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It's almost like some teenage high school film ..Alice is the most beautiful and funny girl in school but she's in with the dorky crowd at school and desperately wants to be "in" with cool crowd....and she thinks she is but actually they are just toying with her and pretending they are her friends before humiliating her publicly - so she is stuck with all the spotty fat uncool teenagers.

(No offence to fat spotty people of which I am one).

She is stuck at age 14.
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Lurking here for a while. It’s terrifying how utterly unselfaware a 53 year old person can be. I know it’s a naughty word but she is mad.
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I stumbled across this last night, while I was struggling to sleep & in Inspector Clouseau mode!!! 🕵️‍♀️👀

It reinforces how IG appears to be constantly “afraid” of upsetting AE… Similar to his responose in the videos of him yelling at the football & upsetting his daughter.

It’s exhausting treading on eggshells all the time with someone you love - I know, I’ve been there! Still am actually, but that’s a whole other rabbit hole!!🐰

I hope he is embracing being with someone he doesn’t have to placate all the time 😊

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So this confirms that Ioan also did the cleaning and the actual parenting (as in, discipline, not only being the children's friend).

The Trump supporter/antivaxx thing... It's just further othering your opponent. If you're not pro her, you are against her, and therefor against everything she champions. Because how could you be reasonable about something but unreasonable about something else? So if you're pro IG, you MUST be pro Trump, eventhough the two have fuck all to do with each other. It's the same mindset that doesn't allow for a person to be pro-BLM but against Biden's actions at the same time, which got her in trouble once.
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In the last thread there were some posters uncomfortable with some of us 'diagnosing' AE, which I totally get, just my two cents worth.
It's not done out of a sense of knowing it all, more that there are a lot of us here who have personal experiences & we can't ignore certain behavioural traits which are intimately recognised. Altho' my experiences, whilst traumatic & scarring, are nowhere near as bad as most of the brave souls here who have shared their stories of survival. ❤

I have personal experience of a Narc, (thankfully relatively short lived) being able to work out who this person was (after the fact) was illuminating. It didn't take away the huge damage/pain caused to me, but it was like finding the missing jigsaw piece. All boxes ticked. As it is with AE. Which is why I personally have no qualms about calling her a Narc. Altho' seeing the quotes from other posters about HPD/ASPD symptoms, AE certainly ticks a lot of boxes there too, but I assume someone is capable of having several PD's? (I don't think she's a psycho or a malignant Narc but IMO she is a Narc.)

I experienced childhood emotional abuse (albeit unlike AE, it wasn't done deliberately) this created a co-dependency & my having to grow up way too fast in a loving but very dysfunctional unhealthy relationship which went on for way more years than I care to divulge. It's why I have such huge sympathy/empathy for the girls & the potential future problems they could face & big E in particular, as I know how very hard it can be to break away but what makes their situation a million times worse than mine is their 'mother' is a Narc who only ever truly cares about herself.

Because of my personal experiences I also have a lot of sympathy/empathy for IG as I know how it feels to keep trying for years, all while being abused, (mine wasn't in a nasty way but it was abuse & took me many years to come to terms with) & I understand about keep hanging in day after day while total despair takes you over, you're emotionally/mentally exhausted, until one day you realise you have nothing left to give, you're running on empty & you are done. When you reach that hellish point a very difficult & painful decision has to be made. You or them? Like me, IG chose to save himself. He had to for his sake & for the girls. I also understand about going NC. Never an easy decision especially with family, but I went NC with my only sibling years ago as I finally realised after too many years of shit & being hurt over & over again that they would never change because they didn't see anything wrong with their behaviour.

