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Click on my name and then “about”, Google docs link to the full 113 pages
Bless you, I'm not being cheeky saying this but thank you for doing that, I wouldn't know where to start, I've been on the court website and paid a pound/dollar just to do a search, the case came up & I was going to pay, but for some reason I can't get to the 100 odd pages. Probably me being daft, combined with an old phone.
But thank you, and thank you to everyone who has paid and typed their fingers to the bone so we can all read all the information. XxXx
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Also I think someone else touched on it but she has been stalking them imo. She says she doesn’t know where they live or what car they drive. Doesn’t know what BW looks like in a line up. All of this is lies btw. This was before she knew what the accusations were. So she is trying to cover up that offence incase they knew about it.
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So not many only was this a public harassment campaign but also private harassment too. And black mailing.
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Clever clever Yo has property with tenants. Family who will look after the places for him??
Well done. I’m going for the handclaps 👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🥰
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Chatty Member
The DV is related to since he left her , no mention of physical violence but she has threatened to ruin him and his career.

He spoke to Ella on the phone about the private school it's true she won't be attending anymore due to his money worries. Ella then accused him of spending the money on BW and financing her movie (obviously AE has told her this ) then the Instagram hack happened , Ella is obviously very upset. Then AE started sending threatening messages on wizard and other platforms saying BW had IG by the nuts by her veeneer teeth. She also started sending threatening messages to IGs mama about the private school thing.

It's very long to read but I'm getting through 😂
Poor Mama Gruff. She really does not deserve this. Did that nut case really think that he would never retaliate no matter how bad things got?
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What did she put (to take down 🤦🏻‍♀️) ?
I know I’m being lazy lol ❤✌🏼

Dread to think how many sharp ones have been sunk by now. Her lawyer likely texted her, ‘take that Instagram post down Ms Evans, you simply cannot say that your spouse planned to besmirch your reputation’ (bet she got that word off Loopy)
And she’s still claiming that she was a happily married woman and the family (us) was abandoned for a younger model 🤦‍♀️ Gotta keep feeding the fiction to the fans (what’s left of ‘em)
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She's trying to make out the "I'm a great father" post was done by IG ??? Wtf? Why would she do this? Maybe she posted this comment not Ella?
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Summary of Ioan's request for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order - part 5:
(disclaimer: I am only summarizing what this document states, and I have no knowledge as to its veracity.)

These are more excerpts from the Exhibits attached to Ioan's declaration.

Email from Alice to Ioan's mother, February 9, 2022:

"We have not long now in order to get out of the house. We're not sure where to go - maybe a shelter for women. Gloria has been fired. Ioan will not speak to me, but he spoke to Ella today and said that all of this was necessary because Bianca needs the money in order to become a star...If you can't see he's lost his mind then you won't mind that we're all going to be sent out into the cold to die. Perhaps you and Pete won't mind."

April 10, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: "By the way, I am about to put [Ioan's lawyer]'s letter on Instagram for all to see. It is all set up, I just feel I should run it by you like a journalist does in case you would like to add something. (Hi [Ioan's lawyer]! I know he's such a pussy he will send this directly to youth (sic) the hope that you can smash that naughty Alice."

April 10, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: " don't have an iota of empathy, do you? My therapist told me this after one session only. So what this means is that you have never ever loved anybody except yourself (or somebody who made you look better)."

April 10, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: "Oh, and I learned this today: you won't ever be considered for an award from the queen. You've committed the no-no of all crimes - leaving your family. One of my therapists said to me today "I cannot believe he chose his MOTHER, over the most incredible woman I have ever met, AND his children" (he is gay) I said I know. It goes very deep."

April 17, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: "[Ella's private school] is AMAZING! I just totally had an out of body experience with the girls...I will do WHATEVER IT TAKES to have them both schooled there. I will literally wash toilets! I had such a terrible school and it did so much harm to many people around me like Tone and other friends..."

April 17, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: "You walked out on your family. There is no way to sugar-coat it. It doesn't matter what I ostensibly 'did' in your mind, how hurt your Mother supposedly is, what I apparently wrote in an email to [Ioan's sister]. IT DOESN'T MATTER...And by the way it doesn't matter what is really going on in the relationship, for god's sake. It's about appearances. Jesus Christ think of Cary grant (sic) and Rock Hudson. Why on EARTH do you think Tom Cruise and John Travolta went to such extents?"

April 17, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: "I'm increasingly angry that you have sabotaged your career. Insanely angry. I GAVE UP my career for this. And you throw it away because you feel a stronger connection to [Ioan's Mom] and [Ioan's Dad] than you do to your own brethren? It's just so confusing. You can see what they've done to [Ioan's brother] and [Ioan's sister]. You KNOW your Mum is a mental case. Why on earth do you want to give up everything we've established for the sake of somebody who doesn't even love you?"

April 17, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: [Ella and Elsie] don't want to see you tomorrow. They say you are a drag. (You are. You are the most depressing person I have ever married) Once again I have told them I have to hand them over. But they have so much more fun with me. They were both saying that the shenanigans that happened today on our trip to [Ella's private school] would never have happened with you because you would have been silent and 'concentrating on your driving'...To draw a conclusion, you are JUST like your Mum. Instead of EARNING your place as the fun parent, learning ways to make people attracted to you, learnt to converse, understand the social fucking contract etc are like [Ioan's Mom]. You EXPECT everything because 'it is my right.' You have no rights. Nobody does in relationships."

April 17, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: "I heard you so many times on the phone the other night saying 'this is my time!' DUDE - have you ever thought how that sounds to a kid?"

