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Chatty Member
Personally I don’t see why anyone would try and engage with Alice on Twitter. What are you gaining really. We all know she accepts no responsibility for anything. Does anyone really think someone messaging her on Twitter will change her mind. The rules of Tattle are very easy. Post your thoughts here rather than on the person’s social media. How is that hard to grasp. Some people just want to be part of the drama and poke their noses in.
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Arctic Ocean

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Good lord, had I known the kind of catch-up I’d return to, I would have cancelled real life over the weekend – although Mr Arctic Ocean might have hopped on a plane and slapped AE twice across the face if our wedding anniversary dinner had been axed because of her. 😁 I just spent the first three hours of my workday reading through everything (and I will definitely go slap AE if I lose my job over this unhealthy addiction to her drama 😵). There have been so many astute (and funny!) comments that, once again, have been such a pleasure to read!

One thing that stuck out to me was AE claiming that she is ‘strong as an ox’. Bull-effing-shit!

Strength is giving your girls a safe haven, no matter how shitty and torn you feel inside.
Strength is reassuring them that their dad still loves them both and always will, no matter how much you detest him, no matter that he stopped loving you long ago.
Strength is allowing yourself time to mourn, to cry, to be angry – and then to drag yourself out of the self-pity swamp and create a new, fulfilling life without him. He ain’t comin’ back, hun!
Strength is to acknowledge that you’re afraid of the future, but to still get up every morning and face it, one day at a time.

Strength is not poisoning the minds and hearts of two girls against a father who loves them, traumatising them for the rest of their lives (and yes, you are doing that!).
Strength is not getting comfy in the aforementioned self-pity swamp for years to come.
Strength is not lashing out at everyone and their dog (see what I did there? 😁) because you don’t have the mental and emotional capacity to cope with your pain.
Strength is not throwing pubescent tantrums on SM every other day, thus setting the worst possible example for your daughters (and no, it’s nothing to do with women being silenced – it’s to do with pride and self-respect).

If I may quote Lao-Tzu in this context: “Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.”

Alice, you’re not even strong. Let alone powerful.

P.S. I’m normally more into much taller dogs, but Bubba Bear just made my heart melt. And I think his joy at being reunited with BW speaks volumes. :giggle:
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Chatty Member
I hate things like this.

It doesn’t make you clever.
It doesn’t make you feminist.
It doesn’t make you modern.

I don’t blindly support the actions of women as if we are beyond reproach

I support the good, well meaning actions of decent people
Urgh. I haaaaaate this 'women support women' crap. Usually said by people hawking pyramid scheme goods.

It's insulting to suggest that women should blindly support anyone purely based on their sex. We are not a homogenous lump.
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When my friends are experiencing grief and feel another bout coming on, I do this thing I call the "Grieving Hour," where I encourage them to briefly estimate how much time they think they'll need to confront their grief. Not 3 hours, but not 2 minutes. Something realistic, something reasonable and generous but won't steal too much of their time. It's almost never an actual hour, I just like to call it that!

And then I ask them to take out their phones and set a timer for that amount of time, usually around 15 mins to a half-hour is good. And then I tell them, "After this timer goes off, you have to dust yourself off and go do whatever you should be doing today," like reading a book or finishing homework or going to class or starting housework or cooking a tasty lunch or watching TV.

Like, you can be upset, but you have to be somewhat alright enough to function after you have that time to be upset. You don't have to feel great when that timer goes off, but you have to be functioning. And it sounds odd but I do this because there has to be a balance between confronting pain and letting it go for a bit.

On the one hand:
We should always feel the hurt we feel, because toxic positivity is real!! There's supplementing your grief with optimism...but then there's overwriting it with optimism. That's what's toxic, because you're stifling difficult or complex emotions that demand and require acknowledgment. If you overwrite that grief with optimism, it's going to return even more aggressively than before. So, we should never ignore our pain.

BUUUUUUUUT on the other hand:
If we just let ourselves hurt for however long we want to at a time, it incapacitates us. We can't do anything else but harp on it. We can't do our daily work, we can't be even close to happy, we can't socialize, we can't eat well, we can't sleep the way we should, we can't work out or take a walk around the neighborhood, whatever. You can benefit a LOT from experiencing grief in fixed time frames so you don't render yourself inoperative for anything else.