So apologies to those who get tired of seeing some of us label AE a Narc. I do totally get why but it's more that having experienced X or Y or Z, it's kind of hard to not speak out! ☮
You put that really well. ❤ I think for most of us calling AE a narc, as you've said, we're not armchair diagnosing trying to be trendy or having read a list of narc traits and trying to fit it to AE. It's a reality we have lived and so much of her behaviour is behaviour we have lived through from narc partners. Obviously none of us can 100% say we know for sure she is a narc, but if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's not likely to be a freaking tiger! ;)
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Could Ioan have seen her attempt of affair with Mith and think to himself Well, what's good for the goose, there's a sexy extra there... Would the timeline fit?
Not excusing Ioan's affair, just wondering if there were escalating betrayels on both sides.
I wouldn't be surprised if she's had affairs, both irl and online, and given him not so subtle clues. Narcs love to keep you on your toes and to remind you how desired they are by everyone, how lucky you are that they chose you, all to keep you working overtime to keep them happy. Also while reserving their right to hook up with whoever they want.
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Mad Betty

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I went to view the Bubba story on Bianca's IG and missed it. She's just posted this instead. Intentional or not, I can't stop laughing. 😂
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Mad Betty

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Oh FFS. IG is finally telling the truth about the inner workings of their marriage and no longer hiding her behavior. She can't handle it. She can't accept the truth. Everything he's saying is a lie because it doesn't align with her perfect wife and mother narrative. I can't imagine therapy will do her an ounce of good when she's so unwilling to see herself through anything other than rose colored glass. She's hopeless.
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Why do they come to the conclusion we are Trump supporters? Politics is rarely mentioned other than to disprove this claim. Dobbers.
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House of Tea

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Can I just ask the other females here (men lean in as well if you want to join in), has any woman in the whole history of photography, ever enjoyed receiving a dick pic? It might be just me but I’d rather see photos of kittens, holidays or someone’s new kitchen.
The men can only lean in if they are wearing dark heavy rimmed glasses, a natty scarf, and giving manic side eye.

In answer to your question, I find all body parts in isolation very odd, whether that’s a nose, an ear or a body part that I am supposed to find attractive. So somebody sending a photo of dick, it is just a flappy appendage to me. Mild bemusement would ensue if I got one, if not outright disgust. Men are very proud of their appendages, they stroke, caress, tug and look at them a lot. So they assume that everybody else share the fascination.
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IG must have a will of freaking steel not to reply to some of AE's more outrageous accusations. I don't think I could have kept so silent in his place. Hopefully he's completely shut her off and is letting his lawyers catalogue her behaviour.

Incels disgust and frighten me. These "men" believe they are entitled to sex and attention from any woman they fancy at any time and irrespective of her personality, desires, relationship status, choices, etc. They honestly think behaving with the bare modicum of decency to a woman means we should throw ourselves at their feet, legs splayed akimbo, begging for their manly attention. A lot of them like to claim they are so gentlemanly and treat women with respect while complaining that women walk all over them. The reality is they don't see women as individuals with minds, personalities and lives of our own, with likes and dislikes, or even as human beings. They think we're here to serve them, though they'd deny that, and they can be frighteningly and dangerously angry at women as a whole for what they see as us cruelly and selfishly withholding our attention and vagina's from them. Some self proclaimed incels have actually killed women because of their anger and hatred of us not just rolling over and giving them sex whenever they want. Clive calling us incels is not only incorrect, Imo it's far more offensive and disrespectful than anything any of us Tattle turds have said about him.

ETA. @Mad Betty I've felt sorry for him before too. He apparently has quite a large family but seems to be on Twitter a lot chasing after blue ticks and almost begging people to follow him. I worried maybe he was lonely in spite of his family, maybe they aren't close, that kind of thing. And he definitely gets a thrill out of interacting with a "celebrity," which while it isn't to my taste isn't a bad thing. But seeing him call us incels has frankly pissed me off a bit.
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Apologies if I’ve not written this post in the right place (I’m new to posting here although have been viewing for a while!)
A couple of months ago, I tweeted Alice some genuine advice, as in don’t post all your private thoughts on twitter as it didn’t bode well - OMG within a few minutes I’d “ruined her evening” and that I was “a nasty and vile person.” She then got her FMs to send nasty tweets - with the rednecked Pfizer being pathetically hysterical. Alice then accoused me of being Ioan’s sister!!
Crikey, there’s no helping Malice, she really is a nasty piece of work and beyond any redemption.
OMG Holy Batman! This shows exactly how she will turn on someone for any perceived criticism which was really just a helpful reminder on your part. See how over the top she went, and hitting below the belt, calling you a "nasty and vile person." The dramatic reply that you ruined her evening, thus by that intentionally unleashing her few FMs on you.

