the world over have struggled with childcare and somehow make it work with fewer resources until their kids finally get to an age. This isn’t groundbreaking stuff. I think it’s finally starting to come together legally for IG and he’s in a healthier relationship (I mean almost anyone would be healthier than Alice) and has strong family ties….and this will all factor into the judges decision.
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Old Soak

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Also how much do you love that in the Ioan Online days the FM’s were called sea monkeys 😂
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Here we go, Thread number 81. Alice must be proud all her best work is documented here.
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