And Alice seems to be allowing herself too much damn time to just be sad. A lot of us have felt she's emotionally neglecting her girls, or even using them as therapists (?!), she's even squawking on social media to disparage people who have moved on without her. (Not saying that ANY of these things you should be saving for your "Grieving Hour.") They just seem to be the result of her not mindfully monitoring her pain.

Anyway that was a lot, I'm sorry, but if anyone wishes to try this tactic, go for it. It'll feel weird and hard to limit your grief at first but it works pretty nicely the more you try it. PS, don't look at your timer until it goes off. Doing so will distract you from confronting your grief.
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What👏🏼 Did👏🏼 He👏🏼 See👏🏼 In👏🏼 Her👏🏼 ???

I couldn't watch the whole video because my secondhand embarrassment became firsthand embarrassment.
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VIP Member
Hey, you know what's Bubba Bear doing when he's left out of his box?
He's barking (happily).
You know why he's able to bark?
Because he doesn't have a fucking bark collar.



Yeah, but she's no Baby Angel.
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Mad Betty

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Alice, you don't know Bianca and you've made a fucking career out of hating her and spreading lies about her.

You silly fruit bat.

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VIP Member
Yes, I never understood the suspicion of BW on here. It was people who fell for AE's narrative. I think that this could be a way (slowly slowly) for the girls to see that BW is not the monster AE painted her as. They will look at BW's insta (I have no doubt of this, especially Ella will) and they will see she loves her dog like they love Emma. This might be the best way for them to realise they were lied to. It won't happen fast but it's something positive from SM. Then they will contrast BW's videos with the weird shit their mom puts out. I live in hope. I bet OP is loving at her feed going WTF!?
I dont think that anyone here is opposing the kids seeing Bianca because they think that she is the monster Alice portrays.

There are other issues though
1.) they are under the impression that this is the woman that killed off their happy family life
2.) they were (apparently) under the impression until not too long ago that their family can be rescued
3.) they havent seen their father in months, you just dont want to split the time with a stranger, generally, but especially not after so much time apart
4.) Bianca and Ioan only recently moved together, possibly havent been dating for too long (I doubttt), it's very strongly recommended to wait with introducing the kids until you are very certain

Personally I think the best solution is if the kids spend time with him alone (even if it's just a few hours per day), talk things through, and after Christmas or something slowly get introduced to his girlfriend. Meeting her immediately with him is I think the point many disagree with, but we have no clue if that's what he actually wants.
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Good morning, Turd Herd. 🥲 Long post, ignore if it's takin' up space, haha.

🌟First off, thank you for saying nice things about my obnoxiously loud sequins and glitter fashions last night, I got REAL SELF-CONSCIOUS like 2 minutes after I posted them lmao. To answer mental curiosities and possibly disgust, haha, I LOVE sparkly things. I like to have like one really wacky or colorful or textured garment to wear with pretty average clothing so it's like...balanced? Our Alice does not seem keen on a single statement piece. More power to her, except for the fact that when she acts like a dick she is giving me full reign to slam her about it. 🤣

🌟Anyway, I was making coffee an hour ago and I thought about IG's extremely uncomfortable marriage proposal story that we've all talked about in here and it made me sad. Sometimes when I think about things that are meaningful enough to return to my head later on, I analyze some finer details and just kind of flesh out why they make me feel the way I do.

On that talk show, he tried to make a joke out of AE drunkenly losing her damn mind on him in the hotel after she thought he was attempting to make her drink the ice in her glass, and he (wholeheartedly laughingly, mind you) said that he was following her from room to room begging for forgiveness: "Baby angel, baby angel, please...!" And he was smiling throughout that whole awkward story but it made me really unhappy.

Like, pause for a sec: could you imagine the stress of:

1. Flying a ring out of the country in preparation for an engagement that you possibly might not have been ready to make;

2. Watching your drunk lady swish her glass of margarita and ice cubes (containing the ring) over a balcony;

3. Watching her mood gradually plummet because you're supposedly not acting lively enough for her taste/the festivities;

4. Having to chase her around a hotel room for the smallest "infraction," pleading with her not to sleep on the sofa, pleading with her to come spend time with you, pleading with her to not be angry and even dishing out a pet name to try and calm her down, all while piss-drunk and probably blaming yourself for maybe not having executed your plan well enough, and so feeling bad about that;

5. And ALL of that on top of the stress of knowing that this shit she was stirring over literally nothing could have cost you her hand in marriage, God forbid she woke up the next morning and you proposed properly but she wound up blaming you for ruining the night and called everything off.

