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House of Tea

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I wonder if she has been less active on social media to put a bit of space between all the angry stuff and a round of media interviews.

I was thinking this. I’m not sure if his lawyers are sitting back and letting her thunder it out and collecting all the evidence or they are working behind the scenes to stop it. I saw a post where someone in the know said there are legal proceedings happening as we speak. Which made me think AE is going to get her arse sued.
Won’t IG have to pay any fines she gets?
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Okay, slightly off topic again, but... I'm just now realizing that AE is fluent in 4 languages, thus clearly must have a real talent for learning new languages, and she centred her entire life around a welshman who speaks Welsh as his native language for 20 years and never learned it? How!? Did she reject the language he speaks to his folks so she could maintain her little conspiracy theories about his mother? Seriously, in 20 years you'd think she'd at least pick up the basics from being around when he spoke it, especially as someone attuned to language already. Such an odd little detail.
I think she speaks French and Italian which she has a dual degree in. She did her first movies in non-English - although one ended up being overdubbed because of her English accent. That was 22 years ago, who knows if she is even fluent anymore.

Picking up Welsh would be a struggle.
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The comments on Celebitchy are great as @Essie May suggested. The one below is especially well written.

Do you really think she’d allow him to establish a way to communicate with their kids that she couldn’t monitor and

Long-time lurker, first-time poster – when this story was first posted here way back when, I thought to myself that what it looked like a person very calmly and carefully getting themself out of an abusive relationship using what advantages they had – distant workplace, public profile – to protect themself given that the point where the abused partner leaves is the point at which they’re in most danger, but it was going unrecognised because people aren’t used to seeing a man take those steps. Nothing that’s been revealed by Alice or others since then has changed my opinion on what’s going on. And while I know people here are wondering about why he didn’t take the kids etc, but as they say, you have to put on your own oxygen mask before you can help others.
This comment has given me chills. Never thought of it this way before.
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She is definitely trying to stall the divorce but she can't do this forever. Surely his lawyers can move things along without her consent.
That's exactly what all those quotes I put above say. Calif divorce law doesn't want people to stay stuck, they want to be moving along. And if she won't cooperate, the law will go ahead without her.
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Re all the positive gooey stuff, she's not long been diagnosed with MS and people tend to go off onto weird shite for a while after those sorts of news. They clutch at straws and look for alternative medicines/coping strategies.

Yes that what she says but it makes no sense. Because she posted again and the next day it was being picked up by media etc. That didn't happen August last year. That happened March this year.
I agree about the positive lifestyle being a reaction to her diagnosis. I just worry if the posing in front IG the hotel was deliberate. I don’t know that it was. But if so, it concerns me that IG could be on another path to heartache.
I sincerely hope not.
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Is it always the case that blended families can't work? Does anyone here have experience of having step-children and getting on with them or is it always hate? I agree that the kids are raw now (not helped by AE's rubbing their noses in it) but how is it going to work if BW or whoever moves in with him or marries him? Also he will probably have more kids, so what then? IG has parental rights so we will just have to see what happens.

There will have to be some compromise even if AE wants none of it. It's also possible that when the kids are older they may view things differently. After a lot of therapy.
Oh no. Blended families do work. Just this particular scenario is always, well, difficult. I'm pretty sure his next relationship (if there is one) would be easier, albeit with Alice still tough.

I was indeed talking about the raw feelings atm though.
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Surely Ioan should be intervening somehow? If he doesn’t he’s just proving her point that he has actually just upped and left his family for a younger women and more exciting life.
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A civilian is having a go at Alice who is around 53 attacking Ella who is early 20s. They are saying no no she’s 30. I actually agree she is infact early 20s. Im pretty sure she attended Wesley college which happens to be down the road from my house in 2017. The internet has her age wrong.
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So needless to say AE is supporting the targeted harassment by her FMs of an innocent fan account. Kind of reminds me of when she did the same in 2006 and made him nuke his website.

And AD is quite correct - a good mother puts their kids first.

AE commands her FMs.png
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So to answer my own question, no the drinking bourbon in the bath was the day he got back from Australia April 2020 and the tears were in August 2020.
Although that timeline doesn't make sense either because she said it was when she tweeted they'd split up and then the DM and everyone else inc lawyers got involved the day after. And that def wasn't August last year was it?
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Did you see a tweet where she said she wasn’t going to stop til she got what she wants, and that she always got she wants? It was the same night as the hat IGs. Deleted obv and I didn’t screenshot. No one else has mentioned it so I am wondering whether I was hallucinating AE tweets which would be… weird.
She said she wants to get everything back to how it used to be. Said she won't be happy til she gets that.
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I think so, not the fact that she dissed him, she didn’t really. Just the fact she looks broken. The fact she has been ghosted and that after 20 years she got an Instagram post telling her he had a new gf, and that it was not a new relationship.
Ahhhhh so one sided!!!!
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Yeah I don’t think any of us are thinking he actually did that, we’re questioning what her intention is in posting that “random dribble.”

I mean it’s not very random or dribbly is it? It’s more specific and very fucking serious.
Even if he has done something illegal as she stated he had. It needs to be proved.
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