May 3, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: "So - just FYI - I have left word for Rosalie about putting the house on the market. It's not really a good time to sell, but we have to. It's either the divorce or the house...My 100k from England has been put into a separate account. I will use it to pay for Gloria and the school for one year...I am starting discussions with Bravo and others about reality tv...Last thing. My lawyer said that when one party doesn't want to speak to the other it is because they are fearful that the other person wants to engage in order to get back together. Cogs - I wouldn't get back together with you if they paid me a million dollars...Please be better. There is absolutely NO CHANCE of us reuniting."

May 3, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: "But hey - I have to laugh. You took on the most fearless woman in the world. Did you think your hot-shot lawyers would help you beat me? Ha ha ha! Not in a million years! Ha ha ha ha. I will never give up fighting. I love my kidsd and have proved it. Every single night in 12 years I have woken up at 4 am and checked her/their breathing."

May 3, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: "I just feel angry at the moment because I feel that at 52, looking the way I do and with my smarts, I have the capacity to fall in love with a really clever guy who will match me intellectually. But I'm not allowed Twitter or Instagram, and we're in a pandemic. So I can't move on. Hard for me to think that wasn't deliberate."

May 15, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: "I mean, basically you have failed everybody. Haven't you. Have you told [Ioan's Mom] and [Ioan's Dad] that you have bankrupted yourself? I think somebody should. I will do it now."

May 16, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: "Send this to the Queefster [Ioan's lawyer] if you want. I would like you to pay me back for every single letter to a lawyer you have sent where you could have simply spoken to me instead."

May 16, 2021, Ioan text to Alice: "Respectfully, please stop making plans for the children during my time to have custody. It causes confusion and upset for them. Thank you."

May 16, 2021, Alice text to Ioan in response to the above text: "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA You're the only one upsetting the children. I think you are in need of dire psychiatric help. We all do. It's frightening for all of us. We just want you to go away and let us get on with our lives. ONE YEAR now you've been desperately trying to disrupt my beautiful family. You WILL NOT make them crazy like you. Not if it takes every last breath I have in my body."

May 23, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: "Please stop saying 'thank you'. Ella tells me you are harsh and abusive to her when she doesn't say it. And here you are using it in a putridly condescending manner to indicate superiority. You are not superior to me in any shape or form. Thanks to me, your career lasted as long as it did even though you never lifted a finger to help yourself."

May 23, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: "If you throw me out of the house, I will call all the tabloids in the UK. There is NO going back now though. I just think you should know what you've gotten yourself into. You think you have a bad reputation now? Lol! You think once it's over I will stop talking??? I am going to dedicate the rest of my life to spreading awareness of what you have done...By the way - ALL these texts are caused by your decision to undertake this divorce with animosity and without speaking to me."

June 26, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: "So I'm about to give a kidney to my brother."

July 3, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: "I have wanted to take your Mam to court for at least 10 years. Everybody stopped me. They said I would lose you. Well. Now I HAVE lost you! So I really need to publicize the vicious, verbal and physical attacks that I have taken from your mother. (Yes physical) I have at least 20 from the wedding who have signed forms...PS: TWO of my signees are from your extended group! Quick! Call Mummy and Daddy like you did when I tweeted! Cry to them! Be the opposite of a man!"

July 8, 2021, Alice text to Ioan: "You should turn around now and say you are sorry. To all of us. Then you should get out of that ridiculous mid-town apartment and find one in the valley. Then we should look into converting the garage so that you can stay there."

More to come.
An award (assume she means honours) off the queen 🤦🏻‍♀️ Yey cause she can influence royal decisions now .. she’s MENTAL .. and giving a kidney to her ‘brother ‘ ffs if true it would be the size of a raisin abs be absolutely of no use 💆🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
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She also says she has £100,000 in the UK that she is prepared to use for Gloria and one year of private school for Ella; this was before Gloria was let go. And we were correct about the private school. She says she wanted both girls to go there because it is so much better than what she and Tone experienced. And he did have the girls overnight, from the sound of it. Though she criticized everything he did. The drinking water in the apartment. And claimed Ella’s hair was like straw after showering there and he couldn’t send her back “like that.”
I guess we finally know how much she has in her baptismal/first communion/childhood savings fund
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So she used Ellas email account to harass Ioans mother and call her an “evil bitch” 😱

the kids where so worried about her slipping in the shower they called the police and paramedics in September?

Good God those poor girls
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Text, May 23, 2021, Alice to Ioan: " you want me to write to [Ioan's brother] to break the news that he has to sell his flat? I don't mind doing it - but I will tell the truth. ALL our assets have to be on the table, Coglet. But yours mostly, because you're the one who wants to go to court...Do you have anything to do with [Ioan's sister]'s flat too? If so she needs to be made aware that she'll be homeless because of your narcissism."

her including such a vile, threatening message while calling him Coglet (that was their nickname for each other besides Angel, hence the Cog username) is almost hilarious
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Loopy is too bloody late to the party!! Alice has already filed her response (without reading Yo’s petition), which has been stamped by her official lawyer, & she’s outright perjured herself. Several times in fact!!!

she couldn’t pick Bianca out of a line up - Yo’s submitted screenshots of her post’s criticising 🐝’s appearance… GAME OVER!!!
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Mad Betty

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I don't blame a foolish man for wanting to help a woman he sees as a damsel in distress. I do blame a foolish man for refusing to accept that he might be on the wrong side of this and he got weaponized by a covert narc.
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also I like that she calls all articles written about her lies BW spread, it's all from her IG lmao
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