Like imagine that. And he laughed this off? I really wonder how much Ioan suppresses. How much emotion and pain he's swallowed again and again when he had every right to spit it out at her, and I hope his therapist is treating him like a golden child.

People have said that Alice's reaction that night should have been a glaring red flag, and my contribution is that it absolutely was...just not to him.

The people we make homes out of are hardly the very things we'd expect to catch fire, if that makes any sense at all. It's so easy to forego your mental indicators of trouble ahead when you're steeped in 7 years of romance with an animated, dynamic woman who has proven to not be so comforting, sure...and maybe she gets snappy, sure...and maybe she likes to hold the reins in the relationship, sure...but due to your personal upbringing and life experiences at that point in your life you might not have developed the logical equipment to discern when you're being manipulated or overpowered.

I don't mean to speak for all of us but I wouldn't be surprised if a good handful of this fam wished we could have knocked on his hotel door in the midst of that "romantic" nightmare of an evening and just been like, "Her outburst better keep you far from that alter, mate, it's not worth it."
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Also can I just say that if she decides to attack you after you say something on SM, it can be pretty fucking scary. Months ago (long before I joined here) I commented on her Instagram. I didn't even say anything that bad but she fucking went for me in multiple comments and then blocked me (thank goodness). I wouldn't want anyone to be on the receiving end of that or anything worse, because let's be honest neither she or her 8 loyal fans are really very stable and there's no predicting what they might do. Err on the side of caution and stay on Tattle where it's safe!!
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I’ve had one of the FM’s screenshotting my stuff and posting it on Twitter including some bizarre attempt at some threats.
I purposely didn’t post them in here because they were also going after another user who had been upset by this same person previously.
As much as the conversation should be about AE & IG there are lots of people involving themselves on here and Twitter.
I agree the children come first, this isn’t real life for me, there isn’t a link to any of my other social media. I’ve possibly overshared a bit about my personal situation that I thought might be relevant.I have never commented or liked any of the major players stuff via Twitter but somehow my posts have been involved on there.
I think everyone should keep in mind that there are many, many more people reading here than commenting. You have no idea who is reading what you say here, it's a public forum and you don't even need an account to view it. I'm not saying people shouldn't share personal stories; just take care, for your own sakes.
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Chatty Member
Sorry I piped up about other users.

To be honest, the tide seems to be turning again and there is so much chat about people who aren’t IG or AE, but also praising people for their posts on Twitter who’ve seen their arse when asked not to contact people on Twitter by Tattle. I understand some see this as entertainment but prodding the bear on Twitter just to have something to post on this thread is absolutely no better than those who are praising Alice for her bad behaviour. A one person crusade to get Alice to realise she’s wrong is absolutely pointless, and is seemingly emotionally taxing for the user - therefore I don’t think it’s right anybody here is posting tweets or throwing support behind it. As I’ve said previously, fuelling Alice’s outbursts is only impacting innocent parties i.e the kids.
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Well things were relatively quiet when I was on here about 8 hours ago but not surprised to see she's kicked off again tbh. She was always going to react badly to Bianca and Ioan's video.

I mean how dare they pay no attention to her endless harassment, how dare they be normal and happy
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
.. and the "palate cleanser" is not the only innuendo at little E & IG's relationship She really doesn't like IG's mini me
View attachment 923033View attachment 923040
That post of hers makes me feel very uncomfortable. She is sexualising a father daughter relationship. What kind of person would even think those things let alone say or write them.

She really shows the world the inner workings of her mind in her posts and it isn’t
pleasant to see.
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insta user: "hey ur feelings are legitimate but ur means of expressing them are super concerning and their public nature is both harmful to u and also damaging to ur kids pls reconsider how u channel ur grief for ur children's sake"

alice: "excuse me u do realize my kids can see ur post pls don't damage them thnx"
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View attachment 921938
No other explanation, obviously
This is about the "smear campaign", I think?

I must hand it to Ioan, he hasn't said jack shit yet and we all think Alice is the worst of the worst. That's some next level top secret smear campaign. Maybe it's subliminal! Do you guys think it possible that every 68th frame in that Harrow episode he directed is a picture that says "Alice no Angel, she baddie"? I mean, it would explain why he took up directing now. If I were Alice, I'd look into it.
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