I honestly don't think Bianca knows what she is in for. This will go on for years and years as Bianca interacts with the kids and Alice lashes out on twitter with below-the-belt vicious attacks.

That's the thing. She really is a vile and nasty person, because she attacks people in a split second for any "perceived" slight.
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However I reckon we have a cyclone brewing and i'm not waiting for the BOM to declare it so I'll be spending today getting the place ready in case.
I literally drove through a storm about 2 nights back. I shit you not I pulled the car over cos the kids were screaming and crying as fork lightening hit all around us 🙀. Lasted 10 minutes. Fk me I was on a freeway too.
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Now I don’t speak for anyone else here, but I am 100% not a Trump supporter in any way, shape or form. I also am fully vaxxed and have my masters degree because I’m not a moron, and trust me, I “get it on” plenty, unlike AE’s bunch of sycophants.

This just in, people can be against and critical of AE without being a completely shit person.
Jeez, Ashley/Clive seems to be as sex obsessed as AE! :sick: Interesting how they keep calling us Trump supporters. Almost as if they are kissing Queen AE's butt using one of her favourite insults. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but it's fascinating how much you can see of who her FM's are and what their motivations are by reading between the lines of their tweets.

As for Trump, I don't even live in America but I got to the point where I had to mute the sound or walk out of the room when he was on the TV, otherwise I'd have thrown said TV out the window! Like AE, any exposure to him at all gives me the ick. (Such a lovely descriptive phrase that "ick" is!)
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Chatty Member
OMG Holy Batman! This shows exactly how she will turn on someone for any perceived criticism which was really just a helpful reminder on your part. See how over the top she went, and hitting below the belt, calling you a "nasty and vile person." The dramatic reply that you ruined her evening, thus by that intentionally unleashing her few FMs on you.
My new theory after having been here almost a week (lol) interacting with you as real people is that I think there may be a small portion of posters here who started out as trying to support Alice, but it's just not possible. She won't let anyone deviate from the main narrative, so they've come here to have open discussions. I know I was more on the fence about it all before, but was very uncomfortable with the vile stuff on her TL at the same time. And I started noticing a pattern a while ago over there on Twitter. I hated the affair part and had empathy there, but when she started using the kids as pawns and manipulating them that was it for me.

No matter what you do, you don't let the kids know any of the messy parts. You tell them the truth, that their father loves them very, very much and wants to see them. That it isn't his intention to hurt them. That sometimes adults can't work things out, but that everything will be okay, but they are loved. You encourage visits. You put on a happy face. You give them that safety net no matter what. And she has not done that. She has done the opposite. And it's inexcusable.
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It’s getting really pathetic now. We know you visit here Alice. You may have a degree and speak a few languages but you have no common sense and lack awareness so much it’s painful.
For a 53 year old woman to act this way is telling me this is the first time someone has said NO to you. You are stuck at 14 years old as another poster pointed out.
When has Trump ever been mentioned on these threads eh only when you have tweeted some shit.
You have no friends except for the few on Twitter. What a sad life.
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House of Tea

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All this tweeting and DMing she does, it is so juvenile, like something a teenager would do.

I wax and wane about IG - purely because of the middle aged guy who has dumped his Mrs for a younger woman trope. But BW may be younger in years but she is light years away from AE in maturity. If he was reading all that shite on Twitter, no wonder he checked out. Massive Icks right there.
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